Got7 reaction – their GF’s nipple piercings


I don’t think he’d find it all that strange. He’d forget about it when you have your top on and typically when you take your top off he can have a little fun with them 😉

Yes. Daddy. He loves everything about them. The best part of his day is coming home and getting his mouth on your piercings. Anytime he sees or feels them, he’d have to whisk you away to somewhere private.

He would be shocked but in a good way. Without a doubt, he would want to see them immediately after you tell him you got your nipples pierced. It would intrigue him at first. He wouldn’t have much of an opinion, but later, he’d come to like them… maybe a little too much.

He would need some convincing. He is very protective of you and doesn’t want anyone seeing what’s for his eyes only. Over time, he’d find the benefits of your piercings.

this baby otter wouldn’t be able to imagine the level of pain you much have been in. Even while being intimate, he would be very careful with your breasts until he gets more comfortable with it.

This little rascal would be hella confused for a bit, but soon enough, he’d want to touch them. Even when you’re just chilling on the couch, he’d remember your piercings and poke at them when he’s bored.

Mr. Bra-thief would literally take your bras. He would give you a few too many hugs as well. He likes the way they feel honestly. He’d get all giggly and cute when he feels your breast pressed against him.

🍒 thirsty tuesdays 9/18 reading list 🍒


[ this is a thing where i show y’all what i’ve been reading this past week]

P R E V I O U S  L I S T S >> 8/30 >> 8/16 >> 8/09 >> 7/31 >> 7/24 >> 7/04>> 6/28 >> 6/21



EXO reaction (?) – C*m face


Our soft kitten boy. He would be fairly silent up until his climax. His mouth would fall open and his soft grunts would spill out. His head would come back to kiss and gently nibble on your neck. He would love the way your fingers comb and tug on his hair while you cum.


Get ready for rough-daddy Suho. He would bear down with all his strength to keep his thrusts in sync while he cums. He wants his baby satisfied. Walking after sex would be out of the question with those wobbly legs.


Long breathy moans would fall out of his mouth. I’d imagine his strokes would go from slow and smooth to quick and harsh. A thin layer of sweat would form around his forehead and neck, making the little veins glisten.


Very vocal. He’d try to suppress it the first few times, but let’s be honest, guy moans are wildly hot. He is definitely a biter (Sehun can vouge for that). He’d nibble your neck and shoulder when he finishes deep inside you.


I envision him to very handsy and breathy with his moans. He is certainly a romantic. He’d be whispering sweet nothings between his moans, praising you, worshiping your body, kissing you. You would be his pampered princess.


… WHere to begin with my ultimate bias… His growls in your ear would be enough to climax in 0.2 seconds. His lazy kisses on your jaw and neck, a few nibbles to mark his territory. Best of all, his big strong arms would flex with every rough thrust.


His eyes would be squeezed shut, his moans would be very faint and low. He’d most likely bite his lip to keep from letting his mouth hang open as well.


His dancer hips would have him at an advantage. His long, deep thought would remain in sync while he cums inside you. I have a feeling he would be fairly vocal with his moans, making it known that you feel amazing around him.


This one is a tough call. I don’t think he would make very much noise but he’s a definite lip biter. He’d nuzzle his head into your neck and let out a few small whimpers. Lots of post-sex kisses!


Chanyeol scenario – Boss’s orders


requested by anon

A/N: this was supposed to be a oneshot (smut story under 700 words) but Chanyeol is my ult. bias and I was triggered

Genre: smut, angst

Summary: Although your relationship with your boss, Chanyeol is a secret, he won’t hesitate to punish you in the middle of the workday.

“Hey, Y/n!” One of my coworkers said, coming up to me with a smile.

“Oh, hey Kevin,” I replied. He sat on the edge of my desk and continued, “A bunch of us were gonna go out for ‘happy hour’ and kick off the weekend if you wanna join?”

“I can’t. Mr.Park has a retreat next week and he needs me to stay late with him.” I explained.

“Are you sure?  Half price drinks; I’ll even buy the first round.” He added.

I just shrugged my shoulders and declined. “Maybe another time, Kev.”

“Okay. Well, are you busy for the rest of the weekend?” He asked.

“Well…” I tried to think up an excuse, but a husky voice came to the rescue.

“Y/n! Come in here please.” Mr.Park called.

I stood up and Kevin made himself scarce. I turned to walk into his office and he gestured for me to close the door.

“You called for m-”

“What is Kevin doing?” He interrupted, not even bothering to look up from his computer.

“Oh, um… Nothing. He was just fooling around.” I tried to be as honest as possible without making him jealous. My plan quickly backfired when, in a single blink, he switched his focus from his work to me.

“Nothing?” He asked with an unconvinced glare.

“Chanyeol,” I warned.

He stood up from his desk, walked up to me and placed his hands on my hips. “It sounded to me like he wanted what’s mine.”  He leaned toward my ear, kissing the soft spot just below the lobe. His hot breath was enough to make me soak through my panties. I let out a soft moan and he pinched the side of my ass. “Shhh, princess. It’s not the end of the day yet. Which reminds me.”

Chanyeol pulled away from me, walked back to his desk and left me in awe. I just stood there motionless, taking in what just happened. He logged back into his computer and returned to what he was working on.

“You’re just gonna leave me like this?”

“Frustrating. Isn’t it?” He said, again not making eye contact.

I turned my heal and walked out of his office. The second I sat down I could feel my clit throbbing. I pressed my thighs together and bit my lip. There is no way I’ll get anything done like this. I was checking the clock every five minutes until finally, the work day was over. Everyone packed up their things and headed for the door. Kevin strode past my desk sending me a wink and left.

As soon as everyone was out the door. I stood up, took a look around and went right back into Chanyeol’s office. He was in the exact position that I left him in, staring at his screen with no emotion. He didn’t even notice me. I strolled around his desk, came up behind him and rested my hands on his shoulders.

“What are you doing?” He asked, eyes locked on his work.

“It’s after hours.” I kissed his temple, running my hands down his firm chest. “I think you owe me an apology by the way.”

“And why is that?” He said, typing somethng onto a document.

That’s it. I pulled his chair away from the desk, spinning him around to look at me. I straddled his hips causing my work skirt to start rolling up. His eyes went straight to my barely covered panties and his smirk started growing.

“First of all, my eyes are up here.” I lifted his chin, forcing him to actually look at me. “Secondly, leaving me all hot and bothered isn’t very nice.”

His hands stroked up and down my sides, untucking my shirt. “It’s not very nice to lead someone on either.”

“Who did I lead on?”

“I heard you talking to Kevin, Y/n. You never actually said the word no. You just… skirted around the issue and let him think he had a chance.” His hands moved to my thighs, raising the hem of my skirt even higher, uncovering my ass.

“Baby, if I told him I had a boyfriend, he’d want to know who and I’d have to lie, and you of all people know I’m a bad liar.” I locked my arms around his shoulders, combing through the little hairs on the back of his head.

“Hmm~” He hummed, relaxing into my touch. His eyes fluttered shut, he relaxed his lips and he tilted his head back.

I took the opportunity to give him a few little kisses on his neck, working my way up to his plush pink lips. His hold on my hips tightened, bringing me in as close as he could. Our chests pressed together, making him moan. I lifted my head up, brushing our noses together before I crashed my lips into his.

My hand held the back of his head, moving it to the side to deepen the kiss. He slipped his hands under my top, unhooking my bra. I finished the job for him and pulled my shirt and bra off, tossing it aside and returning to his lips. His hands came around to my front, cupping my breasts. He looked down at them, breaking the kiss and wrapping his lips around my nipple, sucking gently.

Leaning back, I gave him full access to my chest while my fingers played in his soft hair. He lifted me up, holding me against him until he placed me on his desk. He knocked the paperwork and picture frames out of the way and had me lay flat on my back. I watched as he undid his pants, freeing his rock hard erection. I opened my legs wider, readying myself for him.

He hovered above me, pausing when he remembered my panties were still in the way. With one movement, he ripped them off of me, tearing the lace.

“Hey! That was my favorite set you just ruined.” I scolded.

He gave me a devilish smirk in return and said, “I bought you those, I can buy you  new ones.”

He lined himself up at my entrance and before I could get a word out, he thrusted his entire length into me eagerly. I gasped, arching my back. My nails dug into his biceps as he moved in and out of me roughly.

“just like that, babygirl. Take it.” His chest rose and fell with each short breath. “This is what you wanted all day? To come into my office, have me lay you down and pound into you till you scream!”

“Chanyeol! Oh god!” I clenched around him, making my walls even tighter as I approached my orgasm. “I’m so close.”

Chanyeol lifted my legs a little higher, finding the perfect angle, slapping our hips together. My mouth fell open and I came undone. Shivers rushed up my spine when I heard Chanyeol growl and groan through his climax.

I relaxed onto his desk, coming back down from a stimulating high. As soon as we caught our breath Chanyeol stood up, stuffing his soft member into his pants and zipping them up. He looked down at my half-naked body with a smirk and gave me a hand, lifting me off the desk. I straightened my skirt and put my bra and shirt back on. When went to pick up my torn panties Chanyeol intercepted me, taking them for himself and putting them in his pocket.

“Stay with me tonight.” He requested while pulling me into his strong arms. “You and I have a few more… matters to tend to.”


Jungkook scenario – Friends to lovers


Requested by anon

Featuring Yugyeom of GOT7 (#97 liners!)

Genre:high school!au, romance, fluff, and a pinch of angst

Summary: A lot of things can change during your senior year of high school. There are a lot of great moments that come to an end, but for you and Jungkook, it’s just the beginning.

New year, new grade, same people. But going into my senior year was actually something I was excited for. Over the summer, things changed for me in my personal life, great things. My best friend, Jungkook and I practically spent the entire vacation together. We stayed up late, hung out at each other’s houses, and went on random road trips for the fun of it.

Usually, we would spend the summer apart for camp or family holidays but this time it was different. The last week before school started was amazing! He picked me up for what I thought was a movie night, but we ended up at the lake. We snuck in after park hours and went swimming under the stars. We’ve never been closer.

I got up this morning, chose my first-day outfit and headed to the kitchen. I hesitated when I saw a full breakfast on the table waiting for me.

“Mom, what’s all this?” I asked

“It’s your first day of senior year. I had to make you something special. No cereal today.” She pulled out my chair for me and I happily sat down. “So, are you excited to see your boyfriend at school?”

“What boyfriend?” How random. I had no idea who she was talking about.

“Jungkook of course. You don’t have to keep it a secret. I’d always been rooting for you two.”

“No no no. There is no ‘us two’. We’re still just friends.”

My mom paused and raised an eyebrow at me. “Honey, friends don’t look at friends the way you look at each other. A blind person can see it.”

“It’s true. We’re just friends.”

“Alright. Well, finish your food. Your friend will be here soon to take you to school… Like a gentleman…” She said mumbling the last part. I instantly got annoyed and ate quickly. 

Soon enough, I heard Junkook’s car honking and jumped up from my seat. I grabbed my backpack, rushing past my dad and waving goodbye. “Bye! Love you!” I walked out the door, smiling the moment I saw Jungkook pressing both hands on the horn.

“Let’s gooooo!!!!” He hollered.

I hopped into the passenger seat and slapped his arm. He giggled a me and  pulled out of the driveway, cruising down the street.

“I can’t believe we’re seniors,” I said.

“I honestly wish summer would have lasted a little longer.” He replied. I instantly flashed back to what my mom said. Jungkook turned to look at me. “What is it?”

“Huh?” I asked snapping out of my thoughts.

“You got all quiet.”

“Oh. I was just thinking.” I only gave half the truth, fearing the worst. He just changed the subject and went on about the classes he was taking for the first semester.

“What about you? Hopefully, we’re in the same classes.”

I tuned back into the conversation late and just said, “which one?”

“You tell me. What’s your schedule?”

“Oh, I have to check again.” I pulled out my phone, looking at the list of classes. “First period… Science.”

“Same! Thank god. We have to make sure we choose lockers next to each other though.”

“Sure, Kookie,” I said with a laugh. My mom’s comment kept coming back. I couldn’t take it anymore, I just had to hear it from him. “Oh! My mom said something crazy.”

“Again?” He said jokingly.

“She thought you and me were, like, a thing.”

“What? How?"The goofy look of confusion was all the confirmation I needed.

"Because we’ve been hanging out so much. She just doesn’t get it.” We both laughed it off and pulled up to the school.

We took a deep breath and looked at each other. Something happened. His ordinary brown eyes had a sparkle in them that made my heart race. The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile and I did the same out of habit.

“Ready for this?” He asked.

“…Yeah.” What is wrong with me? I seriously wanted to kiss him. His bright pink lips were calling for me, but now what? He clearly doesn’t see me that way.

We walked through the front doors and Jungkook and I parted ways for homeroom, but as always, we just pulled out our phones and texted back and forth.

“Welcome back everyone! You’re officially seniors!” My teacher’s perkiness was already getting to me. “Here are the printouts for your schedules. The front office will be open for walk-ins if you need to make adjustments.”

I took a picture of my schedule and sent it to Jungkook. In seconds he replied.

Kookie: YES 4 out of 8 classes together! New record!

Y/n: Where’s your locker?

Kookie: 656 right across from the good bathroom. You?

Y/n: Not sure yet. I’ll make sure to get the one next to you though.

“Alright, let’s head out to the hall and assign lockers.” The teacher lead everyone into the hallway and I headed straight for the bathrooms.

“"659, 658, 657. Perfect. I want his one!” The teacher came over and gave me the combination. I texted Jongkook back and homeroom was dismissed.

We met up on the way to the first period, stopping by our new lockers. He unloaded some of the notebooks that he didn’t need yet while I just waited on him. I know it’s dumb to keep thinking about what my mom said, but when he told me that we were just friends, I felt a little hurt. Out of nowhere, I was knocked into Jungkook by someone who must have thought I was invisible.

“Hey!” I shouted.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t even see you.” A guy said. I looked up to see it was none other than Kim Yugyeom. Last year, I had the biggest crush on him, that is until he started dating the snobby girl on the track team. No good guy would want a girl like her.

“It’s alright.”

“Hey, Yugyeom! How’s you and… uh… your girlfriend?” Jungkook asked, clearly forgetting her name.

“We broke up over the summer. She got really annoying, plus she hated all my friends so I ended it.” Yugyeom explained.

“Sorry to hear that,” I said.

“It’s alright. I know the right girl is out there. See you around.” He reached out, giving my arm a little touch as he walked away and my cheeks got red.

“Wait a minute… Do you still like him?” Jungkook asked.

“No. I told you no guy in their right mind goes out with that snob.”

“They broke up.”

“But it still happened!” I argued.

“But you’re still blushing!” He shot back with a smirk.

“Because It’s hot in here! UGH! Let’s go. I don’t want to be late.” I linked our arms together and he slammed his locker shut.

We headed straight for our first-period class and the second we walked through the door, I knew Jungkook’s teasing was just beginning. I made direct eye contact with Yugyeom. His goodbye was clearly premature.

“Ooooo~” Jungkook cooed.

“Shut up.” I hissed with a pinch. We both sat down by Yugyeom. Of course, Jungkook made sure I sat at the table next to him, but Yugyeom was still right across the aisle from me.

Class started and I already got bored. That is until I felt a pair of eyes on me. My cheeks started burning again and I spotted Yugyeom gazing at me from the corner of my eye. I looked over at him and smiled politely and he did the same. Since it was the first day, we just went over the class requirements and material then the bell rang for second period.

Jungkook and I split up since we wouldn’t be able to see each other until lunch. I went to my locker to switch out my books and a little note fell out of one of the open pockets. I picked it up from off the ground and read it to myself.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Chocolate is sweet
And so are you

“Chocolate?” I asked myself, but when I checked the pocket again I pulled out a little Hershey kiss. I looked at the note again to see who it was but there wasn’t a name. I smiled at the little candy and helped myself before going to class.

Once again, I returned to my locker before third period, but I noticed there was no note in my bag on the way. I opened the locker and out came a piece of paper. I picked it up and read the message.

I liked out little talk this morning, maybe we can finish it later?

My heart pounded in my chest. It was Yugyeom! Does he really like me? I folded the note and put it back in my locker. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling on my way to my next class. Maybe my crush wasn’t gone after all, but what about Jungkook?

Throughout the rest of the morning, I’d go to my locker between classes and every time, I’d receive a little note.

When lunchtime came around, I hurried to the cafeteria, looking for Junkook. I went through the line, turning around constantly, trying to spot him. I was relieved to see a boy with brown hair and a bunny smile looking back at me. I rushed over to him, eager to show him what I’ve found.

“Kookie! You’re never gonna believe what happened.” I said sitting down across from him.


“I have a secret admirer!” I pulled out the notes and showed him. “there were stuffed in the little slot in my locker.”

“Do you know who it is?” He asked.

“I think it might be-”

“Hey! Is this seat taken?” Yugyeom came over to our table and pointed to an open spot.

“Nope. Go ahead.” Jungkook welcomed.

I looked at  Jungkook with wide eyes, trying not to be too obvious with Yugyeom beside me. I mouthed the words ‘It’s him’ and tilted my head. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, confused by what I was trying to say.

“What are these?” Yugyeom looked at the notes scattered on the table and almost took one when I quickly gathered them up and shoved them into my bag.

“Nothing. They’re nothing. Just some notes I was passing in class earlier.” I lied.

“Oh, okay. I was about to get some juice. Do you guys want anything?” He offered.

“I can go for some juice. Y/n?” Jungkook asked.

“Sure. Me too, please.”

“Be right back.” Yugyeom got up from the table and I snapped back into detective mode.

“One of the notes said that he wanted to finish a conversation we had this morning. Yugyeom mentioned that he broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to be with the ‘right girl’. What if it’s me?” I asked

“There’s only one way to find out. You have to talk to your admirer.” Jungkook made a lot of sense. I can’t know unless I meet him in private.

“Your right. Maybe I can drop a hint that I’ll be by the bleachers after school.”

“What’s happening after school?” Yugyeom appeared out of thin air and sat down.

“Oh, uh… I’m meeting a friend. By the bleachers. The one I was passing notes too.” I hinted. If Yugyeom was really the admirer, it would be pretty obvious. We finished lunch and then it was off to the next period.

Jungkook was oddly distant after that. We had all of the same classes but he barely spoke to me let alone anyone else. There was something on his mind, but if he wasn’t even able to tell me, his best friend, it must be really bad. After several attempts to get him to say more than three words, I just let him have his space. I knew he would come around at some point.

The school day came to an end, but I was still determined to both get Jungkook talking again and to find out who my admirer is. I went back to my locker, but there were no more notes. Maybe this was a mistake.  I should probably just wait it out. I came back to my locker to pack up my things and sure enough, Jungkook walked over.

“Hey.” He said.

I was a little shocked that he spoke first. “H-hey.”

“Need a ride home?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Part of me wants to know who is giving me these notes, but… I don’t know…” I thought to myself and came to a decision. “Tell you what. I’ll still go by the bleachers and if no one shows up in ten minutes, We’ll leave.”

“Sounds fair. Good luck.” He said with a small nod.

I walked to the back of the school, walking out to the football field and stood behind the bleachers. I looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone coming, but no one did. I checked my phone and saw that five minutes had passed. I let out a sigh and looked around again. I spotted Jungkook walking over, lokking a little nervous.

“Kookie, I said ten minutes.”

“I heard you.” He retorted.

He stopped under a foot away from me. His mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. I noticed a slip of paper in his hands and nearly cried. He took my hand, placing a note in my palm and let go. I read the final message in awe.

I chose to be your friend, but falling in love with you was out of my control ♡

“Jungkook…” I felt stunned and guilty all at once. Throughout the entire day, he’s been watching me assume his notes were from another guy, but he was just trying to confess.

“I know you were expecting Yugyeom, but I can’t act like you’re just my friend anymore.” His voice cracked as well as my heart.

I shook my head at him and threw my arms around him. He held me tight, unloading all his love. After a few minutes, we broke away. He held both my hands in his, smiling weakly as he stared at the ground. He looked up at me and his smile grew.

“Do you still need a ride?” He asked.

I laughed at him and pushed him away playfully. He came right back, slinging his arm around my shoulders and walking me to his car. I held his waist, strolling alongside him and tilted my head to rest on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head but I wanted more. I turned to face him and planted my lips on his. It was only for a second, but the butterflies remained in my stomach. I suppose that’s the side effect of true loves kiss.


Chen oneshot – Let’s have a baby


Requested by anon

Genre: smut, fluff, romance

Summary: You and Jongdae have recently decided to start a family. while this would mean having the bliss of carrying and birthing your firstborn, Jongdae has come to find his own advantage to conceiving a child.

“Hey, baby! I thought I’d give you a call. I just left the doctor’s office and we are in the clear! No more birth control! I’ll see you when I get home. Love you~” I sent Jongdae a voicemail, giving him the exciting news.

We’ve been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now we can finally start our family. The doctor referred me to a  fertility boosting medication, but she warned me that they do cause some hormonal swings, but it wasn’t anything major. After doing some research, I learned that it was basically female viagra. Oh, boy. I took a dose after leaving the pharmacy and awaited the side effects.

By the time I pulled into the driveway, I took a deep breath and smiled. When I walked through the front door, all the lights were off and the room was only illuminated by my favorite candles. I looked around for Jongdae but stumbled upon a trail of rose petals. I laughed at how cheezy my husband was and honestly impressed at how quickly he pulled everything together. I followed the trail to the bedroom, opened the door and found Jongdae standing in front of the bed.

“Welcome home, my love,” He said giving me a kiss.

“What’s all this? were those the fake rose petals from our wedding?”

“And you said we wouldn’t use them ever again.” He joked.

Here I thought I was eager by sending him a voicemail, but he pulled out all the stops. I know he’s been waiting to get rid of his condoms since our relationship got intimate. We’ve been going overboard to stop an accidental pregnancy and now that’s all we want… among other things.

Jongdae pulled me in, kissing my cheeks and neck. He lifted my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side and unhooked my bra, freeing my breasts. He picked me up, into his arms, leveling his head with my chest and kissed down the valley of my cleavage. He laid me down on the bed, stripping off the rest of my clothes and started on his. I got up on my knees, holding out my hands to feel his toned stomach.

By the time he was naked, he took both my hands, raising them to his shoulders and climbing on top of me. He grabbed my legs, holding them up as he lined his tip in front of my wet heat. I gave him a passionate kiss and he slowly eased himself into me, thrusting deeper and deeper until our lips touched.

“Oh, god. This is so much better. ” He moaned. “So wet.”

He moved in and out, stretching my walls and moving in and out powerfully. He was anxious to feel me without a condom, and it showed. His moans couldn’t be contained, but neither could mine. His thrusts were rougher, the feeling was so much more sensuous. I laid my head back on the pillow while I bucked my hips at rapid speed.

“Just like that, baby~ So good…” I cried.

I was so close to my climax. My legs started to tremble against his hip, my walls clenched around his thick member. Jongdae’s thrusts got sloppier and in an instant, we both experienced the most intense orgasm ever. My vision went blurry as hot tears of passion rolled down my cheek and Jongdae’s warm cum filled me.

His arms shook a little before he collapsed next to me and cooled down. He and I bathed in the afterglow until we simultaneously turned our heads to each other.  He smiled and me and kissed my lips before holding his hand against my stomach.

“Fingers crossed…” He whispered.

EXO reaction – their GF getting shy/cute after her first time

You really would be his baby girl. He’d snuggle you up close and kiss your temple since odds are, you’d be too shy to make eye contact. You’d fall asleep with him gently stroking your back.


“Baby, don’t be shy.”
He’d pull you on top of him, give you a little Eskimo kiss and try to ease your nerves. He’s certainly the type to hum a tune as you fall asleep too.


He would be a shy little sheep prince. He’d just have you turn over and spoon you for a while. That way he can hold you without you having to see how red his face is.


He would be giggling like a little girl. He thinks you are the absolute cutest when you’re shy. He’d go from being a passionate, sensuous lover to a playful puppy in a second.


He would honestly think he hurt you or thought you weren’t ready. He’d feel so guilty until he realizes you’re just shy. He understands you vulnerable, but he’d love seeing your cute side.


Speaking of puppy love! This boy lives for a cute moment. He’d try to uncover your face from your hands and pull the blankets away to hold you closer. You’d literally be engulfed by his love for you. Besides, who doesn’t want to be surrounded by those ARMS?!


He’d let you kinda “get your shyness out”. Meaning he would wrap you in the covers while you hide your face and smile at you lovingly. But when you fall asleep, he’d pull the blankets away to get a look at your sleeping angel face.


This baby bear would get shy because you’re shy. He’d do that cute thing when he scrunches up like a little turtle when you hug him.


100% he would cover his face in his hands the moment you get shy. He’d try to give of confidence with a smirk, but inside he’s all giddy. By the time you both get settled and relaxed, he’d want to hold your hand and give you a few soft kisses.


Chanyeol scenario – Nowhere to go


Requested by anon

Genre: angst, smut

Warnings: elevator sex

Summary: Chanyeol’s busy schedule has really been a test of your patience. But with another date night being canceled, you just can’t let him get away with that.

“Let’s just go,” I said. Chanyeol and I walked down the hall. Well, more like I stormed down the hall while he followed.

“No, Y/n. You’re clearly pissed about the change in plans. Why is it so hard for you to just say it? Is being passive aggressive really that much easier?” He grabbed my wrist, turning me around. I snatched it away from him and crossed my arms.

“I just don’t have anything to say to you right now. Let’s go to your precious party.” I continued to walk down the hall with my boyfriend close behind. I pressed the button for the elevator to come and take us downstairs, but that just meant more time to argue.

All week we planned on going out to dinner while we had a spare minute from both of our busy schedules, but Chanyeol’s manager swooped in early this morning with a text telling him he had to attend some listening party for a trainee who just debuted. Chanyeol asked me to go with him so we could still be together, but we may as well just spend the night apart. I know for a fact, the second he walks through the door, everyone who is anyone will come up to talk to him and treat me like some lost puppy off the street.

I let out a deep sigh and the bell dinged. The elevator doors opened and Chanyeol and I walked in. I leaned against the wall while he pushed the button for the lobby. Now it was back to waiting in an awkward silence.

“Babe, I know why you’re upset, but I’m not just going to ignore you when we get there.” He consoled

“I know you won’t. Everyone else will. No one cares about me there! I’m just the dumb girl who stole Park Chanyeol.” That last comment was all it took. Chanyeol smashed the side of his fist against the stop button,  making the elevator come to a halt.

“Y/n, you didn’t steal me away from anyone. SM entertainment doesn’t own me. No one does.” His eyes darkened while he spoke.

“Oh really? Is that why you didn’t even hesitate before texting your manager back?” He knew I had a point, but there was no backing down now.

“If it means that much to you, I’ll cancel on my manager and we’ll go to dinner. Happy?” He pulled out his phone and started calling.

“No! Will you stop it?” I took the phone from him and hung up. “I’m not happy with that.”

“Then what do you want?” He came close to me, towering over my smaller frame. It was beginning to get a little intimidating, but at the same time, he was so sexy when he was mad.

“I want you,” I answered honestly.

“Fine, let’s have dinner.” He almost hit the button to start up the elevator, but I stopped him. “You want to go to the party?”

“No.” I stood in front of the buttons, blocking him.

“What’s happening?” He was still very confused, so it was up to me to help him out a little.

“Yeol~” I inched closer to him, backing him into the corner. “I. Want. You.” I ran my hands up his abdomen, to his chest and cupped his cheeks, pulling him down for a heated kiss.

He instantly grabbed my waist, pulling me into him. I moaned in his mouth when his hands reached down just below my ass, lifting me up and pushing me against the wall of the elevator. I locked my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and grinding against him. My fitted dress rived up, exposing my lace panties.

“Fuck, I can’t take this.” Chanyeol unbuckled his belt, trying to hold his focus while I peppered his face in kisses.

He pulled out his hard cock, pumping it in his hand a few times before slipping my panties to the side and rubbing himself against my slick folds. I nearly went weak. I didn’t even care about the argument, I just needed him pounding himself into me. I took a hold of his jawline, smashing our lips together as he plunged into my wetness mercilessly. My moans started spilling out of my mouth.

“Chanyeol~ More! Oh, baby!” My words were muffled by his lips, but he knew what I wanted

He lifted my legs higher, moving in and out at a rapid pace. My small moans and whimpers turned into loud cries and profanities. My stomach knotted, my palms tingled and my back arched. I held onto Chanyeol’s shoulder with all my might, tightening my walls around his thick cock as he thrusted roughly. My fingernails started digging into the shirt on his back. I was so close, I could hardly speak.

“Ch-Chan-” I gave up on stating the obvious and bit my lip instead.

“Oh, god. I know baby. On three.” I let out a sigh, slightly disappointed that I had to wait. “One…” His thrusts started speeding up, making his little countdown much more difficult to honor.

“Two… Three! Cum, NOW!” His face went straight to my neck, groaning and nibbling as his sloppy thrusts rode out both of our orgasms. I tugged on his hair, calling out his name.

By the time we both colled down, I lowered myself to the ground,  straightening out my dress and panties. Chanyeol zipped and buttoned his pants before finally pressing the stop button again to get the elevator moving again. To my surprise, he then pressed the button for our floor.

“What are you doing?” I asked “I thought you wanted me to choose. Dinner or the party.”

“You already chose. And now I’m gonna capitalize on that.” He said. I gave him a little smile and he leaned down to kiss me.

The doors opened again and we scurried back to our room, hand in hand. He unlocked the door, picking me up bridal-style and carrying me inside. He took out his phone, turning it off before tossing it on the table.

“We have unfinished business.” He said walking toward me.

Even though we didn’t go out for dinner or the party. Everyone ended up satisfied… Except for Chanyeol’s manager…