Suho drabble – Detective Kim

Requested by anon

“Hi, I’m here to see Jun- I mean- Detective Kim…?” You asked the receptionist. You’d never seen her before which clearly meant she was new.

“Uh… Did you make an appointment?” She asked. Yup, she’s new around here.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got it. Hey, honey.” Junmyeon came around the corner in a hurry. You mirrored his glowing smile. He took your hand and led you to his office. “What’s in the bag?”

“My question first. What did you pack for dinner?” You asked. He went silent which meant he forgot and was planning to go without. “That’s what I thought.”

He closed his door behind you and sat at his cluttered desk. You tried to make room around the stacks of paperwork to lay his food out for him. He took his fork and dug in right away. While he ate, you stood up and looked around the room.

“Baby… Don’t you guys have a cleaner to take the trash out? Or dust? Some of these cases are closed.”

“No. Not while I’m working. And get away from there.” He pulled you into his lap. “What did I tell you about snooping?”

“What did I tell you about taking care of yourself?” You ran your fingers through his hair, pushing it back to open up his face. “Kim Junmyeon, what am I gonna do with you?”

“Marry me.” He blurted.

You froze in place, looking him in the eyes searching for even a glint of humor. But all you saw was sincerity in his chocolate brown eyes.“W-what?”

“You asked what you were going to do with me. I want you to marry me.” His lips curled up into a smile. With one hand on your waist, he cupped your cheek with the other, bringing you close to cover your face in his sweet kisses.

“Wait. Baby, are you serious?” You pressed your hands to his chest, pulling back a bit.

“Of course I’m serious. You may not believe me, but I put my career first until I met you. When I’m with you I really do want to better myself and with that, I do better at work. I come in every day with a fresh mind and leave every night with a full heart. Because I know you’re there waiting for me. Seeing your cute face light up when I walk through the door…” He gave you a little Eskimo kiss, making you smile. “…That’s what makes me fall in love with you. No one will ever make me feel this way.”

His eyes were just as honest as his words. He loved you and you loved him. The rush you feel when he comes home from work never fades. You gently dropped your arms around his shoulders, relaxing into his sturdy frame.

“…Yes. Yes, I will marry you.” Just saying it made you start to cry with joy.

Junmyeon gave you a quick kiss before letting you collapse into him while he cradled you in his strong arms. You smiled to yourself, feeling secure in your future for the first time in a long time.

“I can’t believe this is really happening.” You said through tears of joy.

He lifted your chin, wiped the droplets from your face and smiled. “Believe it, sweetheart. One day soon, you will be Mrs. Kim Junmeyon.” Your heart soared to the heavens when he said that. ‘Mrs.Kim Junmyeon’. “And tonight… When I get home… We can celebrate properly.” He said with a wink.

You smirked at him, watching the tint in his eyes darken with lust. “Well, maybe I should get out of here. The sooner you finish work the sooner you come home.”

Junmyeon lifted you off his lap and gave you one last kiss. “I’ll walk you out.” You both left his office, hand in hand until you reached the front desk.”See you at home.” He said quietly.

“I’ll be counting the minutes.” And with that, you left him to his work… with a little motivation.


Suho oneshot – Rough start


Requested by several


My eyes fluttered open, seeing the curtains sway as the wind gently moved through the half-opened window. I closed my eyes again, stretching my arms in front of me. I arched my back with a small yawn. I didn’t have a care in the world until I heard a faint moan coming from behind me. I remembered that Junmyeon’s hard cock was still planted deep inside me. A tiny smirk appeared on my lips and I slowly clenched my walls around him, grinding my hips back.

“Mmmm~ Baby…” He whimpered. I could tell he was still dreaming, but why not spice things up a bit?

I rolled my hips, moving him in and out of me. His arm that was once lazily draped over my waist started to tighten around me securely. I was pulled back against his strong chest with an open-mouth kiss placed on my bare shoulder.

“That’s a dangerous game you’re playing, sweetheart.” He grumbled in his low, sensuous morning voice.

“Dangerous?” I asked.

“The more you tease, the rougher I’m gonna be with you.” His eyes were still closed, making me think he was bluffing.

“So, just to be clear, I definitely shouldn’t do something like…this?” I moved my hips in figure-eight movements, earning a throaty groan from him.

“Y/n.” He warned.

“Yes?” My coy tone only agitated him.

With a sharp exhale, Junmyeon flipped me over onto my stomach and smacked my ass harshly. I gasped at his sudden action, making him smile to himself as he spread my legs, massaging his tip against my entrance.

“You drive me crazy…” He grumbled.

All at once, Junmyeon thrusted his entire cock deep inside me, filling me completely. I gripped the sheets so tightly, they almost ripped at the seams. “Oh, fuck!” He tangled his fingers in my hair, pulling my head back for a hot kiss. My moans were muffled by his soft pink lips. “Such a bad little girl.” He said, breaking away.

“J-Junmyeon.” I whimpered. He suddenly felt guilty. His grip on my hair loosened and his thrusts came to a halt. “What are you doing?”

“I thought I hurt you.”

“No. Don’t stop!’ I bucked my hips back, taking his cock deeper inside me. Junmyeon gave an involuntary moan and held my hip.

"You like it when I’m rough?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Oh, shit”. His hand came down on my ass with a loud smack, causing me to clench my wall around him. “You like that?”

“Yes! Oh god! More~” I cried out, needing a release. Junmyeon pounded into me with all his might, rocking us back and forth, making the headboard I was holding bang against the wall. My palm tingled, my stomach knotted, and my mind went blank. “I’m… so close.”

“Cum for me baby, Cum all over my big. Thick. Cock!” His tip hit my g-spot, forcing my orgasm to rush over my body. I screamed his name, clawing at the headboard, and feeling his warm cum fill me up.

My mouth was agape until I finally settled down. Junmyeon pulled me back, slumping me into his arms with a dark chuckle. “That good, huh?”

“That… That was…” He scooped me up, laying me down as I tried to get my thoughts straight.

“Shh. I know baby.” Junmyeon planted a lazy kiss on my lips and covered us up. We laid on our sides, going back to our earlier position and he slowly slipped his member deep inside me.

“Wait. Don’t we have breakfast reservations?” I asked, popping my head up.

“There is no way we’re leaving this bed anytime soon.” He said closing his eyes to regain his sleep. I took his hand in mine, cuddling him in closer and relaxed for a few more hours of blissful sleep.


Suho oneshot – Room for two


Warnings: shower sex

As the warm water drizzled down my bare chest and down my body, I could feel the stress of my day melt away. Before I was able to pour a bit of shampoo into my palm, I hard a few knocks on the door.

“Yes?” I asked, assuming it was just Junmyeon.

“I have to brush my teeth. Do you mind, babe?” I could see his shadow on the shower curtain as he made his way in the room.

“Sure.” I closed my eyes, blocking out my surroundings until I heard the curtain open. I turned around to see Junmyeon, completely naked behind me, reaching for the toothbrush on the shelf. “Do I want to know why your toothbrush is in the shower?”

“Multitasking. It saves time.”

I laughed at his little remark and wet my hair before I added the soap. I swept my locks to the side, adding a small amount of shampoo to the ends before working the soap into the roots. Junmyeon picked up his toothbrush, almost ready to go on about his business when his eyes fell upon the small purple mark on my sweet spot. His hands snuck around my waist, pulling me back against his hard chest. He leaned down to kiss the nape of my neck just after I tossed my hair up, the strands being held together by the suds.

My breaths shortened as he raised his hands up my stomach, landing on my breasts. He gave my nipples a little pinch to tease me while his kisses came down and around my shoulders. I took a long breath out, nearly moaning as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. Junmyeon let go of my breasts to tilt my head back and massage my scalp instead.

“God, this scent… these marks.” He said, softly. “All mine.”

Every last drop of soap was rinsed out of my hair. Junmyeon went to grab my conditioner, but I smacked it out of his hands, not caring if my hair was half done. I want this man, now! We crashed our lips together, his hands everywhere at once, my poorly muffled moans echoing throughout the room. I clutched onto his shoulders before raising myself in his arms. He held my thighs to keep me from slipping down too quickly as he moved his tip between my folds.

“Jun-Junmyeon…” I was already feeling breathless. It hasn’t even been twelve hours since I’ve been driven to ecstasy, but time doesn’t matter when I’m with him. I raised my hips up and down while he lifted me up and let me fall onto his thick member.

“Fuck, baby. you’re dripping…” I giggled at his double entendre. He always manages to sneak a joke in no matter the circumstances.

His mouth trapped my nipple, sucking on it as I slowly bounced up and down on him. I pushed his wet hair out of his face as I arched my back and watched his bright pink lips pucker around the hardened bud. He removed his mouth from my breast, turning us around to press me against the wall and pound into me mercilessly. I screamed his name, clawing his back.

“Oh, yeah, baby! Take my cock. Such a sexy little girl.”

His dirty talk sent me over the edge. I arched my back, even more, clenching my walls around his shaft, draining his cum deep inside me. We fell weak, but by some miracle, Junmyeon had enough strength to shut off the water and plant me on the soft rug outside the shower.

“Woah.” I sighed while stumbling over.

Junmyeon smirked at me, bending down mere inches from my face. “Now that’s what I call a morning routine…” He whispered with a kiss.

Suho scenario – Late nights


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, fluff, slight angst

Summary: All great relationships stand the test of time, but now that you have a new intern in the office, your and Junmyeon’s relationship has to stand the test of trust.

Back in school, I hated being the person that finished all the projects while the rest of the group checked out halfway through, but I just reminded myself that it would all change when I got a job in the real world. Boy, was I ever wrong! Years later, I still ended up trapped in my office for the third night in a row while my poor boyfriend stayed at home alone until I came back with just enough energy to fall into bed.

It’s been over two hours since everyone else has left, leaving me alone with my laptop. I slaved over the final touches of the presentation for tomorrow and sighed when I clicked send.

“I need a raise…” I muttered.

Just then, my cell phone rang. I smiled when I saw Junmyeon’s name pop up with the photo he took of the two of us on our anniversary. “Hey, baby,” I said with an involuntary yawn.

“Hey, when are you coming home?” He asked, making my heart shatter.

“I’m so sorry. It’s been such a crazy day. I should be home soon though. I just have a few more things to do here at the office.” I explained.

“Okay. Well, I was just about to go to bed, so I’ll see you soon I guess…” Something was off. There was a suspicious tone in his voice that I’ve never been on the receiving end of.

“Oh, Okay. I love you.”

“…Love you too.“ With that, he hung up abruptly. I let out a sigh of frustration and went back to my work.

What makes my blood boil is the fact that I was assigned an intern to help me with this, but because the little rat is the CEO’s Nephew, he hardly lifted a finger unless it was to text his idiot friends. He just graduated with a masters degree in business, but who needs that when you’re already super connected right? All that twerp ever did was sit around and flirt with every other girl that walked by.

Nevertheless, I finished my work on time. To make sure everything was in order for tomorrow, I headed to the conference room to test the projector and slideshow.

"Good, good, good.” I flipped through a few points before shutting everything down and calling it a day. Stopping by the supply room on my way back to my office, I cleaned up my mess and returned everything to its rightful place. I checked my phone for any calls or text messages, but there was just a blank screen. I thought maybe if I hurried home, I’d be able to catch Junmyeon before he went to sleep.

My feet couldn’t walk fast enough to my office. I swung open the door to see Junmyeon sitting in my chair, startled by my appearance. I blinked a few times to come to the conclusion that this was all really happening.

“Baby… What are you doing here?” I asked him.

He stood up from my chair and slowly walked toward me, pulling me in for a tight hug. “Thank god…” He whispered to himself.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“Yeah… yeah, it’s just that I called around lunchtime and some guy answered your work phone, then I called a little bit ago and you said you were working late again…” He trailed off but I knew what he was implying.

“Oh, honey, you didn’t think…” I caressed his soft cheek as he slowly nodded in shame. If there is something Junmyeon isn’t, it’s the jealous type. But given the circumstances, I completely understood how he got there. “That was the intern. He’s acting as my assistant for the week while I finish the presentation. Jun, I would never do something like that. Just the thought of hurting you kills me…”

“I know you wouldn’t do that. It’s just… your assistant’s a little creep.”

I burst into laughter and kissed him on the cheek. “Aww, baby…. tell me something I don’t know.”  He joined me in laughter and kissed my lips.

It’s been so long since we’ve been intimate, my heart started to race all because of one small kiss. I pulled him in a little closer, leaving no space between us, kissing him even harder. His hands traveled down to my ass, gripping it with a smirk. I stepped forward, moving him back until his legs hit the front of my desk. My lips parted enough for his warm tongue to glide into my mouth.

He turned me around, lifting my legs around his hips and hoisting me onto my desk. I took him by his shirt, pulling him down with me as I pushed all the items off the surface and laid back. I let out a short moan when I felt Junmyeon’s hand slip into my work skirt, up my thigh and take my panties off in one sharp movement.

“Are you sure no one else is here?” He asked.

“Yeah. The cleaners left an hour ago.”

I spread my legs and lifted my skirt up to my waist while Junmyeon dropped his pants, pumped his member in his hand a few times and slowly sliding into me. His mouth fell open with a breathy groan. I muted his noises of pleasure with a kiss, returning my tongue to his mouth. His hold on my thighs tightened with each thrust, moving in deeper. My fingers twisted his silky hair, lightly tugging when his tip made contact with my g-spot.

“God, I’m so close. Keep going…” I started to lose my breath as I got closer and closer to my sweet release.

“Hold it, baby. On three.”

“Ugh….” I groaned.

“One.” He lifted my legs a little higher, pounding into me mercilessly.  "Two.“ I bit my lip, stopping myself from screaming his name so loud, the whole city could hear me. "Three! Cum, my love.” I grabbed a strong hold on his arms, arching my back and clenching my tight walls around him while I reached my high.

Junmyeon stood up right when he cooled down and pulled up his pants before helping me off my desk and straightening out my skirt for me. I gave him another long kiss, proving again that I’m his completely. I packed up the rest of my things and we left the office hand in hand.


Suho scenario – Study break


Not requested

Genre: fluff, smut, college romance

Warnings: fingering, wet humping

“Baby~” I whined.

I’ve been stuck here in the apartment all day, waiting for my boyfriend to finish studying, but at this point, he wasn’t going to stop until his brain fries completely. And now, I’ve had enough.

“Pleeeaaase!” I tried pulling him away from the desk, but he didn’t budge. He gripped the edges tightly, fighting back. Letting go, I huffed at him in frustration. If I can’t entice him by force, I’ll have to get inside his head… among other things.

I came behind him, my hands coming up his arms to his shoulder and down his chest. I planted a few kisses on the back of his neck, relaxing the tense muscles. I gave his shoulders and extra rub to release the tension, which makes him groan in satisfaction and lean back in the chair for the first time in hours.

“There, was that so hard?” I asked him.

I continued the massage, making him moan and hum. He’s been working so hard lately. His grades are glowing every year, still, he goes into a full panic mode when there’s an exam. Sadly, he was put on the waitlist for a class he wanted, then he had to suffer through a semester with a professor who had the worst online ratings.

“How about a break?” I asked, kissing his neck.

“Mmmm~ 20 minutes.”

“30,” I countered

“Done.” He closed his book and turned around in his chair, pulling me into his lap.

His hands traveled to the back of my upper thigh and hip, keeping me in place while we kissed. I tangled my fingers in his hair, turning his head and slipping my tongue into his mouth. He stood up, carrying me to his room and landing me on the bed. His sneaky hands slid into my panties, his fingers moving up and down my wet folds while his lips stopped my moans from bursting out.

It felt so good to have my dominant, passionate, sexy man back. I broke away from our kiss to beg him for more. I had to cum. I needed to feel him inside me. He tucked his head into the crook of my neck, planting open-mouthed kisses, nibbles, and licks on my sweet spot, causing my toes to curl. I was getting close, but Junmyeon pulled his hand out of my panties, moving it to my waist and tearing himself away from my neck. He lifted me to sit up straight while he stood on his knees and took both my hands.

“A little help?” He said, looking down at his clothes.

I smirked at him and grabbed the hem of his top, pulling him toward me and quickly pecking his lips before taking the shirt off completely. I bent down a little to kiss along his collarbones.

“God, you’re driving me crazy.” He whispered.

I continued kissing his neck and chest while undoing his pants, pushing them down his legs until he pulled me into his warm body, falling back with me in his arms and kicking his pants off the side of the bed while I lifted my skirt around my waist. I grinded my hips on him, teasing his hard member. His strong hands gripped my hips, moving me back and forth, gliding his cock between my folds, covering himself in my wetness before he gently slid into me.

My mouth agape, I sighed at the feeling of his thick manhood stretching me out. He lifted my top, pulling down the cup of my bra to suck on my nipple. I called out his name, holding his head in place. His free hand cupped my ass grinding our hips together roughly.

“Fuck, you’re so good, baby. Just like that. Make me cum.” His seductive words made me clench around him, increasing his pleasure. I started to bounce on his cock, making him all the more turned on.  He buried his face between my breasts, listening to my screams of desire.

We both came simultaneously, finishing with rough thrusts. With his member still deep inside me, Junmyeon rolled us over, letting me relax on my back while he pulled out. I smiled at the feeling of his velvety lips pressing against my neck. We both repositioned so I was laying back on his pillows comfortably. He reclined back with his head on my chest, his arms resting on my legs.

“How did I end up being a lawn chair?”

“Shhh.” He shushed. I laughed at his new use for my body and he took a few deep breaths. “Thank you for this.”

“That good, huh?” I joked. He turned around to face me, leaning in for a kiss.

“Always.” He said, kissing me again. He turned back around, relaxing into me. “I know I’ve been distant lately, I’m just under a lot of pressure.”

“I get that. I just hate seeing you so overworked. It’s not healthy” I coiled my arms around his shoulders, giving him a little hug and resting my head on top of his.

“Well… He turned around with a little glimmer in his eye. "We still have some break time.”

I just giggled in reply and pulled him under the covers for a second round. For his health of course 😉


Suho scenario – A day at the office


Genre: S M U T

Warnings: spanking, daddy!dom

Summary: teasing is a game that you have been winning recently. Junmyeon hasn’t been able to resist all the naughty little things you do for him, but perhaps things have gotten a bit out of hand when you bring the fun and games to his work.

It’s amazing just how alike Junmyeon is to his office. Every time I entered the room it was like I was surrounded by his essence.  The large windows showed his transparency, but he does enjoy his privacy, which is why he chose his office to be on the 60th floor. Even the decor showed his personality. He is strong like the metallic furnishings, yet soft like the smooth faux leather on the chairs and couches.

Still, I wasn’t here today for a good reason. He sent me here after I took things a bit too far in my own little game I’ve recently loved to play with him.

He’s just been so caught up with work, he rarely even touches me. Unless slinging his arm around me while he sleeps counts as intimacy. I missed his passion and drive, so I came up with a plan to spark his interest.

First, I tried to distract him during a business call. He answered his phone early one morning, waking me up, so I turned over to see what the fuss was about. He was hunched over, looking for a file in his bag. I noticed how sexy he looked when he first woke up. His hair all messy from sleep, the muscles flexing on his bare back, not to mention, the way he looked while he was talking business was too much to bear. He was so engrossed in the conversation, that I took it upon myself to create a little tension.

With his phone pressed to his ear, I drew my attention to the other one, kissing and nibbling on his earlobe, working my way down to his jawline. He attempted to wiggle out of my grasp, but I knew he didn’t hate what was happening. After all, he could have just got up and walked to the other room.

His phone call was ‘mysteriously’ cut short and I was then pinned to the bed. I never saw him that way before, he was filled with fire and lust. He had no remorse for overstimulating me or being the reason that my legs wobbled for hours after. And above all else, I wanted to chase that feeling.

I spent the past week misbehaving on purpose with a result of various punishments. Anything from rough moments of desire against the wall, to having hickeys planted all over my body. He had no limits and I had no regrets.

But this time was different. Normally I would tempt him at home, but I brought the fight to him. I arrived at his building mid-morning to pay him a visit. I assumed he wanted to see me in the new lingerie he bought me, so I simply discarded the rest of my clothing and showed up with just an overcoat to cover myself. Upon my arrival, I stopped by the front desk to have his secretary know I was here to see him. She let me into his office and I had a quick look around.

Nearly 20 minutes later I found myself become inpatient and snuck into his private bathroom. I dropped my coat and pulled out my phone. A little motivation never hurts. I snapped a full body shot and sent it to him. A few seconds later I received a response that just read ‘Stay where you are!’

I smirked to myself, knowing my bait worked. I put my coat back on and waited for my dominant man to arrive. When the door creaked open, Junmyeon’s footsteps echoed across the marble floor. I looked at the crack at the bottom of the door, smiling when I saw the shadow of his legs. He knocked twice and I opened the door slowly.

Junmyeon grabbed me by the waist and whisked me into the main area of his office. He pressed our fronts together and gave me the deadliest of glares.

“Have you completely lost your mind?” He backed me against the wall and my heart started to race. Maybe this was too far. He looked down into the top of my coat, catching a glimpse of what was inside and huffed. His hands loosened until he let go and walked toward the front of his desk. He leaned back against it, saying just one word, “Strip.”

“What?” I questioned out of hysteria.

“You’re gonna act shy now? I said strip.” He ordered. I hesitantly walked a little closer, stopping in the middle of his office and untied the strap to my overcoat. I pulled it off, letting it fall into a pile behind me. Junmyeon’s pupils dilated at the sight of me standing in his workspace, wearing only my underwear and a pair of heels.

I slid the straps of my bra off my shoulders and unhooked it slowly. The second it hit the floor, Junmyeon’s grip tightened on the edge of his desk. He was trying so hard not to take care of the rest himself, but that only caused me want to make things all the more difficult. I turned around, hooked my thumbs into the flimsy material of my panties and gradually bent down to remove them.

It became too much for Junmyeon as he sprung out of his resting position and stormed over to me. He held my hips, bring me up to stand and turned me toward his desk. “Bend over with your palms down.” He grumbled.


“Excuse me?” He asked sternly.

“Uh- I mean, yes, daddy.”

I walked to the front of the desk, bent over it, just like I was told, and placed my hands parallel to my head. The cool surface caused my nipples to erect and goosebumps to appear all over my body. Junmyeon’s strong hand cupped my ass before swatting it with a fierce spank. A tiny gasp burst from my lips, making him chuckle.

“Mmm~ I love those little noises you make for me, baby girl.” He gave me a few extra spankings while I cried out for him.

I got a little nervous when I heard the sound of his belt coming undone during his short pause. It wasn’t until I felt his warm tip rubbed my wet slit, I relaxed.

He slowly massaged the area with his manhood before pushing himself into me all at once with no warning. I squealed, tensing all of my muscles as he continued to snap his hips at a rhythmic pace. I lost control of my hands while they slipped down the smooth top of Junmyeon’s desk, trying to hold onto something. My palms started to tingle, my walls clenched around him and His grip on my hips tightened.

With a few more rough thrusts we both reached completion at the same time, moaning and whimpering through our orgasm. Junmyeon’s right hand came around to cup my left cheek, turning my head for a heated kiss to muffle my moans of pleasure.

His thrusts came to a stop and I pulled out, stepping back. He took a breath and tucked his softened member into his pants. I stood up to face him, watching him put his belt back on. I looked down at my undergarments then back at him. He smiled while picking them up for me. I reached out only to have my panties yanked away from me and into his pocket.

“You’re keeping them?”

“Let’s call it a second punishment.” He said, kissing my forehead.

I put on what little clothing I had and he walked me out to the elevator. I turned around when I got in and pushed the button for the lobby, butJunmyeon held his hand out to stop the doors from closing.

“I’ll be home around six. Don’t bother wearing that coat. You’re not fooling me” He returned his hand to his pocket and the elevator doors started to close.

“It’s a date… Daddy.”


Suho scenario – Power couple


not requested just fantasized about it

Genre: SMUT, Romance

Summary: Having two equally famous parents brought you into the limelight at a very young age, and now, you’re able to share it with your very successful baeu, Junmyeon.

I’ve never been phased by having my name and face in magazines. Being raised by a world-famous fashion designer and award-winning actor,  I’ve had the spotlight on my family for decades, but to me, they’re just mom and dad.

Growing up, I’ve seen a remarkable amount of trust and passion my parents have for each other. Since before I could remember, I’ve been in love with the idea of love. Finding someone and know within the first day that they’re the one.  Getting goosebumps when you touch and feel the magic in the air when they speak. The idea of love became my calling.

I’ve become one of the top rating wedding bloggers worldwide. People from all over the globe would hire me to share their story and I’m more than happy to do it. I’ve had the privilege to travel across oceans with my work and hearing some of the most touching, beautiful, and extravagant stories the couples have to offer. But despite being engulfed in the fanciful world of love, I haven’t been able to find it for myself.

All of that changed when I was invited out to South Korea to attend a wedding for yet another blissful couple with an amazing ‘how we met’ story for the blog; only this time it was different. I had a translator with me at all times to get the stories of the members of the wedding party, which is how I met Kim Junmyeon, the best man.

He was charming and attractive. My concentration on the happy couple was nearly extinguished until a bridesmaid interrupted us. My translator moved onto her story and Junmyeon slipped away to his duties.

His name was stuck in my head and I could have sworn he was familiar to me in some way. Of course, the last name Kim was extremely common, but I just felt like we’d met before. I searched his name on my phone and found out he was the son of a business tycoon and inherited the company after his father retired. During the reception, we were able to talk some more, with the translator’s help and we exchanged numbers.

Over time we had someone who spoke both languages to help us converse until we started to meet in the middle. He learned some of my languages and I learned a bit of his. Before we knew it, three incredible years went by and the press has been there every step of the way. Whether it be swarming me at airports when I flew out to see him or taking photos of us out on the town when he came to visit me. But anyone who follows me on social media knows I rarely post anything about the two of us because I didn’t want to drag him into the craziness that is my life in the limelight.

One night while we were out at dinner, some paparazzi spotted us and soon enough the restaurant was surrounded. I could see my boyfriend getting nervous and I felt an enormous amount of guilt. Before we even had dessert, we made a quick exit out the back and he took me to his place for the night.

I woke up in Junmyeon’s massive bed, wrapped in his loving arms. I smiled and kissed his neck while nuzzling in closer. He opened his eyes and kissed the top of my head.  I raised my hand to move some hair out of my face but felt a sharp object scratch my face instead. I pulled away from my boyfriend to see what was on my hand.

“Oh my god…” I looked down to see a huge diamond surrounded by smaller crystals on a silver band. I sat up and watched my boyfriends mouth shape into a smile. He lifted himself up and scooted closer to me.

“I thought about how I was going to do this. I didn’t want the public seeing and writing about it. I was fully prepared to ask you at dinner, but I while I was laying next to you last night, looking at how peaceful and beautiful you were made me put things into perspective.” He took my left hand and looked down at the ring on my finger. “I didn’t want to wake up unless I was engaged to you, so…” He got off the bed and came around to my side to kneel. “Will you marry me?”

It was like all of my hopes and dreams were coming true, only better. I never thought I’d be with a perfect man like Junmyeon. And the fact that he’s proposing right after I woke up clearly shows that he loves me even when I’m just in one of his button-down shirts and messy hair.


His puppy-dog eyes lit up and he practically tackled me on the bed. I went into a fit of giggles and kissed his soft cheek. He kept himself up with his hands on either side of my head and smiled down at me. He backed up, off the edge of the bed and held his hands out for me to take.

“Came with me.” I took his hands and he lifted me off the bed. He lead me to the bathroom and I smiled when he came up behind me, kissing my head. He slid his shirt off of me and trailed kisses from the nape of my neck to my bare shoulder. His hands traveled all over my naked body, feeling my soft skin before moving me closer to the tub.

My knees went weak as soon as his lips pressed against my sweet spot. “Go ahead and turn the water on, baby. I’ll be right back. He kissed the side of my head and I lifted the knob. I waited a few seconds and climbed in, moving forward in the water until Junmyeon joined me. I looked at the open door and watched him re-enter the bathroom.

"Do you want bubbles, oil, or a bath bomb?” He asked. I smiled at him and he came close to give me a better look at my options. I cracked up when I saw the name of the bath bomb.

“Sex bomb?” I couldn’t believe that was a serious suggestion, but it wouldn’t be my Junmyeon without a joke to lighten the mood. “Well, now I’m just curious.” I took the dark red ball in my hands and slowly submerged it into the water while Junmyeon got in behind me. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of musk. The bomb almost smelled like his cologne which was a turn on in itself.

Junmyeon’s hands returned to the sides of my body laying me back and kissing my neck. I tilted my head back, surrendering myself to him and he smirked.He moved my hair to one side and nibbled on my earlobe as I squirmed in his arms. I moved my hips back, grinding on his hard cock. “Mmmm~” He moaned.

His hand slid down my stomach and over my pelvis. He pushed my thighs apart and slowly glided his finger up and down my slit, making me quiver. His left hand cupped my breast and I gripped onto his legs. He was somehow able to give the perfect amount of attention to all three of my erogenous zone all at once. My hand slipped behind me, squeezing his erection and stroking it.

His fingers thrust into me and I called out his name. “Junmyeon… Oh!” My back arched and I pumped his shaft faster. His whimpers and shallow breaths tickled my neck, his palm massaged my breast as I came closer to my sweet release. The scent of him had me in a frenzy, his heavenly fingers were enough to make me cum in minutes.

“I’m close, jagi. Squeeze it for me.” I tightened my grip and stroked faster and he tensed up. “Oh, yes! Just like that. Don’t stop.”

I arched my back, my mouth opened and I completely gave in to my urges. I climaxed with a long moan with Junmyeon cumming seconds later. He continued to rub my clit while I underwent a few aftershocks, which was natural when all of your senses are being stimulated simultaneously.

I could feel my fiancé’s strong heartbeat on my upper back while we both took a short rest. He got out of the bath first, helping me out second and wrapping me in a warm towel. We both dried off and Junmyeon walked into his closet.

“So… Where do you want to go for breakfast?” He asked. I smiled at his silly question and dropped my towel to the floor before going into his closet and pulling him out. He smirked at me and I pushed him onto the bed.

“Oh, Myeonie. We’re not going anywhere for a while.” I gave him a passionate kiss and heard a little “thank god.” slip past his lips. I had to return the favor somehow.


Suho scenario – Could’ve fooled me


requested by anon

genre: romantic fluff turned SMUTTY

summary: The sweetheart, the nice guy. No one knows who he is behind closed doors. Or between the sheets.

warnings: rough sex, minor fingering, 

“There were only seven hours until my online quiz is due and I need to get the book ASAP!” I was completely stressing about it. I called my friend in hopes that she’d know how to get a hold of the book before it’s too late.

“I got it at the library. They should still be open if you hurry!”

I rushed to the library and stopped at the front desk. “Hi. I’m needing to check out a book for my speech class.”

“I know the one you’re talking about. It’s upstairs in the arts and science section. If you get lost just ask Junmyeon.” he replied.

I walked up the stairs and headed to the other help desk. I locked eyes with Kim Junmyeon himself. The guy who soled every problem with a charming smile. He was the head Resident Assistant of my building and one of the ambassadors on the campus council. He was the sweetest guy ever and yet he still managed to stay single.

“Hey, Y/n.” He said in a low voice. I looked at him in shock that he remembered my name.

“Uh. Hi. I was looking for a book for my speech class. There is an online quiz over one of the chapters and I completely spaced on checking it out earlier.”

“Yeah. I took that class last semester. I know exactly where it is. Follow me.” He came out from behind the desk and lead me through the shelves until we reached the one where the book was kept.

“And here it is. If you need it you can use one of the computers to take the quiz.” He offered.

“Yes, please. You’re a lifesaver.” I hurried to one of the computers and logged in. Thankfully the quiz was only ten questions and the answers were obvious. That is as long as you read the chapter. I finished the quiz and put the book back where Junmyeon found it. I waved goodbye to him so I didn’t disturb the others and he smiled back.

Dear god, he was adorable! His sweet smile framed with cute cheeks and lovable brown eyes. He was my number one crush and I could never work up the courage to actually talk to him.

The next day I came back to the library to check out a new book to read on my own, rather that speed-reading for a grade. I walked by the second-floor help desk and was surprised to see Junmyeon wasn’t there. I walked through the shelves, scanning over the titles to see what looked good enough to read.

“Looking for something new?” I heard a soothing voice and instantly knew who it was.

“Yeah. Just something to read in my spare time though.” I turned and smiled at Junmyeon as he walked closer. “Thanks again for helping me find the speech book. It really helped a lot.”

“You’re welcome. Are you looking for something romantic?” He asked. I nearly panicked.

“Romantic? Why?”

“…Because you’re in the romance section.” He said with a smirk while pointing at the sign.

“Oh… Right. I guess so. I like the happy endings and the sweet quotes.” I replied.

He nodded and said, “ ‘If you live to be a hundred, I want to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.’ ” I nearly melted into a puddle right there.

“What book is that from?”

“Winnie the Pooh.” I burst into a fit of giggles and he smiled shyly.

“That was good. Are you working right now?” I asked. He took a step closer and my heart started to race.

“No, I just got off and saw your beautiful reflection in the windows.” I bit my lip and tried to avoid contact.

“Really?” I asked. He nodded and tilted his head down, trying to look me in the eye.

“Yeah. Really.” I inched closer and I could have sworn it was a dream. I snuck my hand down and pinched the side of my leg. Nope. This is real. Junmyeon was leaning in to kiss me and I couldn’t be more nervous. I just closed my eyes and waited for the contact. His warm lips gently pushed against mine and I reached up to hold his shoulders. His hands snaked around my waist and pulled our middles together. I felt so safe in his arms.

He broke away and looked me in the eyes. “Woah.” He said clearly taken back by the spark that we both felt.

“I didn’t think you were even interested in a girl like me.”

“Honestly, I’m only interested in you. I’ve kind of had a crush on you for some time now.” He admitted. His hands slowly grazed up and down my back.

“Seriously?” I asked and he nodded. “I have had… the biggest crush on you for like, a year. Ever since we met during campus move-in week.” His smile glowed and he kissed me again.

Within 15 minutes we stumbled into his dorm room and stripped off clothing. His lips attached to my nack as soon as my top came off. I looked around his huge dorm and was extremely impressed. The building head RAs are living like kings compared to the rest of us.

I backed up and he pulled his sweater over his head. My jaw almost dropped when I saw how good he looked. He had a perfect six-pack and a toned chest to go with it. He grabbed a hold of my hips and pulled me further into the room. I moaned against his lips as my back hit the wall. I lifted my legs around his waist and he took them in his hands before pulling down my pants, throwing them across the room.

“You’re on birth control right?” He asked I nodded with an entranced smile and he smiled back before reaching for a condom. “Just in case.” He ripped off the wrapper and rolled it on “Now you’re finally mine.” He undid his belt and slid his jeans and underwear down. His fingers snuck under the hem of my panties and I moaned out loud. His thumb rubbed my swollen clit as I squirmed. I wrapped my arms around him, holding onto his strong shoulders. He licked and kissed my neck while his fingers worked pure magic. My eyes rolled back when he inserted a finger into my wet heat.

“Mmmm~ You’re so warm, love. So wet for me.” I let out a deep exhale as he took his finger out. He took his finger in his mouth and I could have climaxed from that visual alone. “Mmmm~ You taste amazing.” I was so hypnotized by his stare that I didn’t even notice him pushing my panties aside. I lowered myself onto his hard cock and he let out a sensual sigh.

“Ahhhhhhhh…” I moaned. I grinded down on his hips and he took my thighs in his hands again, pushing himself in and pulling himself out. He thrust smoothly and I started to bounce up and down on him. I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. We moaned into each other’s mouths as our tongues massaged together.

His thrusts got rougher as he picked me up slightly before dropping down onto his thick member. My head flew back and his lips found their way to my covered breasts. I clenched around him and he called out my name. I had no idea he had this primal side to him. No one would ever believe me if I tried to tell.

He lifted me off the wall and carried me to the bed, pushing me down and slamming back into me. My legs locked as my climax started building up. My stomach turned to knots and my palms tingled. Junmyeon held my waist, arching my back and pounding into me.

“I’m so close… Please… Harder~” I begged. He completely pulled out of me and slammed back in, smashing our hips together. “OH GOD! YES!” I screamed as I let my orgasm take over my body. Junmyeon groaned as he reached his climax. His right hands grabbed a fistful of the sheets as he thrust vigorously. I was completely seeing stars everywhere I looked. He was so amazing.

My legs went limp and I relaxed after a moment. Junmyeon finished deep inside of me and took a deep breath before pulling out and laying next to me.

“Wow.” He said with a heavy exhale.I turned to him and he held me close to him. I laid my hand on his smooth chest. I felt his pulse calm into a steady heartbeat. “Sorry if I was too rough. I’ve been waiting so long to know what you feel like.”

“Don’t apologize. I just didn’t think you had such a dominant side. It’s actually really sexy.” I said. He kissed my forehead and we rested for a while. I smiled to myself and thought of how lucky I was. I found the perfect guy for me. Both in and out of bed.