Sehun scenario – Living for the weekend


Requested by anon

Genre: fluff, encouraging

Summary: After such a stressful week, some old insecurities come back to haunts you. Thankfully Sehun is always there for you when you need him most.

Today just wasn’t my day. I woke up with a knot in my neck muscle, the coffee maker broke and I just felt defeated from the start. I was yawning all throughout work and all I wanted to do was disappear. A reminder alert popped up on my screen and I jumped into a panic.

“Oh, god. Performance reviews.” I checked all the documents on my computer to make sure everything was there and orderly. I looked up from my desk and saw my supervisor walking around the office, staring people down like a hawk.

“Y/n. Would you join me for a moment?” He said.

I stood up from my chair and followed him to his office. He closed the door behind us and my palms started to sweat. Just the sight of him could rattle anyone’s nerves. I sat across from his desk, waiting for him to say something about my performance this year. If he is impressed I get a raise, if not, I’m stuck.

“Y/n, there are some issues I’m having with the quarterly report. It’s not there.” He said, finally breaking the silence.

“What? I-I had it on my computer a second ago-”

“Right, but it’s not on my desk. The deadline was yesterday.” He shuffled through some papers until he landed on a single sheet. “Prompt, time-management, self-starter, responsible.” He read out loud. “That’s how you describe your self on your résumé, but there are still some holes in your performance.”

“I do apologize, sir. It won’t happen again.” I tried avoiding eye contact, hoping he wouldn’t see me tear up a little.

“I hope not. Y/n, when you first started here, you were so driven. You came into last years performance review with your head held high because you know you did well. And now you’re starting to lack confidence and ambition. What’s happened since then? Have I given you too much responsibility?”

“No, sir. It’s just been a rough week is all. I can assure you, I will have the report on your desk by the end of business today.” I promised.

He took a moment to think and sighed. “Tell you what. It’s Friday, you can just head back to your desk print it out and I’ll have the secretary bring it to me. You’re dismissed for the day.” His words sent a shockwave through my system, causing my eyes to go wide. “Don’t worry, Just come back fresh on Monday. Alright?”

I nodded and said, “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

As I left his office, I went straight to my desk and printed the report. I packed up my purse and left the building, but not before I could stop in the bathroom. I stood alone in front of the mirror, letting the tears flow down my cheeks. I took some deep breaths and wiped my face, touching up my make up to cover my puffy, red eyes.

All my life I’ve been surrounded by people who are better. Better grades, better looks, better everything. This job was a total turning point. I was driven because I felt accomplished just by being accepted for the position. And now I can’t live up to my own standards.

When I made it home I went through the front door, took off my shoes and jacket and sprinted upstairs without skipping a beat. I collapsed onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling for a while and just letting my mind go blank for the first time this week. How could I miss a deadline, especially for something so important? I was so disappointed in myself.

Just then, I heard the bedroom door creak open. I turned my head, but Sehun wasn’t in the doorway.  I sat up and looked over the side of the bed to see Vivi staring back at me. I smiled at his fluffy little face and lifted him up onto the bed with me. He laid next to me, resting his head on my stomach while I pet his fur. It confused me for a second when I felt a piece of paper on his collar. I sat up and took the note from his neck and read it to myself.

Are you okay?

I smiled at the cute message and turned to the door. “Yes, Hunnie. I’m okay.”

Sehun walked through the door and sat down next to me. “I just wanted to make sure you weren’t mad at me or anything.”

“Baby, how could I be mad at you? I’m mad at myself if anything.”


“Because…” I laid back down, stroking Vivi’s head. “Nothing has been going right this week. I just feel like I’m one step behind. My boss called me into his office for performance reviews and the most recent thing I’ve done that was notable was missing the deadline for the quarterly report. I worked on it for weeks and I literally forget to send it to him. I just feel so defeated. He literally pulled out my résumé to remind me of how I described myself when I applied. Now I can’t meet the expectations for myself.

Sehun laid on his back beside me and held my hand. "Y/n. That shouldn’t be bringing you down. So you had a bad week. But now you get to make the next one even better. You are the strongest, kindest most beautiful woman I know” He brought my hand up to his lips for a kiss. “That’s the reason I fell in love with you and that’s why I know you’re going to keep improving. All you need now is a little break. It’s a good thing I have a few plans for us this weekend.”

“Oh really? Like what?”

“Well first, I’m gonna get you out of these work clothes and we’ll have a nice warm bath, then maybe a massage to ease your nerves, and then some dinner, but after that who knows where it’ll lead, Hmm?” Spoken like the Sehunnie I know and love; sweet but perverted.

“Sounds perfect,” I replied with a smile.

Sehun got off the bed, holding out his hands for me to take and led me to our bathroom. After such a terrible week, I just needed a rest. Thankfully Sehun was there to melt away all the tension. He has a way about him that just makes my world so much better. It took five minutes of being around him to make me forget about my troubles.


Sehun scenario – A pleasant surprise


requested by anon

Genre: Angst smut

Summary: Sehun has been very distant lately. You start to notice some signs of cheating and decide to confront him, but as it turns out, he had a very good excuse for his behavior.

Something was wrong. Maybe it was my female intuition, but there was something not right about Sehun. This week I came home early and found him boxing things up in his closet. Then the next day we woke up before me and left without a word. He hardly talked to me over the past two days, but he’d receive constant text messages and leave the room to answer them. I was all so strange.

This morning before work I heard him on the phone talking to some girl named Bebe. I left the house for work without a goodbye. When I reached the garage, I passed his car and found a gift box from Else Lingerie. He has never bought me expensive lingerie before! Who is he buying it for?!

On my way to work, I could practically hear my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn’t believe he would be unfaithful after all this time together. He’s never so much as lingered at anyone else, even when we started dating in high school. I was both terrified that he would leave me for another woman and livid at the thought of him cheating on me.

I could hardly concentrate on work all day. Today was the last day of our project deadline and the finishing touches still had to be made. All the stress was clouding my judgment. I was so wrapped up in two different things that I started to lose focus quickly.

“Y/n? You alright?” My coworker asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah… I’m fine. Just-… I’m fine.” I couldn’t tell her about my suspicions in case I was wrong, but what if I’m not?

“If you need to take the rest of the day off, I’ll cover for you. Plus, it’s your anniversary. I thought you’d want to spend the day with Sehun.” She said with a friendly grin. I faked a smile and nodded.

I took her up on her offer and left early. I just had to know what he was up to. I raced home, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, then the moment I walked through the door, it was as if my heart just stopped beating. Rose petals scattered the floor, candles set all around the living room and Sehun stood frozen while holding a bottle of champagne. My suspicions were right all along. To make things worse, it was all happening in my own home.

“Baby, you aren’t supposed to be home till later.”

“Well, I’m home right now.” I dropped my bag on the floor and stepped into the romantic scene that clearly wasn’t supposed to be seen by me. “I can’t believe this, Sehun. After everything we’ve been through, all our years of being together, you go out and set all this up for some other girl you’re messing around with, while I slave away at work. Was it really worth it?”

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“Oh, don’t play dumb with me! All of a sudden you get nervous whenever you get a text with me next to you, you act all suspicious of me when I put your laundry away in your closet, just this morning I hear you confirm your dinner reservations with ‘Bebe’ and then I find an Else Lingerie gift box in your car! How long has this been going on?”

“Y/n, there’s a huge misunderstanding here. None of this is for another girl. It’s for you.” He said.

I crossed my arms, still unable to trust him just yet. He put down the bottle and walked toward me to explain himself.

“Y/n, Bebe is the name of the hostess at the restaurant I was catering from. I figured you’d be too tired after work to go out so I had dinner brought in. I had some packages being delivered and I was receiving texts about the shipment, I put a lot of the anniversary decorations in my closet for safe keeping and… the lingerie is for you… later.” His head lowered and my heart shriveled up. I wrongfully accused the man I love, made a complete fool of myself and worst of all, I made my poor Sehunnie shy.

“Oh, god. Sehun I’m so sorry.” I rush to him, giving him a warm embrace. “I don’t know why I let it escalate so far.”

“Baby, it’s alright.” He cupped my cheeks to calm me down and kissed my forehead. “I would never do that to you.”

I leaned into him, hiding my face in his chest and squeezing him tight. His low chuckle rumbled deep in his chest, causing the vibrations to tickle my face. I looked up at him, kissing his lips and he rubbed my back.

“So… What would it take for you to forget the last five minutes?” I asked. Sehun smirked at me as his hand lowered to my ass. “I thought so.”

I leaned in, but he turned his head, pressing his lips to my ear and whispered, “Wanna try on your gift first?”

I gave him a quick kiss before taking my gift from off the table and heading to the powder room to change. I checked myself out when I had the lingerie on and smirked. With all the lace and sheer, there wasn’t much left to the imagination. I still felt completely naked with it on. But Sehun wants what he wants. I opened the bathroom door and peeked to see if he was waiting for me outside.

“Sehun?” I called out. It was as if he completely disappeared. I stepped out of the bathroom, looking around the corner until I heard him in the other room.

“In here, baby.” I perked up the second I heard his silky voice beckoning me to the bedroom.

I sauntered to the door, opening it slowly. Sehun was already stripped down to his underwear and waiting for me on the bed. He sat up on the edge, holding his hand’s out to touch me as I walked closer to him. His hands went straight to my hips, pulling me closer to him. I rested my hands on his shoulders as he planted a kiss on each of my breasts, moving up to press another soft kiss to the base of my neck, then my sweet spot, then my cheek, and finally my lips. I straddled him, pushing him down on his back. He unhooked my bra, pulled the straps down my arms and tossed it to the other side of the room.

“Mmmm~ I love you so much, baby.” He took two hands full of my ass, squeezing tightly, making me moan against his sinful lips.

“I love you too,” I whispered.

Sehun flipped us over, standing on his knees and pulling his underwear down, exposing his massive erection. He came back down, freeing me of my panties and trailing his fingers up my slit while he kissed me. I kicked off the panties I’d been wearing for just five minutes and flung my arms around Sehun.

He collected my juices in his hands before stroking his cock. He rubbed his tip against my slit earning a breathy moan from me and slowly plunged himself into me. My mouth hung open as he thusted deeper. My breasts pressed to his bare chest with each long inhale, taking in the strong scent of his musk.

“More, baby.” I moaned.

Sehun lifted my leg, picking up his pace. His cock glided in and out of me with ease. I tightened around him, making him groan with pleasure and grip my thigh, surely leaving little bruises in the morning.  I pressed my hand to his chest, feeling his heart pound in anticipation of his long-awaited climax. With all that was happening this week, we barely even touched each other.

“S-Sehun, I’m gonna…Cum!” I tried so hard not to lose control.

I leaned up as he threw his head back his another moan and kissed his long neck, giving his sweet spot extra special attention.

“Oh fuck! Cum for me. Right now.” His thrusts went out of sync, his hands trembled on my legs and we both completely came apart.

My back arched, I grabbed the sheets with all my might and cried out his name. “Sehun! Oh god, yes~”

He filled me with his warm cum, breathing heavily and moaning in ecstasy. We started to cool down after such an intense climax and laid side by side. Sehun turned over to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. I rolled onto my side to face him.

“All this time of being together, and you still manage to surprise me,” I said. He smiled back and me and held my waist.

“Who would have thought? High school sweethearts, still going strong.” He kissed my lips and cuddled me in closer. “How about I run you a warm bath, let you soak for a bit while I get our dinner ready?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said with a smile. “Anything specific I should wear for dinner?” I asked flirtatiously.

“Well, since we’re in the comfort of our home… Clothing is optional.” He gave me another kiss on the cheek as I burst into giggles.  

Although things didn’t start out very well, it was by far the most memorable anniversary we ever had.


Sehun scenario – The man


Requested by @hereforkpopboys

Genre: fluff, smut, noona!reader (about 4 year age gap)

Warnings: blowjob, virgin

Summary: People always see you as the one who helps single people find their miss/mister right. Low and behold, you nearly lost your own mister right in the process.

All of my friends refer to me as the matchmaker. I have a fairly large social pool, whether it’s coworkers, people in the neighborhood, or old school friends. The last four couples I introduce ended up married. It always made me feel better when I saw two people falling in love, it gave me hope that I’d find someone for myself.

Most recently, I dabbled in a young love. Back in high school, there was a girl I used to babysit for. She was only nine years old when I was 16, but now she just started college and was feeling a little lonesome with a soft spot for dancers, so I introduced her to Sehun. He is about three years older than she is and one of the best dancers I knew. Every time I saw them out together, it made my heart melt. The way he smiled at her, the little twinkle in his eyes, and who can resist that body?

They looked so sweet together, which is what inspired me to find someone for myself. I entered the dating pool in hopes that Mr.Right would already be out there looking for me, but the search took much longer than I thought. I guess I was looking for the type of meet-cute that I saw in movies, like when two people bump into each other only to find out they were meant to be.

My hopes of meeting someone were starting to fade over time. Normally I wouldn’t consider online dating, but one night I was feeling optimistic, dare I say desperate and I logged on to start an account. I was just about to click save on my profile when I heard someone knocking on my front door.

Looking through the peephole, I was confused to see Sehun standing on the other side. I opened the door and he sighed in relief.

“Oh, good. You’re home.” His eyes were red a puffy as if he’d been crying recently.

“Please, come in, Hunnie. Is everything alright?” I’ve never seen him like this. His head hung low as he walked in, replying with a small ‘no’.

I ushered him over to my couch, awaiting the reason for his sudden visit. He tried to let the words out but was stopped by another rush of tears. His fingers roughly combed through his hair in frustration, but I rubbed his back to calm him down.

“Sehun, you can talk to me. Please, just tell me what’s wrong.”

“We broke up…” He said.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” I brushed the little hairs away from his face and he huffed.

“I ended things. We just didn’t seem to have much of a future.” He explained.

“What do you mean? I thought you were a good match.”

“Me too. But she’s never had a real boyfriend before and there’s nothing wrong with that since I’ve never really had a girlfriend before, but we weren’t the right people to be each other’s firsts. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yeah, kinda. So, what kind of girl were you looking to be your first?” I asked.

“I guess… I want to be with a real woman whose matured and independent.” He finally raised his head to look me in the eye and went on. “I want to be with a woman that keeps me wanting more.”

My mind was going a mile a minute. There was an odd part of my mind that thought he was talking about me. It’s impossible… He wouldn’t be interested in me. I tried to think of the people that fit his description, only to feel his body heat next to me.

“Noona-… Y/n…” He inched closer, resting his hand on my thigh. “I’m so attracted to you.”

“Sehun, I-”

“Please? Just one kiss?” His nose brushed against mine, causing my pulse to quicken.

He crashed his lips into mine, a gentle hum vibrating my mouth. He held my wrist, lifting it to his shoulder. I rested my hand on the back of his neck, kissing him back. His hand lifted my leg over his lap, pulling me in to straddle him. Our feverish, short kisses turned into a lustful make out. I grinded down on his growing bulge, making him moan on my mouth.

“Wait.” He mumbled. Wee broke apart so he could speak. “I have a confession.” He lowered his head, ashamed of what he was about to admit. “I’ve never done… this before.” He fumbled with the material of my shirt as his nerves started to set in.

“Oh. Well, are you sure you want to go through with this?” I asked. “We don’t have to do this now.”

His hold on my waist tightened, he looked straight at me and said, “I want this. I want you to be my first.”

I smiled at him and came back down for a quick kiss.  I got off the couch and held out my hands for him to take. I lead him to my bedroom, feeling his stare on my ass while I walked. He sped up to hold my hips, increasing the intimacy between us.

When we reached my room, I opened the door and turned around to pull him in with me. Our lips reconnected as I lifted his top over his head, exposing his slim body. It was incredible how a person so innocent can have such a god-like figure. Sehun kissed my neck, holding me close. My hands snuck down, between us to unbuckle his belt and slide his pants off his legs. He stepped out of them and removed his lips from my neck.

“Lay on the bed for me, baby,” I told him in a low voice.

He sauntered over to the bed, giving me a full view of his tight ass. He sat on the edge of the mattress, his long cock standing straight up. I came over before lowering to my knees in front of him. I licked my palms and took a hold of his shaft, stroking it a few times. His faint moans make me smile lightly. He closed his eyes, falling back on the bed when I leaned in to kiss his bright pink tip.

“Tell me what you want, love,” I said.

“Take your top off,” he ordered immediately. I giggled at his honesty. The guy knows what he wants.

I leaned back, stripping off my top. I reached behind me, unhooking my bra and watching it fall to the floor. My hands slid up his legs slowly, my nails barely touching his skin. I gripped his member, pumping it in my hand, getting him to the perfect level of arousal. I took him into my mouth,  inch by inch, swirling my tongue around the head of his cock. My hands worked up and down as I tried to fit in as much as I could. Sehun’s sweet moans traveled across the room, his fingers combing my hair back.

His breath started to get unsteady, his fist tightened around my hair, forcing my head down onto his shaft. I bobbed my head a few more times until he came in my mouth, his warm cum sliding down my throat. I continued to suck him off until his erection softened.

Sehun fell back onto the bed, weakened by his first blowjob. He stared at the ceiling, smiling to himself. I climbed above him, taking off my bottoms and straddling his member. I took his hands, placing them on my hips while I grinded up and down, glazing his cock with my wetness. His nails, though short, dug into the skin, moving me down to create some friction.

“Oh, noona~” He moaned. “You’re so warm… and wet.”

His member hardened beneath me, raising up to the perfect angle. I lifted my hips, high enough to just glide right down. My mouth fell open as I felt him stretching me out. As soon as my pelvis met the base of his cock, his tip grazed my g-spot, earning a loud moan from me. It was as if we were a perfect match. I started to gradually grind onto his shaft, filling my core with his manhood.

“Oh! Yes! Don’t stop.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head as I bounced on him, drawing him closer to his second orgasm.

I laid my hands on his chest, balancing myself before I erupted into pure ecstasy. I clenched around him, taking every drop of his cum deep inside me.  He bucked his hips a few times due to the post-sex ‘aftershock’. I laid next to him on my bed, snuggling into his side and drawing patterns in his bare chest.

“I can’t believe it finally happened.” He said.

“Losing your virginity?” I asked.

“Yeah, but mostly finding the right woman to give it to.”

“Why me? I didn’t think you were into me.”

“I have to admit, I didn’t really give the relationship a chance, because I was secretly hoping you’d notice how much I liked you. Then things started to get serious with her and I just wasn’t fully invested. I wanted you.” He confessed.

My heart melted instantly. I was just like putty in his hands. Needless to say, that dating profile never saw the light of day.


Sehun scenario – Heart of steel


requested by anon

Genre: noona!reader, fluff, angst, sad (trigger warning!), parenthood

Summary: Sehun is going into military service for the next few months, but that also means he will be leaving you and your unborn child alone at home.

I knew the day would come. Over the past year, Sehun and I have made every second count before he was called for military service. By far the best memory of the year was about three months ago when we found out I was pregnant with our first child. Although it would make the inevitable goodbyes even harder with a baby on the way, he still put on a brave face for me.

Sehun assured me time and time again that he would most likely stay close to home with a wife and child, but there was still the ‘what if’ situation. What if he is sent far away and misses all the important events that will happen; like finding out the gender of our baby next month?

All these thoughts circled through my head as I laid on our couch, looking down at my growing belly. I wasn’t sure if it was the hormones or the newfound stress of being a military wife or both, but I was starting to feel down all of a sudden. I didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere. My emotions were unidentifiable.

When I heard Sehun unlocking the front door, I didn’t move a muscle. I just remained on the couch in total silence. I listened to his footsteps approaching as he called out, “Noona? I’m home~” When he turned the corner I saw him smile at me out of the edge of my eye. But that smile faded into a look of confusion. “Are you alright, Honey?”

I shook my head, giving him an honest answer and he rubbed my back, assuming I was having some pains. “It’s not my back, babe.”

“What is it?”

“It’s you. I’m just really freaked out about this call to service.” I laid my hands on my belly, feeling the lump form in my throat.

“Honey, I told you they won’t ship me away from my family.”

“It’s not just that. When you leave, you’ll miss finding out the sex of our baby.” I pouted.

Sehun let out a sigh, knowing there was no way to win. He tried to hold me, but I stood up, off the couch and walked to our bedroom.

“Baby, where are you going?” He almost followed after me but stopped in his tracks when I shook my head again.

“I just want to lay down… alone.”

I grabbed an extra pillow from the closet for my bump and buried myself under the covers. The whole situation had me feeling troubled. Maybe brushing Sehun off wasn’t the best idea. I could use his warm cuddles right about now. I closed my eyes, trying to erase all the negative thoughts, but it only made things worse. I began to imagine what it would be like to not have my husband around after the baby is born, how lonely I’d feel.

Ironically, coming in here alone for a nap only made me hiss my husband all the more. I stared at the other side of the room, unable to sleep a wink. I wasn’t sure how long I stayed in here until I checked my phone on the nightstand.

“Twenty minutes…” I huffed to myself. I’d only been laying here on my side for twenty minutes.

The bedroom door creaked open slowly and I felt a dip in the mattress. I perked up when I heard a soft voice calling me ‘honey’. Sehun’s hand slid around my waist, covering my baby bump.

“Well, you’re letting me touch you, so I’m guessing you aren’t upset anymore.” He said.

“I was never upset, Hunnie. I was just… overthinking.”

“Then tell me. Y/n, I’m here for you no matter what. I hate to see you in this much pain, especially if I can help release it. You’re stressing for two, you know.” He kissed my neck lovingly and rubbed my belly in circular motions.

As always, he was right. “I know.” I turned over on my other side to meet his gaze. My hand cupped the side of his face while I looked him deep in the eyes. “What would I do without you?”

“You won’t be without me. We’re in this together. I know you will be okay because you’re the strongest woman I know.” Every word he said empowered me.

I kissed him sweetly and whispered, “You’re gonna be a perfect daddy,”

He took my hand, kissing the back before replying, “I’ll have to be because you’re gonna be a perfect mommy.”

My fears were soon put to rest when the day came that Sehun found out what he’d be doing in the military. As predicted, he was able to stay close to home. He stood right beside me when we found out the gender of our baby, and he was next to me when our first born child came into the world. It always amazed me how he was able to have such a tender heart, but still had the strength to lift my spirits when I needed him most.


Sehun scenario – My baby girl


Requested by @jerseybaddxoxo

Genre: smut, romance, noona!reader

Summary: Running off to the city of love with your newly wedded husband, Sehun.

We poured ourselves into the back of the car, erupting in drunken giggles and dirty whispers in each other’s ear. The driver started the car and drove us to the hotel as quickly as he could, probably in fear that having two newlyweds in the back seat may lead to something more. Sehun came close, as if he was going to tell me a secret, but instead started to nibble on my earlobe. It was amazing how champagne could make him so frisky.

Soon enough, we arrived at the hotel. Sehun got out first, running around the car and opening my door for me. He pulled me in close, holding my waist and smiling.

“Let’s get you upstairs.” He said with a giggle.

We walked to the elevator, leaning on each other for balance. The second the doors closed and we started moving, my lips attached to his neck, nibbling and kissing his sweet spot. I placed my hand over his bulge, palming him through his pants.

“Noona~” He whined. “Patience.” He pulled me into his chest, kissing my lips with a smirk.

We managed to keep our hands to our selves until we reached the room. Sehun unlocked the door, lifted me up bridal style and carried me inside. I immediately took his jaw in my hands, crashing our lips together. He kissed me back for a split second but still broke away.

“You can’t keep your hands to yourself can you?” He asked. His hands started pulling up the skirt of my dress, exposing my panties. He kneeled down, pulling them off, making me step out. “Turn around.” I did as I was told and he unzipped my dress, pooling it around my ankles before tying my wrists together with the panties. “You may be my noona, but tonight, you’re my baby girl”

He kissed just below my earlobe, causing me to shiver at the sensuous touch. I could hear him untying his necktie before placing it around my eyes as a blindfold. I kept my eyes shut under the soft silk, completely at the mercy of Sehun’s imagination. He pulled me back against his front, his hands wandering up to my breasts while I stifled a moan.

With one hand, he slid into my panties, cupping my sex. I moved my hips forward, needing his slender fingers inside me. He slowly started rubbing my clit with his thumb, his index finger running up and down my wet slit. My mouth agape, my knees weak, I moaned his name and threw my head back on his shoulder. Sehun was able to hold me in position long enough to get me directly in front of the bed. Then all at once, he turned me around and let me fall backward.

His open mouth kisses moved up my thighs to my abdomen and finished on my neck. I tried to hard not to lean into his when I felt his hot breath on my cheek. He must have been a few centimeters from my face, but I couldn’t do anything about it, in fear of being teased to no end.

“Tell me how much you want me.” He requested.

“Please… daddy, I want you so bad. Please just fuck me.” I raised my legs, trapping him on top of me. His gentle hands stroked my inner thighs, generating an impatient whine from me. “Please, daddy.”

“Whatever my baby wants, she gets.” He removed himself from me for a moment. Looking through the tiny crevice in the necktie around my eyes, I watched as he practically tore himself out of his suit, eager to take what’s his. He climbed back on top of me, placing a single kiss between my collarbones and pushed himself into me with a long moan.

“Shit, you’re tight around me.” He moaned

His hand came down, rubbing my clit while he thrusted into me vigorously. I gripped the sheets, unable to contain myself anymore. I bucked my hips, screaming Sehun’s name, drawing closer to my climax. The knot in my stomach tightened, goosebumps covered my limbs and I felt his tip swipe across my g-spot. In seconds, we both came apart, moaning and shouting each other’s names in ecstasy.

I started to regain my steady breath and he pulled the necktie from my eyes.  "Such beautiful eyes.“ He smiled. He freed me from my panties and laid beside me as husband and wife. He was so content and fulfilled, I couldn’t help but stare.  He buried the two of us under the warm blankets, holding me close and whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"The perfect honeymoon.” He said faintly.

“Everything is perfect with you,” I replied with a kiss.


Sehun scenario – Mad love


Not requested

Genre: angst, smut, bad boy!Sehun

Summary: months after a rough break-up, a certain inked up bad boy makes a sudden appearance.

Another town, another bar, same problems. I sat on a stool, alone, drinking till my mind went blank for once. I’ve gone from town to town, city to city, but could never settle in one place. The moment I got bored with it I packed up and left. Now I sit here in a new place with a glass in my hand, feeling the burn of alcohol streaming down my throat. The bartender came around again, placing another drink in front of me. I looked up at him with confusion.

“I didn’t order this.”

“Your boyfriend ordered it for you.” He said.

“I don’t have a…” I looked around till I met the eyes of the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. “…Son of a bitch…” I downed the rest of my drink, getting myself drunk enough for what was about to happen.

“Y/n, baby. How are things?.” My ‘boyfriend’ asked

“Sehun. What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I was just driving around and I saw a familiar red Mustang that said ‘wild one’ on the license plate. I got curious.”

“Yeah. Well, you know what curiosity killed.” I stood up and walked away only to be followed by him.

I sat at a table in the corner, kicking the other chair away so Sehun wouldn’t sit there. He looked at me with a smirk and raised his hands in surrender. I pulled out my phone, searching through social media when yet another drink was placed in front of me. I looked up, ready to tell Sehun off, but it was someone else.

“Hi. I saw you were here alone.” A good-looking guy said. He had a sweet smile and charming eyes, which is refreshing compared to the degrading smirk and sneaky stare from Sehun.

“Yeah, I am. Please sit. I’m Y/n.” I told him.

“I’m Ricky.”

A few minutes into our conversation, I could feel my ears start to burn. I searched around to see if Sehun got the hint, which of course, he didn’t. He was sitting at the bar, shooting daggers at me with his eyes. It was obvious that he was jealous, but why? We tried dating, but it didn’t work out.

“You okay?” I was brought back into the conversation with a nod.

“Yeah. What were you saying? Sorry.” I said.

The two of us kept talking, he made me laugh with his witty sense of humor, and I think he really liked me. Everything would be great if I was able to get Sehun out of my mind. A waiter passed by us, dropping a napkin on my side of the table. I looked at the note written on it, just two words: ‘your move’. I looked toward the bar and saw some trashy girl with her hand on his leg, acting fake and flirty. What a child. He gets mad at me when I talk to someone, so he tries to even the score of his own dumb game.

“So you live right here in the neighborhood?” I asked the guy.

“Yeah, just a little loft a couple blocks over. It was renovated last year, it looks nice and modern now.”

“I’d love to see it,” I said with a sensuous voice.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

We both stood up, paying for our drinks and heading out the door, but not before I was able to shoot Sehun a look of victory. I took the hand of my trophy and left.

“I’ll call a cab for us, one sec.” He said.

“Good call. That last round went straight to my head.” I said with a girly giggle.

He smirked to himself, knowing he was going to get lucky and went to call a taxi. I stood by the entrance of the bar, waiting for him to come back, until a strong hand took my arm, turning me around.

“Seriously? You’re really gonna go home with that asshole?” Sehun barked.

“He’s much better than that lush you had all over you. She would have hopped on you then and there if she could.” I argued.

“Hey, cabs on its way. Who’s this?” Ricky came back to Sehun and I mid-agreement.

“I could ask you the same thing.” Sehun stepped up to him with rage in his eyes.

“Sehun, knock it off. Just go inside.” I placed my hand on his chest, trying to push him back, but he didn’t budge.

“Yeah, Sehun, I think you should listen to the lady.”

“Or what?” Sehun challenged. “You’re the one trying to pick up my girlfriend.”

“Stop it!” I yelled.

“Girlfriend?” Ricky looked at me for an answer, but Sehun stopped me.

“Do I stutter? Now do us both a favor and piss off.” With a single shove, Sehun sent Ricky stumbling back.

“You know what? This isn’t worth it.” Ricky left me there, ready to rip my ‘boyfriend’s’ head off.

“Why are you like this? Who are you helping?” I asked.

Sehun couldn’t even bring himself to respond to me. He just rolled his eyes and walked back to his car.

“Oh, so that’s it? You send my date running for the hills and leave me?” I followed behind him, shouting every rude name in the book.

“Y/N!” He turned around with a shout. “What do you want from me?! I saw you were at this bar so I came in to talk to you, but you didn’t want to talk so I gave you space.”

“Yeah, by starting some stupid competition!”

“Fine, I’m a jerk! So what now?”

The fire in his eyes have me wanting more but fearing the worst. What if I catch feelings again? I’ll never get rid of him. I sighed and turned away from him, collecting my thoughts. Sehun walked up, directly in front of me, forcing me to look at him.

“I’m sorry, okay? You just drive me crazy.” He admitted.

“It’s not that, Sehun. I just-” I couldn’t even confess it to myself, in my own mind, but it still had to be said. "We’ve been playing this game for a while, and where does it get us? I was fine. I drifted from place to place, then I met you and… fell head over heels for you, then you cheated on me. You broke my heart and I ran away. Now I carry the thought of what could have been. On top of all that, you showed up here. After months of running, here you are. And seeing you in there with her… I just broke. It wasn’t a challenge for me, Whether that guy picked me up or not, I would have left anyway.“ My nose twitched, my eyes stung with the threat of tears, the base of my throat was blocked by a huge lump.

"Baby…” Sehun reached his hand out to hold my waist but I pulled away.

“Don’t. It’s only going to hurt me.” I whispered.

“Y/n, tell me what you want right now. I don’t want to cause you any pain. Say the word and I’ll disappear. You will never see me again I swear.”

A small sob escaped, proving once and for all that I can’t lose him. No matter how bad it was, I still needed him around. He stood in front of me, waiting for his answer and I finally replied, “I want you.”

He tried to hold me again, this time without resistance. He took my hands, pulling them around his waist and cuddling me into his warm chest. I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. When I opened them again, I looked up at him, seeing the genuine sorrow in his expression. My stare traveled down to his full pink lips, watching them get closer and closer until they were pressed against mine.

“Mmm`” I hummed.

Sehun’s soft tongue pushed past my lips, exploring my mouth, massaging my tongue. I wanted him so badly, even if there’s a high chance of me getting my heart broken again.

He lifted me into his arms, coiling my legs around his hips and carrying me back to his car. My back pressed against the passenger side door, my hips grinded down onto his, feeling the rock hard bulge underneath his jeans. This wasn’t the place for a heavy make out, but I couldn’t stop. I craved him.

Finally, we managed to break away long enough to get in the car and drive to the motel Sehun was staying at. We got out, immediately reconnecting our lips for a hot kiss. 

Stumbling into the room, Sehun ripped off our clothes, unable to contain his dominant self. He pinned me down to the bed, opening my legs and slamming his cock into me.

“Fuck!” I screamed. I bucked my hips, smashing our centers together in sync. His throaty groans made me want to cum in seconds, but I held it in.

“Say my name, baby.” He ordered.

“S-Sehun.” I moaned. He nuzzled into my neck, muffling his moans. I clenched my walls around him, dangerously close to my climax.

“Cum, Y/n. I’ve got you.” He held my waists as my back arched.

I moaned and whimpered through my orgasm with Sehun’s load filling me up. My nails scratched down his back, crying out his name over and over. When we finished, I held him as close to me as I could, covering myself with his body. We laid on the bed for a while. I traced the tattoos in his chest.

“You’re never gonna believe me when I tell you this, but I never meant to cheat on you.”

“We’re having this talk this now?’ I asked.

"Yes, because I need this to be right.” He explained. “I thought you were leaving me that night. We just had a fight, you stormed out and I got drunk. I know it’s not a good excuse, but it was the biggest shock of my life when you came back. I just regret that you had to come back to that. I broke your trust.”

“I could never leave you, Sehun. Clearly, it’s impossible to stay away from you.”  I cupped his cheek, bring him in for a kiss. “You still call yourself my boyfriend,” I said with a laugh.

“Well, we never officially broke up so.”

“I guess your right.” I kissed him again, smiling against his lips. “How about we pick up where we left off?”

“I’d like that.” He said.


Sehun scenario – Story untold


requested by anon

Genre: SMUT

Warnings: age difference, spanking, strong language

He is so gorgeous. There is no other way to describe him. I’ve been in love with the guy next door for months, but he doesn’t know it yet. We met briefly when I first moved into the apartment building beside his house. His name is Oh Sehun. When we met, he was so sweet and warm to me. By the time I was settled in, I realized that my bedroom window is right across from his study. Every morning he’d come out to the window to read a book and have coffee. I wouldn’t even notice I was staring until he’d turn his head and look back at me with a small wave. I’d tell him how I really feel if it wasn’t for my shyness, but it was perfectly justified, because of the age difference.

While I’m only 21, Sehun is 35. I know he’d never want to date a girl like me. He is way far out of my league, he would have anyone. The last thing I want is for him to feel uncomfortable and think I’m some moony-eyed girl gawking at him all the time. So now, my thoughts of him are exactly that, thoughts, fantasies, daydreams. Imagining the way he’d react when I told him how I felt, the way he’d kiss me, and touch me. But an opportunity never presented itself until we got a new mailman in our neighborhood. 

It’s normal to get mail mixed up in our building with other tenants, but one day I got mail that must have been for someone else. It was addressed to our street, but it didn’t have a name on it. I opened the envelope and gasped when I read the words “Dear, Mr. Oh”. It was for Sehun. An easy mistake since there wasn’t a real address.

I couldn’t go over there in a t-shirt and shorts though. I hurried back to my apartment, into my bedroom and changed into a fitted tank top and skirt. There wasn’t much to do with my hair so I just threw it up in a tight bun and went back outside to give him the letter. I looked at the front door, trying to bring myself to go and talk to him. I closed my eyes, giving myself a mental pep talk and took a deep breath.

“You can do this. He’s a person, you’re a person.” I whispered to myself.

Walking up the sidewalk, my heart started thumping in my chest. I raised my shaking hand up to the doorbell and rang it. I could hear the chime echo throughout the house, I waited patiently for a moment but started to feel discouraged when no one answered the door. Maybe he wasn’t home. I turned to put the letter in his mailbox when he finally answered the door. I stood there like a deer in headlights, with my hand in his mailbox, completely taken back.

“Can I help you, Y/n?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Uh, yeah- I mean, um… I got this letter by mistake. There wasn’t a name on the envelope, so I opened it and saw your name, but I didn’t read it. I promise.” I could hear myself start to babble, still, it was hard to stop. “I’m sorry, I can just go.”

“No, it’s alright. Do you wanna come in?” He offered.

I nodded and entered the house that was just as massive as I’ve imagined. The walls were covered in memorabilia and works of art. Sehun read the letter to himself while I looked around at all the amazing things he had in his stunning house.

“Wow, You have such good taste.” I blurted. Sehun smiled at me, amused by my reaction.

“So do you. I’ve noticed your… keen sense of style lately.”

My sense of style?” I said pointing at myself.

“Yes, yours. Even now. You couldn’t just come over here in plain clothing, you had to wear a tight top and skirt just to deliver mail.” He read straight through me. I couldn’t believe it.

“Oh, yeah. I just… I didn’t-”

“No need to be shy, it’s very becoming.” He complimented.

“Thanks.” I wasn’t even able to look him in the eye, I was so embarrassed.

“Why are you so coy?” He lifted my chin, making my heart skip a beat. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you dressed like that for me. Am I wrong?”

“W-well, no. You’re right.”

“Hmm.” He took a step closer. “Trying to seduce me, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I admitted. I was so lost in his sensual eyes, I couldn’t tell a lie if I tried.

“Such a naughty little girl. Lusting after a man my age. Seems like your daddy didn’t spank you enough when you were little.” His hand came around my waist and down to my ass. “Maybe I should finish the job.” He turned me around, pressing me against the wall and hiking up my skirt. “Such a pretty little ass. Let’s get some color in those cheeks.

His hand came down, spanking me once. I yelped at the sudden contact, but could still feel the wetness starting to form between my legs. He swatted my ass again, getting a little rougher.

"Is this what you wanted?” He asked with a smack. “You wanted me to spank you till you turn pink?”

“Yes.” I whimpered.

“Yes, what?” Smack!

“Yes, daddy.” I corrected.

He turned me back around to face him, our lips almost touching. His head ducked down into my neck before I had the chance to taste the lips I’ve dreamed about for ages. He took a long inhale, breathing in my perfume with a faint moan. His lips pressed against my collarbone, causing my legs to go weak.

“Come to bed with me. I want you, baby.”

“Yes, daddy,” I said with a side smile.

Sehun pulled me off the wall, into his arms and carried me up to his bedroom. I took a hold of the back of his neck, kissing his soft lips for the first time while he brought me into his room. He let back down without breaking our kiss. I turned around and saw just how big his room was. All those times I looked into his ‘study’, I was actually looking into a small corner where he keeps his books.

I was so busy looking at the decor, I didn’t even notice Sehun undressing me until he lifted my top up and over my face. I raised my arms, turning around and kissing him again. He threw my top across the room and held me close. He undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor before taking my breast into his mouth, his tongue swirling around my nipple. I kept my balance by clinging to his shoulders.

We moved back to his bed, tumbling down on the soft mattress. He stood on the edge, unbuckling his belt and pants. I sat up on my hands, locking my legs around his hips and pulling him a little closer while he stripped for me. He smiled at me, holding my ankles and lifting my legs high in the air. I moved back on the bed while he climbed on top of me. He grinded his hips on mine, pressing his bulge to my center.

He moved my panties to the side, massaging my wet folds with his tip. I bit my lip in frustration. He was moving so slowly, too slowly. The teasing was all too much. I bucked my hips only to have him turn me over and spank me again.

His lips touched the shell of my ear as he whispered, “Such a perfect baby girl. Do you want my cock?”

“Yes daddy,” I said with a nod.

I gasped when he plunged his long member into me. We rocked back and forth to the rhythm of his thrusts, moaning in ecstasy. He was the perfect size for me, stretching me out slightly, long enough to touch my g-spot every time. I could feel him throbbing deep inside me, making me clench every muscle.

“I’m not gonna last, daddy.” I moaned, arching my back.

“Cum for me. Cum all over my big, thick, cock.” He said between thrusts.

 We reached our climax, crying out in pleasure. Sehun ’s load filled my tender core while he moaned my name.  I fell flat on the bed, relaxing after such an intense orgasm. He kissed my neck once more and lifted me up to tuck me under the covers.

“So beautiful.” He whispered.

The tips of his fingers brushed the hairs away from my face. He leaned in and kissed my lips before I drifted off for a much-needed rest.

A couple hours later, I woke up alone in Sehun’s bed. I turned my head and saw a robe folded on the pillow next to me. When I got up and put it on, I noticed that I wasn’t alone at all. Sehun was sitting in the big lounge chair in the corner, where he always sits in the morning. He wasn’t able to see me with his back facing the other way, so I tried to remain quiet to not disturb him.

I sauntered up behind him, slowly wrapping my arms around his broad chest and kissing his temple. He turned around with a smile and pulled me down on his lap. The robe opened enough for my thigh to peek out, which invited him to place his hand extremely close to my entrance.

“Did you nap well?” He asked.

“Much better than when I nap on my own bed,” I said, truthfully. He gave me a passionate kiss and placed his book on the end table. “Oh, I didn’t mean to disturb you or anything. You can go back to your book if you want.”

“No, I prefer the story happening right now.”

“What story?” I questioned.

“Well. There was a man who hasn’t had much luck with love and was ready to just give up on the idea altogether. Then there came this beautiful girl who lived right next door. He figured that she would never be with an older guy so he kept his distance and just remained a friendly neighbor.” He took my hand, kissing the back and smiling to himself. “Now that’s all changed.”

“For the better?” I asked, flirtatiously.

“Absolutely,” he said with another loving, deep kiss. His fingers moved up and down my slit, teasing me.

“D-daddy~” I moaned.

Sehun picked me up bridal-style, bringing me back to the bed. He pulled open the robe and smirked at me. “How about round two?”

“Yes please,” I replied.


Sehun scenario – Alone at last


requested by anon

Genre: Smut, romance, fluff

Warnings: Daddy!Sehun, roleplay, body appreciation, (brief) shower smut

Summary: Children are such a gift, but also a major responsibility. Now that your six-year-old daughter is participating in school activities, your schedule has been pretty busy. Thankfully, your husband, Sehun, has a master plan to give you a bit of a break.

When Sehun and I were first married, the morning was our favorite time of day. I’d wake up to see his angelic face beside me, he’d open his eyes and smile which was followed by passionate morning sex. But all that came to a complete stop about six years ago when our little angel came into the world. We are now caught between peewee dance classes and kindergarten choir practices. At first, it was adorable when she made new little friends, but then came the birthday parties and play dates.

 It was easy to be overwhelmed by it all, but Sehun still found plenty of time to be a very involved father. He’s always there for our daughter just like I am, often times, we’re so caught up in parenthood that we forget about our romantic relationship.

We haven’t had a moment alone together in a very long time, which added to my surprise when I got home from work to… silence. I opened the door to a spotless house, a few candles glowing, and total peace. Sehun came downstairs wearing nothing but a smirk and a pair of loose jeans hanging from his hips.

“Hey, baby.” His hands came around my hips, pulling me into him with a deep kiss on my lips. I couldn’t remember the last time our kisses lasted more than half a second. I could feel the effect of his strong lips all the way to my knees, weakening them on contact. “Follow me.” He whispered.

On our way up the stairs, I looked around, assuming that our daughter would pop out at any moment, but nothing happened. She wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“Where’s Y/d/n?” I asked.

“She’s with grandma and grandpa for the weekend. They came by while you were at work.” He brought me back into his arms by the time we reached the bedroom. “There’s only one baby girl I’m focused on right now.”

A faint moan uttered past my lips when I heard his words. We crashed our lips together while he pulled my clothes off. He held my bare ass, gripping it roughly in both hands.

“Did you miss daddy?”

“Yes, I did,” I replied and he kissed my forehead.

Sehun stepped back, gazing at my naked body, a small smile appearing on his lips. “Such a gorgeous body.”

“Babe, I haven’t even kept up with my workouts,” I said, dropping character and covering myself.

“No.” He swatted my hands away, holding them to my sides. “Your body is perfect.” Kneeling down, he leveled his face with my core, leaning in for a steamy kiss on my clit, parting my folds with his tongue.

I stumbled back a little because of my jelly-like knees. Sehun held the back of my thighs, spreading them to get a better angle. My hands tangled in his hair as my moans intensified. My palms tingled when I felt his finger swipe across my slit. I was already so close, which is unsurprising, given the lack of sexual intimacy I’ve has with him.

“I’m so close, Daddy….”

“Cum on my tongue baby girl. Let me taste you.” His finger pumped in and out of my slick heat.

I held onto the bedpost, clutching my fingers around it while I reached my climax. Sehun kissed my tender clit one more time, before standing up in front of me. He walked me back to the bed, crawling on top of me. I slid his pants an underwear off, smiling at him with temptation.

In two seconds, he lifted my legs around him and slammed our hips together. He moved in and out at a rapid pace, hitting my g-spot vigorously. I cried out his name, begging him for more with my head thrown back against our pillows. He kissed my neck and chest as we came closer and closer to our release. We let out a long moan while he rode me through my high. I clenched my walls around him, increasing his pleasure.

By the end, we were both completely satisfied yet still wanting more. We both laid on our sides, soaking in the afterglow. Sehun’s fingers traced along my curves, tickling me when he got to my waist.

“How about a shower?” He asked.

“Yes please,” I said eagerly. We’d still shower together often, but we’re just genuinely trying to save time and get clean before our daughter wakes up.

He lead us to our bathroom, turning on the water, getting it to the perfect temperature. I walked in first with Sehun close behind. He held my hips and kissed the nape of my neck, sending shivers up my spine. I turned around to face him, kissing him properly. The warm water dripped down our bodies while we enjoyed our private moment together.

“I can’t believe I have you all to myself for the weekend,” I whispered.

“Just wait till tomorrow. I’m gonna make this last.”


Sehun scenario – Safe from the storm


requested by anon

Genre: smut, romance, some fluff

Warnings: virginity

Summary: How can one know when the time is right for try something new? When is it a good time to fall for someone for the first time, or to feel so passionately about that person that you’d give up your purity for them?

Sehun and I just got back from our anniversary date, hand in hand until we were stuck in a rainstorm. The moment he felt the water drop on his face, he took off his jacket to shield me from the downpour that came just seconds later. We ran quickly, trying to dodge the puddles as they started to form in the cracks and dips in the sidewalk. He guided me to the car with his hand on the small of my back and an amused smile on his lips. The lightning stretched across the cloudy sky followed by the booming thunder ringing in my ears.

“Wow. That got nasty fast.” I said, watching the rain splash onto the windows.

“My place is close by, we can stay there for the night.” His words may seem insignificant, but not even the storm could raddle me as much as staying the night with him for the first time.

Although we’ve been together for a year, Sehun and I have never been intimate with each other. I trust him with my life, but it’s just never been the right time to go all the way. I wanted to be certain that the one I sleep with was going to stand by me forever. Of course, spending the night together doesn’t always lead to sex.

“O-okay,” I said with caution.

He pulled into his garage and got out to open my door for me. I noticed just how wet he was from trying to outrun the rain, but the rain definitely won this time. I walked behind him while he took my hand, leading me inside, noticing the material of his shirt clinging to his back. His hair was still fairly dampened and messy.

We got inside and he showed me to his room, giving me some clothes to change into.

“They might be a little too big, just let me know when you’re all done, I’ll leave your clothes to dry for a bit.” He closed the door to give me some privacy and I changed into his sweatpants and t-shirt.

Just before I opened the door to hand Sehun my clothes to dry, I hesitated. What’s another minute to take a look around? He was always so busy with schedules that we never see each other’s homes except picking me up for dates.

I sat on his bed, taking in the musky scent of his cologne in the air and feeling his soft sheets. There wasn’t a spec of dust in sight, which was of no surprise to me. I laid back on his pillow, feeling the nightly exhaustion.

Sehun knocked on the door and peeked in to make sure I was alright. He smiled when he saw me laying there on his bed, completely relaxed. He took my date clothes off the floor and laid them flat to dry off before climbing in next to me.

I jumped at the sound of the thunder vibrating the windows. Sehun pulled me in closer, holding my head to his smooth chest. He covered us both in blankets and warmed me up with his body heat. I gave his collar bones a few small kisses, making him hum with affection.

I could feel a bulge in his pants start to harden on my thigh, but I didn’t shy away. Instead, I lightly flexed my leg and grinded slowly. Sehun’s hand went straight to my ass, grabbing it gently.

“Y/n… Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

“You don’t think I can?” My words clearly shocked him based on the widening of his eyes.

“Seriously?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I brushed my fingers through his hair with a small grin. “I love you, Sehun. I’ve always known you’d be my first, it was just the timing that needed to be right.”

He climbed on top of me, kissing my lips lovingly.  He pulled the sweatpants down my legs, revealing my lacy underwear. He smirked at me, almost as if he knew what was to come next. He lifted his t-shirt off of me to see none other than the matching bra.

“You came prepared.” He commented while slipping my panties off.

I shrugged in reply and said, “You never know.”

Our lips reconnected for another heated kiss, parting only to slip Sehuns top off of him. He lifted my legs around his hips after he pulled off his pants and underwear, lining up his cock at my entrance. I mentally prepared myself, but nothing happened.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

Sehun looked at my naked body, completely still. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He rested back on his knees and I sat up to comfort him. “You’re so precious to me Y/n. I can’t hurt you.”

“You won’t. It’s just a new experience. I have to get used to the feeling somehow.”

He sighed, accepting the kiss I planted on his temple and repositioned himself at my core. He looked me in the eye one more time, silently asking permission and I nodded.

Sehun slowly thrusted into me, watching my face as I winced at my walls being stretched around his cock. He started to panic and almost pulled out before I stopped him. I cupped his cheek, kissing him again to show that I was okay. He kissed me back, pushing himself in further until he fit his whole member inside me perfectly.

“Keep going. I’m alright.” I promised.

His thrusts remained slow and steady until I got comfortable with his size. My head fell back with a moan when the pleasure started sinking in. Sehun kissed the base of my neck, loving the sound of my moans.

“More,” My whisper uttered a groan from Sehun.

He both picked up his speed and deepened his stroke, moving in an orgasmic rhythm. Something started to build up in the pit of my stomach, my moans were uncontrollable and Sehun knew exactly what was happening.

“Cum, baby. I’ve got you.” He held me close to him protectively as I reached my first orgasm. My groans and whimpers were enough to send him over the edge as well, snapping his hips into mine at a rapid pace.

Sehun smashed our lips together, his tongue massaging mine while I slowly came down to a relaxed state. His kiss moved from my mouth to my cheek, then my jaw.

“I love you, Y/n.” He said.

“I love you too, Sehun.” My drowsiness started to come back to me as my eyelids felt heavier with each blink.

All I could see was a little smile from Sehun, then complete darkness. I fell into a deep slumber right away, sleeping all through the night.

When I woke up, Sehun was still laying right there next to me, gazing at my groggy, but happy face. He kissed my forehead and whispered, “Good morning, Jagiyah.”

His hands traced circles in my hip, enjoying the touch of my smooth skin under his fingers. I turned to the window, seeing the sun streaming in through the cracks in the blinds.

“The storm passed,” I mentioned.

“Yeah. We slept right through it .” He rotated my body completely, hugging me from behind while I looked at the blue sky.

“I love you so much, Sehun,” I said, rubbing his strong arms. “I’m glad you were my first.”

“Me too.” He kissed behind my ear and nuzzled into my neck.

We both stayed in bed for most of the day, stealing a few kisses and whispering sweet nothings. Just like I’ve always pictured my first time.