Appa!Suga – The nanny


Jin | Suga | RM | J-hope | Jimin | V | Jungkook |

Genre: parenthood, fluff, his POV

Summary: Yoongi hasn’t been having much luck with love being a single father, but a certain new nanny at his toddler’s daycare has plucked his heartstrings.

A/n: Any ‘The nanny’ fans? XD

I bent down to get one more look at my son before sending him to daycare. “Be on your best behavior. Make sure you are nice to everyone, okay? Have fun.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

I watched him hurry inside and run up to one of the nannies in the hallway. She heard him yelling ‘Hi’ and bent down, scooping him up with a hug. She had one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. When she let him back down, he grabbed her hand and the two walked into the playroom with the other kids while I turned to leave.

Who is this girl? I’ve taken my son to this daycare for the past six months, but this is the first I’ve seen of her.

I tried to remember if I met her before, but I kept drawing blanks. Orientation? No, I would have been introduced. She must be new here. I was given a second reason to pick-up my son as quickly as possible at the end of the day; I’m going to find out who the new nanny is.

Normally I would just walk up to the front desk and have my son waiting right there, but I came a few minutes early so I’d maybe catch another glance at the nanny I saw before.

My son came in through the door and there she was holding his hand. “Appa!” He ran to me and I picked him up.

“How was your day?” I asked him.

“Really good! Y/n taught us how to make cookies!” He held up a sandwich back with three cookies inside to take home.

“Who’s Y/n?” I asked him.

“That’s me. Sorry, we haven’t met before. I’m Y/n.” She extended her hand and I shook it. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She said with a smile. I left with my little one in my arms and he waved good-bye.

“See you tomorrow.” He said.

The whole ride home he went on and on about how much fun he had and I asked him about his new nanny. He was really my only source of information about her.

“She started last week, but she doesn’t work on Fridays.” He said. That was it. I was going to ask her to go out with me on Friday, that way she won’t have any stresses from work or anything.

Throughout that week, I’d drop off my son, go to work, pick him up a few minutes early and chat with Y/n while I waited. When Thursday rolled around, I came in with the confidence to finally ask her out.

“Hi, Yoongi, He should be right out, he’s grabbing his bookbag.” She said with her signature smile.

“Uh, Y/n,” I called out to her and she looked up from the computer. “I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to have dinner tomorrow night. If you aren’t busy of course.”

She thought to her self for a second and nodded. “I’d love to.” She replied and my son burst through the door and walked toward me. I lifted him into my arms and gave Y/n my phone number.

“See you then,” I said, walking out. She waved to the both of us and my heart raced. When we got out to the car, my boy gave me a sneaky smile.

“What are you smiling at little man?” I asked him.

“You like miss Y/n~” He teased and I smiled back at him. I was finally able to find a girl who didn’t care about me being a single dad. And I had my little man’s approval.


Suga scenario – When words fail


💓Febuary request💓

requested by @sugaspiceandbts

Summary: You make the mistake of kissing Yoongi on the lips before he was fully over his common cold, and now you’re the one who’s in misery. But while you’re feeling sick, Yoongi repays the favor and takes care of you too.

genre: fluff, little bits of sarcastic comedy, gender neutral

The sun was up, the birds were chirping, my boyfriend was making breakfast, and I felt miserable! No one needs to have the sun peek through the curtain, straight into their eyes while trying to sleep off a headache. My sinuses were so plugged up that it was causing me soreness all over.

I lifted my head a little but gave up when the pain worsened. Laying there, staring at the ceiling, I genuinely considered staying in bed all day long, but my stomach rumbled, which vibrated my full blatter. I rolled my eyes, and lifted myself out of bed, wincing my way through it. My heavy footsteps to the bathroom could be heard downstairs where Yoongi was heating up some food.

I got to the bathroom, finally able to relieve my self without any head miseries and washed my hands. But of course, that comfort didn’t last long. I reached into the medicine cabinet and got some fever reducers.

“Baby? Are you up?” I heard my boyfriend shout.

“Yeah!… Unfortunately.” I popped the tablets into my mouth and washed them down with water.

I stopped down the stairs with a pout went straight to the breakfast bar in the kitchen to sit down. Yoongi turned around just as I lowered my head onto the countertop, hunkering over completely.He pushed a plate with two toaster waffles my way.

“Good morning.” He said with half a smile.

I raised my head, giving him a dirty look to counteract his smirk and groaned, “What’s so good about it?”

“Because I get to spend the day with the grumpy love of my life.” He came around the counter and kissed the side of my head while I ate my breakfast. “Sorry I gave you my cold, babe.” He slouched down in the other chair and watched me eat.

“It’s not your fault. I’m the dummy who forgot you were still sick and kissed you.” I smiled and finished eating.

I squeezed my eyelids shut and rubbed my temple, trying to stop the throbbing but it fought back. Yoongi took my hands and had me follow him to his home studio. He sat me down on the couch and fluffed a pillow for me.

“What are we doing in here?” I asked him.

“Well, This is the only place in the house that doesn’t have any windows so there’s no bright sunlight messing with your head and quite frankly, you just need somewhere to get away for a while and this is the best place for that. He sat on the couch and placed a pillow on his lap, laying me down on it and running his fingers through my hair.

I moaned out loud at the sensation. The second his hands touched my head it was like I was reborn. He rubbed the pressure points and played a soft beat through the speakers from his phone. My eyes fluttered shut and I nearly fell asleep when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. Yoongi slowly brushed through my hair a few more times before I completely let myself fall into an uninterrupted nap.

My eyes fluttered open and I sat upright. I looked around the room and saw that Yoongi had disappeared. I opened the door to leave the studio and walked down the hall.

"Babe?” I called. I found him flipping through channels on the TV and he looked at me with shock.

“Hey. You look better already.” He complimented.

“How long was I out?” I sat down next to him and relaxed into the cushions.

“About two hours.” He shrugged. “Feel better?”

“Yeah actually.” My headache was non-existent and I could finally breathe through my nose.  "Thank you for taking care of me.“ I kissed his cheek and he put his arm around me.

"Of course, sometimes people just need to let their bodies fully rest in order to get better.” He said. “Plus I woke up in a good mood and you were killing my vibe.” I laughed at him and nudged him playfully. He may not seem like the nurturing type, but if I ever need to shut out the world, Yoongi’s my man.