Jin drabble – Just breathe

A/N a fluff piece for anyone who needs some comfort from a bad storm

I squeezed my eyes shut while the horrible sounds continued. I cuddled into my boyfriend’s chest as his big arms held me tight. I jumped when I heard glass shattering and the wind whistling. I know it had to have been a window being broken from the storm,

“Just breathe, jagi. We’ll be okay. I promise.” Jin clutched onto me as a chill went up my spine. I could still hear the debris from outside as the rain and wind gusted violently. I just held his hands in mine and took a deep breath. He kissed the top of my head and cheek.

We stayed huddled together until the storm died down. He released my hands and turned around. “Stay here. I’m gonna go check things out.”

“No! Don’t! It can come back.”

“Then so will I. Don’t move.” He got up and walked upstairs. I heard his heavy footsteps as he walked around to look at the damage. My heart raced when he hurried downstairs. I got up and turned to face him

“Jin! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

“No, baby. it’s okay. It’s over now.” He cupped my face and kissed my lips. I kissed him back with all the love I had.

“Thank god,” I whispered against his lips. He kissed my forehead and held me close. “You were so brave Jagi. It’s all alright now.” I buried my face in his chest and breathed him in. He rested his head on top of mine and rocked me back and forth relieving me from my fear

BTS reaction – you being a translator for Big Hit


Fans would start to wonder why he keeps staring and winking at the side of the stage while the other members are performing. But it wouldn’t take long to realize he’s looking at you.

He would actually use your help for his mixtapes. He would ask for your input on different languages and how it can translate into a song.

Rap monster
Everyone around you two would get annoyed since Namjoon can speak Korean, English and a little of Japanese and Chinese. Anytime you are together, you would switch between them and conduct your own secret language.

J Hope
He was if you were going to be translating before any foreign interview or show. His smile lights up anytime he sees you around.

He would ask you all the different words that pop into his mind and how they translate. He is amazed at all the different things you know.

He couldn’t be more excited that you’re working in the same building. He would bug his manager for day to get you to be the translator for Bangtan only.

He wants to know how far you will go to translate what he says. He’ll start saying the most ridiculous phrased to make you sound insane.

Kookie: 나는 신발을 먹는다! (I eat shoes)

You: 하지마… (Don’t/stop)
