Yoongi scenario – First for everything



Genre: fluff, smut

Warnings: dirty talk?? , oral, just plain smut

Summary: after taking your relationship to the next level, Yoongi asks you to be his first.

I’ve been dating Min Yoongi for two amazing years. He’s been gone a lot recently so we’ve only had the equivalent to 6 months of face to face dating. We talk on the phone constantly and have studio dates when he’s not too busy.

He has recently warmed up to skinship, but never I public which I like. He has become much more ‘sexy’ with his touches as well, but we’ve never gone past making out. He is always so sweet with me, He calls me his “butterfly”. I want to be physical with him, but the timing was never right.

While having a nice day at home, Yoongi and I sat in his“office” while he was working on a new song. He had his headphones on, blocking me from hearing it. He said it was a surprise for me, so I just sat on the couch at the other side of the small studio. I was surprised to see that he is letting me hear it so soon. I’m usually the first person to hear his songs, but he is never secretive like this. He hit pause on his computer and turned to me, nodding for me to come over to him. I sat in his lap and he unplugged he disconnected the headphones.

“Ready?” He asked. I nodded excited fro what was about to play.

as soon as he pushed the space bar, a smooth bass line hummed from the speakers. I smiled relaxing my back on my boyfriend’s chest. The hook sounded very sensuous. It was a classic Agust D slow jam. I nodded my head to the beat, feeling the rhythm.His hands rested on my hips as he moved them slightly, grinding onto his front. “I love it Yoongi. You’re so sweet.” I said facing him. He took my face into his hand and gave me a few light pecks, teasing me. I leaned to him, pressing my body to his. His free hand pulled my legs over the side of the chair.

“Yoongi.,” I said, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

“No Y/n… I- I want this. I want you to be mine. M- my first.” He whispered, brushing his thumb against my cheek. “I want you.” He seemed to be shy and nervous, his cheeks had a slight pinkish color. He stared at our hands as they interlocked.

“You’re positive?” I asked. He lifted his head, pushing down his nerves and looked me in the eyes. “I’m completely positive.”

I stood up so he could walk us to the bedroom. Yoongi pulled me into his embrace and continued our kiss. His hands came down my body and landed firmly on my legs, pulling me up. “Jump.” I brought my legs up around his hips, as he walked me to the bed never breaking the kiss. “We can go slow alright?” I said. as he rested between my legs above me. I took his hand and attached it to the hem of my top. He quickly leads on to what I wanted and he pulled off the article of clothing. Thankfully my bra hooked in the front so he was able to just snap it open, exposing my chest.

He eased back and lifted off his shirt and pulled off his pants. I walked to the bottom of the dresser and grabbed a condom. I tore off the package and walked to the bed, sitting up next to him. “Here.” I rolled it on for him as he laid back on the sheets, teasing him slightly. I took off my top followed by my pants, but I was stopped before pulling off my panties. I froze while stood up on my knees. He turned me to my back and hooked his finger into the thin material and slid them down my thighs. I leaned back on the soft mattress lifting my legs so he could take them off completely. 

His face was expressionless, but I knew he was nervous. I sat up, taking his hand in mine. He relaxed at my touch, letting me take the lead. I turned his body and he laid back onto the bed. I smiled down at him, bringing my hair to one side, kissing his pick lips.

Yoongi’s strong hands grazed up and down my back, his face turning pink. I gave him a sweet kiss on his cheeks. “I love you, Min Yoongi.” He took a deep breath and leaned up to kiss my lips. I grasped his hand in mine and settled my hips on his, grinding slowly over his hard cock. I put his hands on my hips and smiled. “Move my hips any way you want. It all about you right now.” He took my invitation moving my hips back and forth over himself. “whenever you’re ready.” I said. 

He lifted my hips and I positioned his cock at my entrance, sinking down slowly. His mouth opened at I took every inch of him. His eyes fluttered shut as I stopped at the base. His eyes opened, looking up at me with lust. “Do that again.” He said. I smiled and steadily rocked my hips up and down on his member. Soft moans spilled from my lips as I rode him. His thumbs pressed in my lower back, holding onto me.

I grinded down deeper, loving the feel of him. I gasp as his hips bucked, making his tip brush my g-spot. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he questioned.

“No, not at all. Move your hips just like that.” I said letting my head fall back.He continued in short thrusts hitting that euphoric spot. I moaned loudly at his action. “Y-y/n…” He was close. “Try to hold it in, baby I’m almost there.” I slammed my hips down feeling my orgasm coming at full speed. “Ahhh! let it go, Yoongi! Cum with me.” we both moaned out as we were engulfed in pleasure and ecstasy. Yoongi’s hands gripped my hips harshly, never wanting to let me go. I rested my hands on his chest as I gave a few more long grinds on his member.

I rolled over onto my boyfriend’s side. I looked over to him for a reaction. I hoped he didn;t regret it. I would never forgive myself if I ruined his first time. He turned his head staring into my eyes. “You are perfect in every way.” He whispered. My cheeks felt warm, I assumed from blushing. “So, you liked it?” I asked.

He pulled me close, turning back into my protective boyfriend. “I loved it. I love you.” He said into my hair, kissing my head. I love you too, Min Yoongi. Always.”