Sehun scenario – Mad love


Not requested

Genre: angst, smut, bad boy!Sehun

Summary: months after a rough break-up, a certain inked up bad boy makes a sudden appearance.

Another town, another bar, same problems. I sat on a stool, alone, drinking till my mind went blank for once. I’ve gone from town to town, city to city, but could never settle in one place. The moment I got bored with it I packed up and left. Now I sit here in a new place with a glass in my hand, feeling the burn of alcohol streaming down my throat. The bartender came around again, placing another drink in front of me. I looked up at him with confusion.

“I didn’t order this.”

“Your boyfriend ordered it for you.” He said.

“I don’t have a…” I looked around till I met the eyes of the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. “…Son of a bitch…” I downed the rest of my drink, getting myself drunk enough for what was about to happen.

“Y/n, baby. How are things?.” My ‘boyfriend’ asked

“Sehun. What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I was just driving around and I saw a familiar red Mustang that said ‘wild one’ on the license plate. I got curious.”

“Yeah. Well, you know what curiosity killed.” I stood up and walked away only to be followed by him.

I sat at a table in the corner, kicking the other chair away so Sehun wouldn’t sit there. He looked at me with a smirk and raised his hands in surrender. I pulled out my phone, searching through social media when yet another drink was placed in front of me. I looked up, ready to tell Sehun off, but it was someone else.

“Hi. I saw you were here alone.” A good-looking guy said. He had a sweet smile and charming eyes, which is refreshing compared to the degrading smirk and sneaky stare from Sehun.

“Yeah, I am. Please sit. I’m Y/n.” I told him.

“I’m Ricky.”

A few minutes into our conversation, I could feel my ears start to burn. I searched around to see if Sehun got the hint, which of course, he didn’t. He was sitting at the bar, shooting daggers at me with his eyes. It was obvious that he was jealous, but why? We tried dating, but it didn’t work out.

“You okay?” I was brought back into the conversation with a nod.

“Yeah. What were you saying? Sorry.” I said.

The two of us kept talking, he made me laugh with his witty sense of humor, and I think he really liked me. Everything would be great if I was able to get Sehun out of my mind. A waiter passed by us, dropping a napkin on my side of the table. I looked at the note written on it, just two words: ‘your move’. I looked toward the bar and saw some trashy girl with her hand on his leg, acting fake and flirty. What a child. He gets mad at me when I talk to someone, so he tries to even the score of his own dumb game.

“So you live right here in the neighborhood?” I asked the guy.

“Yeah, just a little loft a couple blocks over. It was renovated last year, it looks nice and modern now.”

“I’d love to see it,” I said with a sensuous voice.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

We both stood up, paying for our drinks and heading out the door, but not before I was able to shoot Sehun a look of victory. I took the hand of my trophy and left.

“I’ll call a cab for us, one sec.” He said.

“Good call. That last round went straight to my head.” I said with a girly giggle.

He smirked to himself, knowing he was going to get lucky and went to call a taxi. I stood by the entrance of the bar, waiting for him to come back, until a strong hand took my arm, turning me around.

“Seriously? You’re really gonna go home with that asshole?” Sehun barked.

“He’s much better than that lush you had all over you. She would have hopped on you then and there if she could.” I argued.

“Hey, cabs on its way. Who’s this?” Ricky came back to Sehun and I mid-agreement.

“I could ask you the same thing.” Sehun stepped up to him with rage in his eyes.

“Sehun, knock it off. Just go inside.” I placed my hand on his chest, trying to push him back, but he didn’t budge.

“Yeah, Sehun, I think you should listen to the lady.”

“Or what?” Sehun challenged. “You’re the one trying to pick up my girlfriend.”

“Stop it!” I yelled.

“Girlfriend?” Ricky looked at me for an answer, but Sehun stopped me.

“Do I stutter? Now do us both a favor and piss off.” With a single shove, Sehun sent Ricky stumbling back.

“You know what? This isn’t worth it.” Ricky left me there, ready to rip my ‘boyfriend’s’ head off.

“Why are you like this? Who are you helping?” I asked.

Sehun couldn’t even bring himself to respond to me. He just rolled his eyes and walked back to his car.

“Oh, so that’s it? You send my date running for the hills and leave me?” I followed behind him, shouting every rude name in the book.

“Y/N!” He turned around with a shout. “What do you want from me?! I saw you were at this bar so I came in to talk to you, but you didn’t want to talk so I gave you space.”

“Yeah, by starting some stupid competition!”

“Fine, I’m a jerk! So what now?”

The fire in his eyes have me wanting more but fearing the worst. What if I catch feelings again? I’ll never get rid of him. I sighed and turned away from him, collecting my thoughts. Sehun walked up, directly in front of me, forcing me to look at him.

“I’m sorry, okay? You just drive me crazy.” He admitted.

“It’s not that, Sehun. I just-” I couldn’t even confess it to myself, in my own mind, but it still had to be said. "We’ve been playing this game for a while, and where does it get us? I was fine. I drifted from place to place, then I met you and… fell head over heels for you, then you cheated on me. You broke my heart and I ran away. Now I carry the thought of what could have been. On top of all that, you showed up here. After months of running, here you are. And seeing you in there with her… I just broke. It wasn’t a challenge for me, Whether that guy picked me up or not, I would have left anyway.“ My nose twitched, my eyes stung with the threat of tears, the base of my throat was blocked by a huge lump.

"Baby…” Sehun reached his hand out to hold my waist but I pulled away.

“Don’t. It’s only going to hurt me.” I whispered.

“Y/n, tell me what you want right now. I don’t want to cause you any pain. Say the word and I’ll disappear. You will never see me again I swear.”

A small sob escaped, proving once and for all that I can’t lose him. No matter how bad it was, I still needed him around. He stood in front of me, waiting for his answer and I finally replied, “I want you.”

He tried to hold me again, this time without resistance. He took my hands, pulling them around his waist and cuddling me into his warm chest. I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. When I opened them again, I looked up at him, seeing the genuine sorrow in his expression. My stare traveled down to his full pink lips, watching them get closer and closer until they were pressed against mine.

“Mmm`” I hummed.

Sehun’s soft tongue pushed past my lips, exploring my mouth, massaging my tongue. I wanted him so badly, even if there’s a high chance of me getting my heart broken again.

He lifted me into his arms, coiling my legs around his hips and carrying me back to his car. My back pressed against the passenger side door, my hips grinded down onto his, feeling the rock hard bulge underneath his jeans. This wasn’t the place for a heavy make out, but I couldn’t stop. I craved him.

Finally, we managed to break away long enough to get in the car and drive to the motel Sehun was staying at. We got out, immediately reconnecting our lips for a hot kiss. 

Stumbling into the room, Sehun ripped off our clothes, unable to contain his dominant self. He pinned me down to the bed, opening my legs and slamming his cock into me.

“Fuck!” I screamed. I bucked my hips, smashing our centers together in sync. His throaty groans made me want to cum in seconds, but I held it in.

“Say my name, baby.” He ordered.

“S-Sehun.” I moaned. He nuzzled into my neck, muffling his moans. I clenched my walls around him, dangerously close to my climax.

“Cum, Y/n. I’ve got you.” He held my waists as my back arched.

I moaned and whimpered through my orgasm with Sehun’s load filling me up. My nails scratched down his back, crying out his name over and over. When we finished, I held him as close to me as I could, covering myself with his body. We laid on the bed for a while. I traced the tattoos in his chest.

“You’re never gonna believe me when I tell you this, but I never meant to cheat on you.”

“We’re having this talk this now?’ I asked.

"Yes, because I need this to be right.” He explained. “I thought you were leaving me that night. We just had a fight, you stormed out and I got drunk. I know it’s not a good excuse, but it was the biggest shock of my life when you came back. I just regret that you had to come back to that. I broke your trust.”

“I could never leave you, Sehun. Clearly, it’s impossible to stay away from you.”  I cupped his cheek, bring him in for a kiss. “You still call yourself my boyfriend,” I said with a laugh.

“Well, we never officially broke up so.”

“I guess your right.” I kissed him again, smiling against his lips. “How about we pick up where we left off?”

“I’d like that.” He said.


Sehun scenario – Story untold


requested by anon

Genre: SMUT

Warnings: age difference, spanking, strong language

He is so gorgeous. There is no other way to describe him. I’ve been in love with the guy next door for months, but he doesn’t know it yet. We met briefly when I first moved into the apartment building beside his house. His name is Oh Sehun. When we met, he was so sweet and warm to me. By the time I was settled in, I realized that my bedroom window is right across from his study. Every morning he’d come out to the window to read a book and have coffee. I wouldn’t even notice I was staring until he’d turn his head and look back at me with a small wave. I’d tell him how I really feel if it wasn’t for my shyness, but it was perfectly justified, because of the age difference.

While I’m only 21, Sehun is 35. I know he’d never want to date a girl like me. He is way far out of my league, he would have anyone. The last thing I want is for him to feel uncomfortable and think I’m some moony-eyed girl gawking at him all the time. So now, my thoughts of him are exactly that, thoughts, fantasies, daydreams. Imagining the way he’d react when I told him how I felt, the way he’d kiss me, and touch me. But an opportunity never presented itself until we got a new mailman in our neighborhood. 

It’s normal to get mail mixed up in our building with other tenants, but one day I got mail that must have been for someone else. It was addressed to our street, but it didn’t have a name on it. I opened the envelope and gasped when I read the words “Dear, Mr. Oh”. It was for Sehun. An easy mistake since there wasn’t a real address.

I couldn’t go over there in a t-shirt and shorts though. I hurried back to my apartment, into my bedroom and changed into a fitted tank top and skirt. There wasn’t much to do with my hair so I just threw it up in a tight bun and went back outside to give him the letter. I looked at the front door, trying to bring myself to go and talk to him. I closed my eyes, giving myself a mental pep talk and took a deep breath.

“You can do this. He’s a person, you’re a person.” I whispered to myself.

Walking up the sidewalk, my heart started thumping in my chest. I raised my shaking hand up to the doorbell and rang it. I could hear the chime echo throughout the house, I waited patiently for a moment but started to feel discouraged when no one answered the door. Maybe he wasn’t home. I turned to put the letter in his mailbox when he finally answered the door. I stood there like a deer in headlights, with my hand in his mailbox, completely taken back.

“Can I help you, Y/n?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Uh, yeah- I mean, um… I got this letter by mistake. There wasn’t a name on the envelope, so I opened it and saw your name, but I didn’t read it. I promise.” I could hear myself start to babble, still, it was hard to stop. “I’m sorry, I can just go.”

“No, it’s alright. Do you wanna come in?” He offered.

I nodded and entered the house that was just as massive as I’ve imagined. The walls were covered in memorabilia and works of art. Sehun read the letter to himself while I looked around at all the amazing things he had in his stunning house.

“Wow, You have such good taste.” I blurted. Sehun smiled at me, amused by my reaction.

“So do you. I’ve noticed your… keen sense of style lately.”

My sense of style?” I said pointing at myself.

“Yes, yours. Even now. You couldn’t just come over here in plain clothing, you had to wear a tight top and skirt just to deliver mail.” He read straight through me. I couldn’t believe it.

“Oh, yeah. I just… I didn’t-”

“No need to be shy, it’s very becoming.” He complimented.

“Thanks.” I wasn’t even able to look him in the eye, I was so embarrassed.

“Why are you so coy?” He lifted my chin, making my heart skip a beat. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you dressed like that for me. Am I wrong?”

“W-well, no. You’re right.”

“Hmm.” He took a step closer. “Trying to seduce me, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I admitted. I was so lost in his sensual eyes, I couldn’t tell a lie if I tried.

“Such a naughty little girl. Lusting after a man my age. Seems like your daddy didn’t spank you enough when you were little.” His hand came around my waist and down to my ass. “Maybe I should finish the job.” He turned me around, pressing me against the wall and hiking up my skirt. “Such a pretty little ass. Let’s get some color in those cheeks.

His hand came down, spanking me once. I yelped at the sudden contact, but could still feel the wetness starting to form between my legs. He swatted my ass again, getting a little rougher.

"Is this what you wanted?” He asked with a smack. “You wanted me to spank you till you turn pink?”

“Yes.” I whimpered.

“Yes, what?” Smack!

“Yes, daddy.” I corrected.

He turned me back around to face him, our lips almost touching. His head ducked down into my neck before I had the chance to taste the lips I’ve dreamed about for ages. He took a long inhale, breathing in my perfume with a faint moan. His lips pressed against my collarbone, causing my legs to go weak.

“Come to bed with me. I want you, baby.”

“Yes, daddy,” I said with a side smile.

Sehun pulled me off the wall, into his arms and carried me up to his bedroom. I took a hold of the back of his neck, kissing his soft lips for the first time while he brought me into his room. He let back down without breaking our kiss. I turned around and saw just how big his room was. All those times I looked into his ‘study’, I was actually looking into a small corner where he keeps his books.

I was so busy looking at the decor, I didn’t even notice Sehun undressing me until he lifted my top up and over my face. I raised my arms, turning around and kissing him again. He threw my top across the room and held me close. He undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor before taking my breast into his mouth, his tongue swirling around my nipple. I kept my balance by clinging to his shoulders.

We moved back to his bed, tumbling down on the soft mattress. He stood on the edge, unbuckling his belt and pants. I sat up on my hands, locking my legs around his hips and pulling him a little closer while he stripped for me. He smiled at me, holding my ankles and lifting my legs high in the air. I moved back on the bed while he climbed on top of me. He grinded his hips on mine, pressing his bulge to my center.

He moved my panties to the side, massaging my wet folds with his tip. I bit my lip in frustration. He was moving so slowly, too slowly. The teasing was all too much. I bucked my hips only to have him turn me over and spank me again.

His lips touched the shell of my ear as he whispered, “Such a perfect baby girl. Do you want my cock?”

“Yes daddy,” I said with a nod.

I gasped when he plunged his long member into me. We rocked back and forth to the rhythm of his thrusts, moaning in ecstasy. He was the perfect size for me, stretching me out slightly, long enough to touch my g-spot every time. I could feel him throbbing deep inside me, making me clench every muscle.

“I’m not gonna last, daddy.” I moaned, arching my back.

“Cum for me. Cum all over my big, thick, cock.” He said between thrusts.

 We reached our climax, crying out in pleasure. Sehun ’s load filled my tender core while he moaned my name.  I fell flat on the bed, relaxing after such an intense orgasm. He kissed my neck once more and lifted me up to tuck me under the covers.

“So beautiful.” He whispered.

The tips of his fingers brushed the hairs away from my face. He leaned in and kissed my lips before I drifted off for a much-needed rest.

A couple hours later, I woke up alone in Sehun’s bed. I turned my head and saw a robe folded on the pillow next to me. When I got up and put it on, I noticed that I wasn’t alone at all. Sehun was sitting in the big lounge chair in the corner, where he always sits in the morning. He wasn’t able to see me with his back facing the other way, so I tried to remain quiet to not disturb him.

I sauntered up behind him, slowly wrapping my arms around his broad chest and kissing his temple. He turned around with a smile and pulled me down on his lap. The robe opened enough for my thigh to peek out, which invited him to place his hand extremely close to my entrance.

“Did you nap well?” He asked.

“Much better than when I nap on my own bed,” I said, truthfully. He gave me a passionate kiss and placed his book on the end table. “Oh, I didn’t mean to disturb you or anything. You can go back to your book if you want.”

“No, I prefer the story happening right now.”

“What story?” I questioned.

“Well. There was a man who hasn’t had much luck with love and was ready to just give up on the idea altogether. Then there came this beautiful girl who lived right next door. He figured that she would never be with an older guy so he kept his distance and just remained a friendly neighbor.” He took my hand, kissing the back and smiling to himself. “Now that’s all changed.”

“For the better?” I asked, flirtatiously.

“Absolutely,” he said with another loving, deep kiss. His fingers moved up and down my slit, teasing me.

“D-daddy~” I moaned.

Sehun picked me up bridal-style, bringing me back to the bed. He pulled open the robe and smirked at me. “How about round two?”

“Yes please,” I replied.


Sehun scenario – Safe from the storm


requested by anon

Genre: smut, romance, some fluff

Warnings: virginity

Summary: How can one know when the time is right for try something new? When is it a good time to fall for someone for the first time, or to feel so passionately about that person that you’d give up your purity for them?

Sehun and I just got back from our anniversary date, hand in hand until we were stuck in a rainstorm. The moment he felt the water drop on his face, he took off his jacket to shield me from the downpour that came just seconds later. We ran quickly, trying to dodge the puddles as they started to form in the cracks and dips in the sidewalk. He guided me to the car with his hand on the small of my back and an amused smile on his lips. The lightning stretched across the cloudy sky followed by the booming thunder ringing in my ears.

“Wow. That got nasty fast.” I said, watching the rain splash onto the windows.

“My place is close by, we can stay there for the night.” His words may seem insignificant, but not even the storm could raddle me as much as staying the night with him for the first time.

Although we’ve been together for a year, Sehun and I have never been intimate with each other. I trust him with my life, but it’s just never been the right time to go all the way. I wanted to be certain that the one I sleep with was going to stand by me forever. Of course, spending the night together doesn’t always lead to sex.

“O-okay,” I said with caution.

He pulled into his garage and got out to open my door for me. I noticed just how wet he was from trying to outrun the rain, but the rain definitely won this time. I walked behind him while he took my hand, leading me inside, noticing the material of his shirt clinging to his back. His hair was still fairly dampened and messy.

We got inside and he showed me to his room, giving me some clothes to change into.

“They might be a little too big, just let me know when you’re all done, I’ll leave your clothes to dry for a bit.” He closed the door to give me some privacy and I changed into his sweatpants and t-shirt.

Just before I opened the door to hand Sehun my clothes to dry, I hesitated. What’s another minute to take a look around? He was always so busy with schedules that we never see each other’s homes except picking me up for dates.

I sat on his bed, taking in the musky scent of his cologne in the air and feeling his soft sheets. There wasn’t a spec of dust in sight, which was of no surprise to me. I laid back on his pillow, feeling the nightly exhaustion.

Sehun knocked on the door and peeked in to make sure I was alright. He smiled when he saw me laying there on his bed, completely relaxed. He took my date clothes off the floor and laid them flat to dry off before climbing in next to me.

I jumped at the sound of the thunder vibrating the windows. Sehun pulled me in closer, holding my head to his smooth chest. He covered us both in blankets and warmed me up with his body heat. I gave his collar bones a few small kisses, making him hum with affection.

I could feel a bulge in his pants start to harden on my thigh, but I didn’t shy away. Instead, I lightly flexed my leg and grinded slowly. Sehun’s hand went straight to my ass, grabbing it gently.

“Y/n… Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

“You don’t think I can?” My words clearly shocked him based on the widening of his eyes.

“Seriously?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I brushed my fingers through his hair with a small grin. “I love you, Sehun. I’ve always known you’d be my first, it was just the timing that needed to be right.”

He climbed on top of me, kissing my lips lovingly.  He pulled the sweatpants down my legs, revealing my lacy underwear. He smirked at me, almost as if he knew what was to come next. He lifted his t-shirt off of me to see none other than the matching bra.

“You came prepared.” He commented while slipping my panties off.

I shrugged in reply and said, “You never know.”

Our lips reconnected for another heated kiss, parting only to slip Sehuns top off of him. He lifted my legs around his hips after he pulled off his pants and underwear, lining up his cock at my entrance. I mentally prepared myself, but nothing happened.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

Sehun looked at my naked body, completely still. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He rested back on his knees and I sat up to comfort him. “You’re so precious to me Y/n. I can’t hurt you.”

“You won’t. It’s just a new experience. I have to get used to the feeling somehow.”

He sighed, accepting the kiss I planted on his temple and repositioned himself at my core. He looked me in the eye one more time, silently asking permission and I nodded.

Sehun slowly thrusted into me, watching my face as I winced at my walls being stretched around his cock. He started to panic and almost pulled out before I stopped him. I cupped his cheek, kissing him again to show that I was okay. He kissed me back, pushing himself in further until he fit his whole member inside me perfectly.

“Keep going. I’m alright.” I promised.

His thrusts remained slow and steady until I got comfortable with his size. My head fell back with a moan when the pleasure started sinking in. Sehun kissed the base of my neck, loving the sound of my moans.

“More,” My whisper uttered a groan from Sehun.

He both picked up his speed and deepened his stroke, moving in an orgasmic rhythm. Something started to build up in the pit of my stomach, my moans were uncontrollable and Sehun knew exactly what was happening.

“Cum, baby. I’ve got you.” He held me close to him protectively as I reached my first orgasm. My groans and whimpers were enough to send him over the edge as well, snapping his hips into mine at a rapid pace.

Sehun smashed our lips together, his tongue massaging mine while I slowly came down to a relaxed state. His kiss moved from my mouth to my cheek, then my jaw.

“I love you, Y/n.” He said.

“I love you too, Sehun.” My drowsiness started to come back to me as my eyelids felt heavier with each blink.

All I could see was a little smile from Sehun, then complete darkness. I fell into a deep slumber right away, sleeping all through the night.

When I woke up, Sehun was still laying right there next to me, gazing at my groggy, but happy face. He kissed my forehead and whispered, “Good morning, Jagiyah.”

His hands traced circles in my hip, enjoying the touch of my smooth skin under his fingers. I turned to the window, seeing the sun streaming in through the cracks in the blinds.

“The storm passed,” I mentioned.

“Yeah. We slept right through it .” He rotated my body completely, hugging me from behind while I looked at the blue sky.

“I love you so much, Sehun,” I said, rubbing his strong arms. “I’m glad you were my first.”

“Me too.” He kissed behind my ear and nuzzled into my neck.

We both stayed in bed for most of the day, stealing a few kisses and whispering sweet nothings. Just like I’ve always pictured my first time.


Sehun oneshot – Who’s cute?


not requested

genre: fluff, humor, smut

Summary: Sehun’s new hairstyle has definitely shown his youthful side, but he hasn’t taken a liking to you, his girlfriend, calling him ‘cute’.

Comeback season was well underway and Sehun’s hairstyle has been changing with the tides. First, he was orange, then back to black to grow out a bit, then pushed back when it got a little longer and now he’s able to have a bit of a break. I was happy to see him back to his normal self for a while.

This morning he left for work in a big hurry. I went out to the store and gym for a couple hours and came home to spend the rest of the day in My boyfriend’s t-shirt and a pair of panties. Speaking of the handsome devil; Sehun sent me a picture of himself in the mirror, sitting in the styling chair once again. His hair was all wet, his bangs combed out in front of his face hiding his eyes.

“Oh boy…” I whispered.

He sent me a few more with a scowl plastered on his face. I texted him back, asking what the color was going to be this time. But he simply replied, “It’s not the color I’m worried about.”

I was so confused. I tried to get him to message me back with some kind of detail, but he just left me with my imagination. I sent silent prayers, hoping he didn’t have 70’s feathered hair extensions or a spiked mohawk.

At the end of the day, I heard the front door knob turn and my heart pounded like a drum. The door opened and I looked at my boyfriend with shock. He… Looked… ADORABLE!

“Awww! Baby, you got a perm. You look so cute~” I ran up to him and cupped his face in my hands. His cheeks started to blush and I nearly turned into a puddle. “Your cheeks are soft too.”

“I got a facial…”

“Awww~ Too cute!”

“I’m not cute. I’m a grown man.” He swatted my hands away and kissed my lips, taking control.

“But you are! Hunnie~~~~”

“Don’t Hunnie me. I wanted a regular cut. I have hair in my eyes all the time now.” He pouted. He laid out on the couch with his face in the pillows and I came to sit next to him.

“I missed you today, though…” I leaned on his strong back and he turned over with a face that read ‘Really?’

“Yeah. How about we go have a bath, you seem like you had a long day.” I offered and he declined.

“I can’t get my hair wet for two days.” He said, fluffing his bangs.

I went into giggle mode and he got off the couch and stomped off to our room. I didn’t have any other choice than to go after him so I did. He went back into his face down position on our bed and pouted some more.

“Babe.” I rubbed his back and he shook his head at me. “Come on. I know you don’t like to be called cute. It’s honestly kinda sexy.” He peeked one eye at me and I kept going. “It’s actually really sexy. You haven’t done curly hair in a long time.” I played with his thickened locks and he completely turned over to face me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down.

“You really think it’s sexy?” He asked. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this anytime soon, but I was intrigued at where this was about to go.

“Yeah. Even with hair in your eyes, it makes you look mysterious.” He pulled me in closer and I leaned down to kiss him.

Naturally, his hands went from my waist, straight to my ass and squeezed. I crawled on top of him and he sat up, pulling me down onto his hips. My hands cupped his sharp jawline, tilting his head to one side to deepen our kiss. His soft moans vibrated my lips, making me smile in satisfaction.

Sehun took a hold of my legs, locking them around his hips before lifting me up a little and placing me on my back. He grinded his bulge on my center and I let out a breathy moan. His tongue slid into my mouth, forcing another moan past my lips. I used my legs to pull him in closer and feel his hardened member.

He broke away to quickly catch his breath. He sat up on his knees an undid his pants. I most definitely chose the right day to lounge around the house in his big t-shirt and panties. Sehun pulled his top over his head, putting his broad chest on full display. I leaned up, peppering kisses along his collar bones, weakening him with my touch. My hands trailed down his slim waist and into the waistband of his underwear, taking them off completely.

He pushed me back down onto the bed slowly and mounted above me. His slender finger went between my legs to hook into the bottom of my panties, feeling my wetness and moving them to the side of my slit.

“You know how much I love to see you in black lace.” His sinful whisper rang in my ears while he positioned himself at my core. I combed my fingers through his hair to push his bangs away from his face and he crashed our lips together. I felt every inch of his cock glide into my heat.

His soft pink lips parted with a small whimper. I trapped his bottom lip between mine to kiss him and he passionately kissed me back. His smooth strokes had me begging him for more. His curls tickled my neck while he covered the tops of my breasts in loving kisses. My back arched, my legs lifted up to pull him in with every thrust.

“Mmm~ You want my cum baby?” He asked me.

“Yes! Give it to me.” I pleaded. I tangled my fingers in his hair, locking him in place and he nibbled my collar bones. My mouth was ajar and I tried to stop myself from cumming too soon. I clenched my walls around his long cock, bringing him closer to the edge.

His fingertips gripped onto my hips, surely leaving his mark on my skin. “Cum, baby. Cum for me.”

I tilted my head back and let my orgasm wash over my senses. Sehun’s warm cum filled me while I screamed his name. My hands moved from his arms to his back, scratching the skin with my nails.

Sehun’s breaths slowed as we both came back down to reality and he bit my earlobe playfully, making me smile.  He pulled out of me and laid on his back next to me. I turned over on his side and kissed his cheek. He moved his shoulder under my head and I cuddled in closer. My fingers traced little circles on his smooth chest while we both bathed in the afterglow.

“Do you really think this hair is  sexy?” He asked, needing my honest approval.

I propped myself up on my arm and looked him in the eyes. “Of course, I do.” I held his cheek in my palm and his eyes lit up. I kissed him one more time and laid back down next to him.

“How are you supposed to shower if you can’t get your hair wet?” I asked him.

“I’ll just use a shower cap.”

“And now you’re back to adorable,” I said with a laugh.

Sehun sprung out of bed and stomped off to the bathroom. “Nooo! Baby, please! It’s not a bad thing!” I said while following him in. It looks like we’re going to be at this all night. Oh well 😉


Sehun scenario – Caught warm-hearted


💓Febuary request💓

genre: Fluff!

summary: You and sehun have always been seen as the ‘cold’ looking couple with sarcasm to spare, but when the members find out how you two really act in private, the real fun begins for them.


I checked the clock again and looked at my phone to see if I had any new messages.

“Sehun-ah. Are you waiting for something?” Chanyeol asked. “Or someone?” he teased.

“No. I’m just checking the clock,” I said.

Chanyeol, Kai, and I were in the studio today to record the rap lines for the new title song. We were told that if we finished the first draft of lyrics, we would have an extra 30 minutes for lunch. I figured since we’d be here until later tonight, I’d invite my girlfriend down for lunch, and an extra 30 minutes just means more time together before I have to get back to work.

We all continued the session, recording and stopping, recording and stopping until our manager came in and checked on the three of us. He looked at our lyrics and nodded in approval. “Looks good so far. Enjoy your hour and a half lunch break.”

“Yes!” I grabbed my phone and texted, Y/n. to let her know I was able to let her in.

I hurried as quickly as I could to the back door and hoped that no one spotted her. We made our relationship public about a month ago and if anyone spotted her, this whole building would be surrounded by fans trying to catch us together.

I sighed in relief when I saw her through the glass, completely on her own and waving at me.

Your POV

“Hey!” I said when Sehun opened the door. He grabbed my hand and we went inside. “I packed your favorite lunch,” I said holding up the bag in my other hand.

“Oooohhh, now I see why you were checking the clock! You wanted to see your little girlfriend.” Kai and chanyeol appeared in the middle of the hall and Sehun sighed in annoyance.

“Haha! She’s literally little too!” Chanyeol joked. “Where are you going?”

“Disney World…” I said sarcastically. Kai burst into giggles and hit Chanyeol on the shoulder playfully.

Sehun opened the door to one of the empty practice rooms, letting me go in before him, and locked the door. He moved the gym mats over and stacked them like a couch for us to sit on. I opened up the bag and gave him his lunch.

“Thanks, Jagiyah.” He kissed my forehead and I pulled my laptop out of my tote bag. “No problem.” I placed it on my lap and played an episode for the both of us to watch. I put my head on his shoulder and we both just relaxed for a while.

“So is the recording going well?” I asked him.

“Yeah. I’m just hoping it all goes well. Manager-hyung said our first draft of rap lines were off to a good start.” I could hear the tension in his voice.

“I think it’ll go well. You’re very talented, Sehunnie.” I told him. He smiled and leaned toward me, but I pulled back with a laugh.

“No~ What if the boys burst in here?” I said. He turned away from me and pouted his lip. “Aww, Come on. Don’t pout that cute little lip~” I pinched his cheek and he faced me again, trying to kiss me. “NOOOO~~~” I tiled away from him again and pushed his face away, making him laugh.

“If you don’t want to get kissed, stop saying nice things to me!” He whined.

“Fine! You’re garbage…” I teased. Once again, he leaned in to kiss me. I grabbed his cheeks, stopping him from kissing me, which only made him try harder. He hovered over me, making my computer slide off my lap and onto the padded surface.

“AH-HA!!!” We both looked toward the door and saw Baekhyun pointing a chopstick at the two of us; both making it known that we’ve been caught, and showing us how he picked the lock to get in.

Sehun quickly got off of me and we both sat up straight. Baekhyun moved aside, letting Kai and Chanyeol see what he’s discovered. Kai’s expression was as if he just witnessed something truly magical. His jaw dropped halfway to the floor and Chanyeol started pointing and laughing.

“I knew it!” Baekhyun shouted. “You two-”

“Don’t say it!” I warned him.

“Are ADORABLE!” He finished. Sehun shot up and pushed them all out the door. “I got it once! I can do it again!” Baekhyun said with a devilish smile.

Sehun relocked the door and sat down next to me. “Well so much for that.” He said, wrapping his arm around me and bringing me in close. I cupped his cheeks and finally gave him a kiss on his lips. He looked at me with shock and I shrugged. “What? We already got caught.”


Home away from home – part 10


part 9

previously: "It’ll be okay. I promise. I won’t give you up that easily.” He kissed my forehead and held me close. I nuzzled into his chest and instantly felt better about all of this.

Genre: Angst, a little bit of fluff

A/N: New series, new environment, NEW CHARACTER!

I felt so worried when I woke up the next day but as soon as I turned over and saw Sehun’s sleeping face, I just felt relieved. I lifted my hand, cupping his soft cheek and his eyes fluttered open.

“Hi,” I said with a smile. Sehun raised his head, propping it up on his hand and just gazed back at me.

“You’re awake.” He said. I laughed faintly, and I nodded. “You were out like a light when I left.” He commented. I looked at him with a confused expression, and he explained. “I went to the security office a few hours ago.”

“And?” I asked.

“We’re all clear. I had security check the cameras to find out who was lurking around and turns out, it was some idiot employee who tried to blackmail me. The second we caught him he was fired. It’s alright.” He said pulling me into his arms. I rested my forehead on his chest when he finished and exhaled.

“That was the most stressed out I’ve ever been.” I sighed. Sehun wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a little squeeze. “Just breathe.” He whispered. I knew all of this high life would end soon, but I didn’t think the fall would be so painful.

Sehun’s lips kissed the side of my neck and down my shoulder. His touch felt so good; I couldn’t think straight. “No one’s going to hurt you. I promise.” He whispered. After a few more seconds we broke apart, and I sat up on my bed.

“Wait, how’d you get into my room?” I asked. He laughed at my question and grabbed something out of this pants pocket. “I got a copy of the key card.” He said smiling devilishly.

“You little-” He cut me off, pouncing on top of me and shutting me up with a sweet kiss. He leaned back and looked me in the eyes. “You know in the midst of all this; we’ve never actually had a real date. Let’s go out.”

“What’d you have in mind?” I asked.

In an instant, We heard a loud knock at the door and got dressed. I had Sehun hide in my closet and my little sister opened the door. Our parents stormed in and looked straight at me with rage in their eyes.

“Would you like to explain to us what this is.” My dad handed me a printed photo of Sehun and me. It was the exact one he received on his phone last night. “It was slipped under our door this morning.”

“Oh god…” I said in a quiet voice. "I know you’re not going to believe me, but I had nothing to do with that picture. Sehun went to the security office, and they dealt with the guy who took it.”

“While that’s all well and good, I’m more focused on why this happened. Y/n, we had three rules, and this is proof that you didn’t listen.” I lowered my head with a nod while my dad spoke. “Well. Unfortunately, this trip has to be cut short.”

“What? no!” My sister said. My heart dropped to my stomach. I couldn’t believe this was happening. To make things worse, I knew Sehun heard all of this from my closet.

“Dad, I’m sorry this happened, and I don’t mean to play the victim here, but I-”

“Y/n, I know you didn’t have anything to do with the photo and whoever took this picture should be prosecuted for a start, but the last thing I need is to have this whole situation get worse. I’m sorry girls. We just have to go. Your mom and I will be back in an hour. Pack up your things and get ready to go. I’ll check for some last-minute flights.” And with that, my parents left.

I know it was the right thing to do since that creep could still be out there, waiting for another opportunity but I’ve had my first love here on the island. And now I had to break his heart.

I went back to my room, and the closet door opened slowly. Sehun walked up to me as I fell back onto my bed. “This has been the worst 24 hours of my life,” I said.

“I know. Y/n I’m so sorry.” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and I sat up next to him and tried to settle his nerves.

“It’s okay. Maybe this is just a sign. We both rushed into this and now we should just take a breath. The second semester is starting up for the both of us and we should be focused on that.” Sehun nodded his head and I rubbed his back. “It’s really okay. I’m sure we’ll see each other in the near future.”

He raised his head and looked at me with a small smile. “Yeah. Maybe it’s for the best.” He turned to me and looked at the necklace he bought me. “Don’t forget me though. Okay?”

“Of course I won’t,” I said. We both got up and I finished packing. I was able to sneak Sehun out before my parents came back. I opened the front door and he checked the halls to make sure no one was around. He almost walked out when he suddenly turned around, cupping my face and kissing me one more time. His lips felt so good, but this whole situation was something his kisses couldn’t even cure.

“See you around.” He whispered.

“Bye,” I said quietly. He walked down the hall and I closed the door. I turned to go back to the bedroom to get my bags but was stopped in my tracks by my sister.

“Do you think you’ll see him again?” She had a sense of compassion in her voice as if she really did care about my relationship. I shrugged at her and replied, “I hope so. Sometimes these little flings just kinda fade away.”

She shook her head in disagreement. “That wasn’t a fling and you know it, Y/n. You don’t say ‘I love you’ and go out of your way to be with someone you only intend to date for a couple weeks.”

“So what? It doesn’t matter. We got careless and now I’m suffering the consequences.” I went to my room and grabbed my luggage.

“We’re back! Let’s go girls!” I could hear my mom shouting from the other room and I took a deep breath, coming to terms with an end to my own vacation romance.

When we arrived at the airport I had a dumb thought racing around in my mind. ‘What if Sehun rushes here like in the movies and tells me to stay longer?’. I sighed and just looked at my phone to distract myself from the wish that just won’t come true. And it didn’t. We all boarded the plane and traveled back home. 

From the moment we got off the plane to the moment we arrived at our family home I felt emotionally numb. My parents started to catch onto how I was feeling but the damage has already been done.

“Can you just drop me off at the campus?I want to unpack my stuff.”

“Sure, sweetheart.” My mom replied. We both got into the car, driving in pure silence until she spoke when we were halfway there. “Honey I know you liked him, but if we stayed, who knows how much worse it could have gotten.”

“I know why we left. It just sucks for now.” I looked out the window until we reached the parking lot in front of my building. I got out, grabbed my suitcases and hugged my mom goodbye.

“Call me if you need anything.” She said. I nodded to her and walked inside.

I struggled to get my room keys out of my purse and with my luck, dropped my bag on the floor, making everything fall out. “Home sweet home,” I said under my breath.

“Y/n?” I looked up to see who said my name and I instantly felt relieved. It was my best friend!

“Jonginnie!” I got up and he rushed over to give me a hug. “I missed you! What are you doing on campus so soon?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” He bent down and picked up my wallet and keys, putting them back into my purse. I thanked him for his help and we walked to my dorm.

“So! Tell me what went on. Last I heard you were bord out of your mind and annoyed with your sister.” He said. I laughed at his description and explained the reason I’ve lost touch.

“I actually met this guy. Literally, two seconds after I last talked to you and It got complicated really fast. We both said the ‘L’ word and it went okay for, like, a minute. We have some good times and then one really bad thing happened and now I’m on campus for new years.”

“Yikes.” He said, taking in everything I explained.

“What about you?” I asked.

“Oh! A couple RAs called out ‘sick’ for new years so now I’m getting paid double to work the front desk.”

“I guess we’re in this together,” I said. We reached my room and I unlocked the door and opened it. Jongin walked in ahead of me to put my bags on my side of the room.

“Oh yeah! Good news! I heard through the grapevine that your roommate transferred to another university.”

“The grapevine?”

“Okay. Fine. I may have seen a list of people who were moving out and recognized the name.” That’s the snoopy Jongin I know.

“Yeah. She mentioned that. So is this  room mine?” I asked.

“Pretty much. There is a whole room above you that had all seniors that just graduated.” He said.

“Nice! So what now? Are you off?”

“Yeah! There’s actually this get together tonight if you’re interested. Some people from the music department are having a pizza party to celebrate the last night of the musical.” He said.

“Yeah! I can go with.” I shrugged.

“Cool. I’ll let you do your thing. I don’t wanna mess up your… organization… with your… stuff”

“Jongin, I know that’s just code for ‘you don’t want to help me unpack’.”

“Like I said. I’ll let you do your thing.: he inched toward the door, making me smile at how goofy he was. "Later!” He shouted once he was out the door.

“Bye!” I replied. I unzipped my bags when I had another random thought. I pulled out my phone and checked the messages to see if Sehun tried to text me. “Nope…” I whispered to myself.

I lowered my head and took a hold of the necklace. I didn’t want to lose contact with Sehun, but what if this was it? Still, the optimistic side of me was still intact.


Sehun scenario – The little princess



Genre: royalty au, angst, smut

Summary: You have been arranged to be married to a prince in a neighboring kingdom. Unfortunately, someone else has already claimed your heart long ago, but because of the pressures of the crown and country, you are forced to put yourself last. Or so you think.

“I can’t do this. I just can’t do this.” I paced back and forth in my new queen’s chambers in a white dress that had more crystals on it than I’d ever seen. I was about to fall into a panic when I heard a commotion outside.

The door swung open and my mother sauntered in, studying my worried expression. “What’s wrong, my love. You’re getting married today.”

“I don’t think I can do this.” I took deep breaths in and out, continuing my panicked strut back and forth, my long train gliding behind me. My mother rushed behind me, picking up the skirt of my dress and stopped me in my tracks.

“Darling, you said before that you don’t know who you want you to marry, and now you don’t have to worry about it. Prince Sehun is a lovely young man. I really do think you’ll get along.”

“But that’s just it. I don’t want to just get along with my husband, I want to love him and trust him and never want to be without him like in the fairytales. I don’t know who I want to marry because I’ve spent all my life with my lady’s maid and royal guards all day long. I’ve never even met the man I’m betrothed to.” I said at rapid speed. I took another deep breath, trying to inhale with a tight corset on which is practically impossible.

“Why do I have to wear this thing? I can barely breathe!” I started to feel faint when my mother held her hands up, cupping my cheeks and helped me calm down.

“Y/n, darling. I know this seems like a lot, but this arrangement didn’t just happen by chance. Sehun is the only son of his parents and will take the crown as soon as he’s married. You will be a queen! It’s the moment we’ve been working so hard for. Just think of all the wonderful things you will do for our countries.” She was right in saying that but I still had my reservations about all this.

“I still hate this corset…” I muttered. Mother lowered her hands and straighten my dress.

“Well, you have to wear it. It makes your waist look small and your hips look big. It’s good for childbearing.”

“Oh god.” I felt so lightheaded. Now I have to have children with a stranger.

“You’ll be okay. I promise. Your father and I have met Sehun many times. He’s very handsome.” She tried to persuade me, but there wasn’t any use.

“I just need a moment,” I said. My mother nodded and left the room.Although I was worried about my husband-to-be. I wasn’t completely sold on the idea because there was someone else. 

When I was young my mother would teach me all the things I had to know before I became a queen. How to dress, walk, talk, and even eat. I never had a problem with the idea of an arranged marriage because I was told it was the norm. My parents had an arranged marriage and they both love each other very much, so I wanted to get married the same way and leave it to fate.

But one miraculous day, my parents and I came to the neighboring kingdom to visit the King and Queen as well as their son Sehun, but he never showed, The queen mentioned that he has an ‘adventurous spirit’ but I knew that only meant ‘he didn’t want to come so he ran off’. So I took matters into my own hands and decided to just show myself around the village.

Of course, that didn’t last long since the guards started searching for me. That’s when I met my stranger. He helped me get away from being practically hunted down. He was the sweetest boy I’d ever met. I followed him around as he showed me all the great places in the kingdom. He would call me “little princess” because of the formal clothing I was wearing. Unfortunately, we never learned each other’s names, because my father himself caught me. I wanted to run away. I didn’t want to marry a prince who clearly had no interest in meeting me. But none of that matters now. 

I pulled down my veil over my face and took a deep breath and turned to the doors, knocking on them to signal that I was ready. As soon as they opened, all my emotions were numbed. I had no reaction to what was about to unfold. I was escorted to the throne room for the ceremony. The guards opened the doors and I held my head high, just as I was told all those years of preparation. This is the moment. The moment I would meet the person I have to spend my life with.

My heart started to pound as the thoughts and emotions started to flood in again. My footsteps slowed to a complete halt and I just stood there, in the middle of the aisle, frozen in time. I can’t do this. I can’t marry someone I don’t love. I know it ridiculous to be in love with a boy I met when we were children, but at least I connected with him. I stared at the back of my groom’s head, he didn’t even each me as I walked to him just now.

All at once, my husband-to-be turned around and it was as if I flashed back in time. I know those piercing brown eyes, I know him. I continued to walk closer and could feel the relief in the air. I came face to face with the prince and he pulled my veil up and over my head to actually see my face. His eyes widened and it all came back to me.

It was him. Prince Sehun was the boy I met. But how? Was he a twin? We both turned to face the priest and the ceremony went on. I couldn’t help but look at him from time to time, and it almost felt as if he was stealing glances at me too.

“You may kiss your bride.” We both turned to each other and Sehun cupped my face, pulling me in for a chaste kiss. I’ve never kissed anyone in my life but based on everyone’s description, I may have found my ‘fairytale’ prince. We broke apart and left the throne room, hand in hand.

Later that evening, at our reception, we both sat at the head of the table while our guests enjoy the feast. I was so preoccupied with the thought of Sehun being my perfect stranger that I barely touched my plate. We’ve been married for three hours and still haven’t spoken to each other. Everyone was eating, dancing, and basking in the joy of our union, but we still felt so distant.

About halfway through our reception, Sehun tapped me on the wrist and pointed to the hallway. I nodded and we both got up and left the banquet hall. I wasn’t sure where he was going to take me, but as long as I was able to get this torturous corset off, it was fine by me.

“Do you need someone to company you, your highness?” A guard asked.

“No. I’m fine… I just want to get to know my wife better.” Sehun replied. He took my hand and lead me to his chambers.

As soon as he closed the doors, he turned to face me, his eyes looking at every detail of my face. “My little princess.”

I gasped at his words and he smiled, raising his hand to caress my cheek. “It really is you,” I whispered in shock. He nodded to me and pulled me in for a kiss.

“I knew it the second I saw you. All this time, wondering what it’d be like to kiss these lips, and hold you in my arms.” He said. My eyes began to water with each word. I never thought the boy I met was actually going to be the man I would one day marry.

“I thought I recognized those dark, rebellious eyes,” I said. Sehun lowered his head and started to feel shy. “But something changed.”

It took him a moment to finally look me in the eye again and explain. “Well, my parents don’t like it when I dress as a commoner and roam around the village on my own.” Everything became clear. In order to escape the harsh realities of being a prince, Sehun would just dress as a normal person. That’s why he wasn’t able to meet me years ago. All the pressure was too much and he ran away for a while.

“It’s now my biggest regret. Had I just been myself and met you years ago, I would have still fallen for you and my father…” He caught himself before he could finish and sighed. “My father found out about my ‘wrongdoing’ and I was nearly stripped of my title. If I wasn’t his only son, I’d be nothing…”

Hearing his story broke my heart. He had such a free spirit and yet no one knew. I stepped closer to him and lifted his head. “Well, I’m here now, and so are you. That must mean something.”

“Yes. It means everything.” Sehun pressed me against his chest and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back and he moved us toward his bed. Sehun stopped me before I fell back and he undid my dress, letting it fall around my ankles. He finally let me lay back on the bed and hovered over my body. He looked down at my corset and took matters into his own hands, tearing it straight down the middle.

I took a quiet breath in and out, feeling my lungs fill up completely and he smiled. His fingers traced down the marks that were left by the tight garment.

“I never understood the purpose of those things. No woman of your level of beauty should have her breathing restricted.” Sehun leaned down to kiss me passionately and lifted my leg around his waist. “My beautiful bride.”

He rubbed his tip between my folds, forcing a small moan from my lips. His kisses continued to travel around my neck and chest while he massaged my core with his manhood. He was just about to enter me when we both had a flash of reality. It was my first time.

Sehun paused and looked me in the eyes as they flashed open. “You still have your purity don’t you?” He asked.

I nodded my head and He almost pulled away when I stopped him. “I want to do this with you. If it were anyone else I’d want to wait longer, but this seems right. Being here with you means something. I want this.”

I touched his cheek while I spoke and he reached up to hold my hand. “Alright. But you must stop me if it becomes too painful.” I nodded in agreement and he pulled me up to the middle of the bed. He disrobed completely and held my wrists, pulling my hands toward his body.

“Touch me, my wife. I’m yours now.” I sat up and let my hands wander all over his masculine frame. I moved my hands down his hips, moving closer to his erect cock. “Careful, my love.” He said with a flirtatious smirk. “I won’t be able to stop myself.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” I replied. He leaned in closer, our noses barely touching. I tilted my head up, sealing our lips with a sweet kiss. Sehun’s hands held my upper back and leg, moving me back against the bed.

He lined himself up at my entrance and watched my facial expressions as he thrust into me. I bit my lip, holding back any unpleasant sounds that might escape. Sehun lifted his thumb up to my mouth, freeing my bottom lip from between my teeth. I opened my eyes and moaned softly at the orgasmic vision above me.

“Yes, my wife. Moan for me. I want to hear your dulcet cries of pleasure.”

His hands held mine and raised them above my head while he continued his powerful thrusts. I never dreamt this would feel so euphoric the first time. He knew exactly where to touch and kiss even though he hasn’t touched me before.

“I need to feel you cum on my cock, my wife. I need to cum deep inside you.” The way he spoke made me come closer to my high. “Cum for me. Scream for me.” He said with a shaky breath.

I did exactly as he said, clenching my tight walls around him, squeezing his hands, and calling his name. His thrusts got rougher while he finished inside me, but at that point, I was too far into my climax to feel any pain.

We both came down from our highs and Sehun rolled over next to me. He turned and gazed at me for a while. “I still can’t believe I found you. All this time I thought it was just a silly childhood crush, but I couldn’t stop imagining what you would grow up to be.” His thumb stroked my cheek. “You’re so much more beautiful than I pictured.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. "Rest now, my bride. I’ll be here to wake you in the morning, before the correlation.” He lifted my chin, kissing me again. I closed my eyes and got more comfortable in his warm embrace.

“My perfect little princess. Soon to be my queen.” He whispered with a smile.


Sehun scenario – Coming clean


Summary: Enough is enough. Sehun decides it’s time to stop the charade and let management know that he has found love outside of the Idol spotlight.

Genre: fluff, slight angst

“Are you sure you want to do this today?” I asked. I was always told to hope for the best and prepare for the worst, but in times like this, I could really only see the negatives of what was going to happen.

“Yes. No more hiding, no more games, no more secrets.” He gave me a kiss and we headed into the building.

Last night Sehun woke up with a look of horror on his face. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me even closer to him. I asked him why he was so worried and he just said, “Because you weren’t there.”

That morning he woke up with a plan. He was finally going to tell management about our relationship and come out of hiding. I got out of bed and saw him in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for the first time in a long time.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

He kissed the top of my head and said, “I’m just feeling really good today. I’ve decided to tell management about us. And I want you to come with me.”

Which brings us to right now. He always spends hours in practice or other schedules, but this time he wanted me to go with him. He was difficult to say no to him anyways, but he started in with his big hope-filled brown eyes and I just turned to mush.

We sat in the waiting area for a moment and the receptionist told us both to go into the office. Sehun and I walked down the hallway, hand in hand until we reached the door. He knocked three times and the door opened, revealing EXO’s manager.

“Come in… Who’s this?” He asked. The manager’s eyes stared me down like a hawk as Sehun and I walked into the room.

“This is Y/n. She’s actually the reason I wanted to talk to you, because… She’s my girlfriend.” He blurted.

I stood there frozen like a statue, waiting for some kind of reaction. The manager leaned back in his chair behind his desk and didn’t make a sound. His eyes switched between Sehun and I until he sat up straight.

“How long has this been going on?” He asked

“ten months.” Sehun replied. I panicked when I heard a scoff and watched as Sehun’s manager recline back in his chair.

“Well, this is a bit of a shock, to say the least. I’ve never even heard of this girl before and now here she is in my office.”

“I know this is all coming really soon but…” Sehun turned to me and looked me in the eyes. “I can’t lose her.”

I smiled back at him and the manager cleared his throat. “And so are you coming to me for this as a blessing or so I can construct some kind of statement for this relationship to go public?”


“I just have to ask. Why now? What happened today that made this all so urgent?” He asked. I was a little curious about the answer as well since I was still in shock about all this.

“Honestly? Last night I had this dream that I came here and told you about her and it didn’t go well. I thought about all those times I would drive to my brother’s house or to one of the member’s places to do a Vlive or Instagram live in case someone saw her or heard her voice and got suspicious.” I nearly teared up while he spoke.I know just how difficult it’s been to be a secret item when all you want to do is have a normal relationship.

“Even some of the members have noticed that I have no interest in girls, but that’s because I already have one. She even makes me work harder and learn choreography quicker because I want to be able to have enough time to spend with her.” I lifted my hand to wipe my tear and tried not to seem too emotional so I’d be taken seriously.

“Well. We can come up with a statement for the press, but you two need to understand that there’s going to be loads of eyes on you.” He warned. “Especially you Y/n. You’re not an Idol so people will want to figure you out.”

Sehun took my hand and squeezed it tightly, letting me know he’d do everything in his power to protect me. “I can’t be without her.”

I came a little closer to him and watched the manager’s expression soften. “I believe you.” He said. “All we need now is just a couple of days to get everything straightened out. Can you handle that?” He asked

Sehun and I both nodded and I couldn’t help but grin. We were excused shortly after and walked out into the hall, stopping the take in what just happened. It was almost like we’d been released from hiding. I could finally be able to go out with him and not have to just order takeout from some restaurant late at night and have a stay-in date with him.

I turned to face him and his smile grew bright. I leaped into his arms and kissed him with everything I had. He smiled into the kiss and nuzzled his face into my neck and hugged me tightly.

“Finally…” I sighed. “I love you Sehunnie,” I whispered.

“I love you too, Y/n-ah.”


Sehun drabble – Miss me?



genre: fluff

I never thought I’d be spending this Christmas counting the hours until Sehun got off work. He was busy with the SBS Gayo Daejun Awards and would be home until late. But the longer I waited, the lonelier I felt. Sehun tried to send me a text every now and again, but that stopped about an hour ago.

I went up to our bedroom and watched TV up there. I laid down on Sehun’s side of the bed and relaxed. My eyes fluttered shut and I started to doze off. My ears rang when I heard the beginning of Ko Ko Bop play. I watched EXO’s performance, smiling like a child when Sehun got some camera time. He looked so good! He really did light up the stage with his movements.

When their set ended, I felt sleepy again. I snuggled into his pillow and closed my eyes for a bit, but before  I realized it, I was asleep. The scent of his pillow created visions of him in my mind. His sweet smile, his fierce brown eyes, his gentle touch. He’s only been gone one day and I’ve already been missing his kiss. I missed the way he kissed my shoulders in the morning and the way his hand grazed up and down my side. I got the shivers and woke up from my sleep, but the feeling was still there. His lips were still on my shoulders and his hands were still on my side.

I turned over and saw him smiling at me. “Merry Christmas, Jagi.” He said.

I was so overwhelmed by the fact that he was really here. I flipped over on top of him and he laughed into my neck. I lifted my head up and smothered him with kisses until I landed on his warm lips. I hummed against his mouth, holding him tight.

“It is now! God, I’ve missed you.” I told him. His eyes contorted into the adorable half-moon shape when he smiled. “I missed you too, baby. I’m here now.” I laid my head on his chest and he reclined on his pillow.

“Oh! I almost forgot… Ta-da~” He handed me a little box with a note attached. ‘Always yours, Sehun’

“Aww, I thought you were too busy for gifts.” I took the box and opened it while he watched me eagerly.

I gasped when I  saw a beautiful titanium bracelet with ‘SH’ engraved on it. Sehun lifted his wrist to show his matching bracelet with my initials engraved on his.

“Why titanium?” I asked.

“Because it’s one of the strongest metals. It can overcome anything; Just like you and me.” I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head as I slipped it onto my wrist. I snaked my arm around his waist and felt him squeeze me tightly until his grip loosened when he fell asleep.