Xiumin scenario – Fool’s gold


Requested by anon

Genre: Mafia!au, angst, smut

Summary: Your arranged marriage with Minseok has been seen as perfection. Two people head-over-heels in love. Pretending to be a happy couple has tricked everyone into thinking it’s for real… even you.

Warnings: strong/violent language, rough sex

The caring touches, the stolen glances, the illusion of love was beginning to fool me. Minseok is the perfect gentleman around other people, but behind closed doors, we’re a million miles away. No one knows that we sleep in separate rooms or that our marriage was completely arranged. Everyone around us praised fate when they found out my father was old friends with his uncle years ago. Little do they know that after Minseok’s uncle passed away, he became the head of the family. Now that my father is starting to get up in age, he made a deal with Minseok; a thirty million dollar deal and his eldest daughter’s hand in marriage.

We’ve been married for three months now, but we still barely know each other. He leaves for days at a time without a word and comes back in silence. Growing up, my father never left the house unless he said goodbye. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive. I just feel so alone in my own marriage.

The first time he asked me to join him for dinner with the rest of the mobsters, I was completely shocked. The whole night he smiled at me, pulled my chair out for me, held my hand and even kissed my cheek. I was blinded by the smoke screen until we came back home and he went straight to bed, not even saying a simple “good night”

We kept this going around others, making everyone believe we were madly in love. The more I faked my feelings for him, the more real they became. I dreaded leaving parties and dinners because I knew I would have to go back to being alone. I didn’t want to pretend anymore. I want to be in love for real.

Your POV

“Did you tell him this?!” My sister asked in shock. She invited me to lunch while she was in town. I never intended on telling her about Minseok, but she can read me like a book.

“No. How can I? None of it’s real.”

“But you love him.”

“I don’t know. I mean, I should because we’re married, but… It’s arranged.” I said, whispering the last part. The last thing I needed was someone in the restaurant to hear and with my luck, they’ll be connected to my families rivals. Rule number one of the mafia, trust no one.

“Y/n, if you’re unsure, you need to be open and direct. What’s the worst that can happen? He doesn’t feel the same way? Too bad. You’re married.”

“You know it’s not that easy. Life isn’t a contract. If he doesn’t feel the same way then he really isn’t the one I should be with, but I can’t go out and find mr.right because I will have violated the agreement and our family is screwed.” I leaned back in my chair, exhausted by the reality I’m stuck in. “I’m trapped in a loveless marriage.”

“You don’t know that. And you never will until you say something.” She was right. I know she was.


“Hey, boss. We have a situation.” I sprung from my chair and headed straight for the surveillance room. If any of those rat bastards so much as breathed near my territory, I’ll have them in the ground.

I burst into the door looking over all the screens. “What’s the problem?”

“Check it out. Wifey’s on the loose.” One of my men pointed to the screen, showing the video of Y/n leaving the house. “And then this came in about ten minutes ago.” He pulled out his phone, showing me pictures of Y/n at some café

“She’s with her sister you idiots. Next time you call me out of my office someone better be in the hospital.” I turned to leave but he stopped me.

“That’s not all. Look closer.” He zoomed into the background and handed me the phone.

Just two tables away from where Y/n was sitting, three of the rival thugs were staring at her. What are they planning?

“Where’s the café?”

“Just outside the territory. Her sister is staying at a hotel near there.”

“Switch the reservation to somewhere closer. I don’t need her going out of bounds.”

“No need. Little sister is leaving this afternoon. We have a few guys hanging around to make sure no one tries to pull anything.”

“Good.” I checked my watch and handed the phone back. “I gotta go. I expect full surveillance of the event this evening. Call the host and request the security footage. He owes me a favor… or five.”

“Yes, sir.”

I needed to get ready for tonight. But more importantly, I need to know what those thugs want with my wife.

When I got home, Y/n was on the phone so I tried to keep quiet. I don’t know what she said to her sister at the café, but it sparked the interest of the enemy.

“No, he’s not home yet. I can’t tell him tonight we have that gala. If I tell him then it’ll seem like I’m some love sick school girl who got caught up in the facade.” She said.

Love? Does she love me? If she told her sister she loves me then why would those thugs be so interested? As far as they know we’re happily married.

“I’ll just call you tomorrow. Safe travels. Bye.” I waited a few seconds and opened the door before slamming it shut, acting as if I just walked in. Y/n didn’t even turn around to look at me. She just poured herself some tea and went about her business.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” I asked.

“Oh, Minseok. I thought you’d be upstairs by now. Um… I was just having some tea before I got ready. I’m feeling a little drowsy.”

“Okay. Let me know when you’re ready. I need to make some calls.” I headed upstairs, leaving her to her business.

Your POV

My heart was about to pound out of my chest! I touched my hand to my blushing cheek, trying to calm myself. My God, I’m crazy about him! It was such a basic interaction yet I’m still in wonder.

I went up to my room to get ready, excited for what was to come. s long as we were in public, he’s the kind of husband every girl wants. I took the time to find the right pair of shoes to match my clutch purse and the right jewelry to match the gown. By the time I was finished I had another look at myself.

“Beautiful.” I gasped when I heard Minseok’s voice and turned to look at the door. He leaned against the frame, looking very casual, unlike his hand-tailored tux.

“Oh, thank you.” I looked down at my shoes, feeling shy.

“Shall we?” He extended his hand, offering to escort me to the car.

And the charade begins…

Minseok handed the keys to the valet, ushered be inside and was greeted by the host. His hand remained on the small of my waist as he said. “So good to see you again. You remember my lovely wife, Y/n?”

“How could I forget. You look beautiful as always.” The host shook my hand gently and Minseok walked us into the ballroom. There were elegantly decorated tables surrounding the dancefloor. I was blown away by the scene.

Minseok found our table and pulled out my chair as always. We sat with a few of the other mobsters and their wives, having some small talk. I was enjoying the evening until one of Minseok’s men tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sir, one of the dons wants to speak with you.”

“Which one?” Minseok asked.

“…The Incheon don.” He said. My eyes went wide for a moment. What would the Incheon mafia boss be doing here?

Minseok turned to me, kissing my cheek and excused himself. “I’ll be back in a moment, my love.” He left with his lackey and I sighed in frustration.

“Aw, he’s so sweet even when he leaves you for a moment.” One of the wives said.

I smiled at her kindly, not showing my true feelings and tried to forget about whatever the Incheon boss wanted.


I walked out of the ballroom, down the hall and stopped when I saw a couple of goons standing by a double door. I removed my hands from my pockets and raised my arms, proving that I didn’t have any weapons. They opened the doors, allowing me inside. I walked toward the single table in the middle of the room and sat across from my mortal enemy for the first time in years.

“Minseok.” He said.

“Don Kim to you,” I said, staring him down.

“Oh? You’re the head of the family now?” He said, taunting me.

I cocked my head to the side, irritated by his tone. “Yes, I am. But you already knew that which is why I’m here and not my father-in-law.”

“Right. Your little… arrangement with his eldest daughter seem’s almost perfect. I understand you two aren’t as happy as most may think.”

“What are you getting at?” I asked him.

The sly smirk on his face grew. “I know a way to get you out of it.”


“Let’s just say… a little bird told me she’s considering looking for a better companion since her ‘husband’ isn’t showing much interest. And if that so-called ‘mr.right’ were one of us, her father wouldn’t be too thrilled with her. However, it would still leave you with her dowry and her family’s power.” He explained. “Since you two are married, you kept your end of the deal, but if she is unfaithful, she breaks the pact.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. “There’s no way in hell she’d go anywhere near your turf.”

“She doesn’t have to. We’re in a neutral zone here tonight.”

“Again, why are you telling me this.” He was really irritating me now.

“Because… I want a run at your girl.”

I recoiled at his words, unable to accept what he said. I shook my head in disbelief and stood up from the seat.

“No. She’s not some toy you can mess around with, she’s my wife. Touch her and die.” With that, I stormed out. Four of my men were waiting for me by the door. We all walked back to the ballroom with fire in our step.

“You. Get the car and meet me in the back. You. keep an eye on that door and let me know if anyone tries to do something less than friendly. You. follow behind me on the way home. And you. Find out who that ‘little bird’ is and put him in a body bag.”

“Yes, sir.” They all said. We split up and I headed straight for Y/n. No one will take her from me.

Your POV

I was speaking to one of the other guests when Minseok, popped up out of mid-air and took my hand. “Y/n, sweetheart. Care for a dance?”

“Uh, sure. Excuse me.” I walked behind Minseok, trying to keep up with his fast pace. 

I was confused when he walked completely past the dance floor and toward the back door. That is until I remembered who he was just talking to. Something was wrong.

“What did he say to you?” I whispered to him. He didn’t answer. Instead, he just kept walking.

We burst through the back door and he assisted me in the back seat of the car. We sped off into the night with the second car following behind.

“Minseok, what is going on? Are we in danger here?” I had so many questions, but he still ignored me.

When we got home, he held the door open, letting me out of the car with ease. “Go inside.” He ordered.

“O-okay.” I did as he said and he stayed behind to speak to the driver.

I went up to my room, took off my heels and let my hair down. Why was he acting so strangely? He’s never shaken by those thugs.

I almost unzipped my dress when I felt a pair of strong hands spinning me around. Minseok held my hips and stared into my eyes. I was so startled by him. He hasn’t ever stepped into my room, let alone while I’m getting undressed.

“I heard you earlier today. I heard what you said to your sister on the phone.” He said. My lips parted, but I held back the gasp. “Do you honestly think I would reject you? Or think less of you?”

My eyes felt a little watery, but my expression remained emotionless. “I-I don’t know. That’s what I was afraid of.”

Minseok, cupped my cheeks, bringing my face just centimeters from his. “Y/n… The circumstances of our marriage don’t matter. I’m here, you’re here so just tell me now. What do you feel?”

I took a pause, erasing all the little details and just lived in the moment. “I’m falling in love with you.” The words spilled out of my mouth.

He raised his thumb, catching a tear as it fell from my eye. He looked down at my lips briefly before he did the unthinkable. His body pressed to mine as he crashed our lips together. The last time he kissed me on the mouth was at our wedding. And that little peck couldn’t make a spark in a firework shop.

I clung to him, holding him against my feverish body. He let go of my face, unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. I started on his tie, mercilessly untying it and tossing it aside. He hoisted me into his arms only to walk a few steps and drop me on the bed. I went without his warm touch for a few seconds while he undid his pants and pulled them off. I ripped his shirt down the middle, sending the buttons flying all over the room.

He slipped out of his underwear, revealing his massive erection. I looked up and down his chiseled body, taking in every curve. He kissed me one more time before lining himself at my throbbing entrance.

“Tell me how you feel.” He commanded.

“I love you,” I replied. He slammed our hips together, forcing every inch of his manhood into me.

“Say it again.” He retreated himself from my tight heat.

“I-I love you. OH!” Once again, he thrusted into me with great force.

“I love you too, Y/n. I love you.” He repeated.

I was on cloud nine. The man I loved told me he loves me too and now all I needed was to feel his warm cum filling me. I gripped the sheets in a shameful attempt to stop my climax from happening too soon. Minseok saw that I was close and increased the speed of his hips. He lifted my leg higher, taking me from a better angle.

That was it. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I arched my back so hard, it was off the bed. Minseok ducked his head down, covering my chest in hot, wet kisses. His mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape as he shot his essence against my walls. His sharp thrusts came to a slow stop and he planted one last kiss between my breasts.

“Mmm~ Now that is how I pictured being married,” I said, playing with his hair.

“I guess this would be the start of our honeymoon period. Since our real honeymoon was just for show.” He leaned in, kissing my lips and resting on top of me. “This… is just for us.”


Xiumin scenario – Release the tension

Requested by anon

Genre: mafia EXO, smut

Warnings: rough sex, teasing

Summary: Xiumin has had a pretty hard day, but after seeing you waiting for him in your little tank top and shorts, he decided to relieve some stresses the best way he knows how.

I jumped out of my daze when I heard the door slam shut. I pulled off the blanket and sat up on the couch, waiting to see Minseok come around the corner.

“God damn it…” I heard a familiar grumble and relaxed into the couch. Minseok must be having a bad day. I ordered from his favorite restaurant, but he texted me a few moments before he was supposed to be home that he was staying late. I don’t know why I keep getting my hopes up Just to have them crushed.

“Y/n? Where are you?!” He hollered.

“Livingroom,” I said, holding back a yawn.

“What’s with all the takeout in the kitchen?” He sounded so annoyed but not nearly as annoyed as I was with his tardiness.

“I thought we would have some dinner but instead I got a text saying you were working late and took a nap.” I could hear his deep sigh from the other room and heavy footsteps coming closer.

“It’s not my fault Y/n. I’m here… Now…” He slowed down when he turned the corner, staring at me in shock. “Come here, baby.” He came down on top of me, going straight in for a kiss but I quickly turned my head, refusing to kiss him back.

His lips almost landed on my cheek before he stopped himself. He looked at me with confusion and tried to kiss me again. Once more, I denied him, turning my cheek without a word.

“Baby… Please? Just one? Don’t make me beg.” He held my jaw in his hand, holding me in place as he finally got his kiss, sort of. I laid there completely relaxed, not giving him anything back.

He soon gave up and moved on to my neck, muttering, “I missed you so much today.” as he moved down to my collar bones. “I would have ditched that meeting if I knew I had this waiting for me.”

I laid motionless, ignoring his plush pink lips. I was too angry to give in that easily. Still, Minseok continued with his sweet kisses, his hands traveled up my sides, under my top until I blocked him before he went too far. He smirked now that he finally got some kind of reaction and grinded his growing erection onto my upper thigh.

“Come on, baby. Just. One. Kiss.” His lips pressed to my jaw, then my cheek and finally my lips.

My wetness was too obvious to deny. I opened my legs a little wider, inviting him between then and kissed him back. I draped my arms around his neck and my rough, lustful, dominant man burst forth with a primal tug at my shorts. I gasped when I heard a ripping at the hem. Minseok threw them across the room without a care about where they landed.

“M-Minseok.” I moaned

“Tsk, tsk. You think you can deny me what’s mine and call me by my name?”  He asked with deep, dark eyes.

“Master, please,” I said, correcting myself.

“Please what? Say it!” His hips grinded down on mine, making my mouth open slightly.

I took a deep breath to compose myself and spoke. “Master, please take me. Take what’s yours. Please.” I begged.

Minseok lifted my top, stared straight at my erect nipples and helped himself. I clenched my thighs around him, trapping him between my legs while he sucked on my breasts. With one arm across his shoulders, I played with his hand in my free hand, Tugging a little when his teeth grazed my sensitive skin.

I looked down when I hear the sound of a kipper. Minseok pulled his member out of his pants when he had enough of teasing me and Pulled my panties down, coating himself with my slick center. My head tilted back as he quickly slammed into me, filling me up just right.

His fast, merciless thrusts had me seeing stars already. He pounded into me, letting out all his anger and frustration, replacing it with a burning desire. He lifted my legs into the air, spreading them even wider, gripping them so hard that he left little red marks.

“Make me cum, master. Fuck me!” I demanded.

Minseok was too blinded by pleasure to put me in my place for talking to him like that. His thrusts started getting sloppy, his rhythm went out of sync and his mouth was agape. His soft moans were like music to my ears. His hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. I instantly came undone when his throbbing tip touched my g-spot. I clenched around him, feeling his cum shooting against my walls as we both reached our climaxes.

By the time we cooled down, Minseok kissed the valley between my breasts and pulled my top back down. He stood up off the couch, tucked his softened member into his pants and lifted me off the sofa.

“My baby doesn’t need to lay on the couch.” He said.

He walked us upstairs and laid me down on the bed, knowing I still had some left over sleepiness from my nap. I relaxed on the bed, almost letting myself fall asleep when I remembered one last thing.

“Oh, What about dinner?” I asked him.

“Don’t worry about that. We can eat when you wake up, I need to make some calls anyway. Sleep well. I love you.” He kissed my forehead ever so softly and left me to rest.

“I love you too,” I said as I watched him quietly shut the door behind him.


Xiumin scenario – Lesson learned


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut

Summary: Xiumin comes home and catches you breaking his one rule… Do not touch yourself!

Warning: denial/edging, fingering, spanking

“Minseok~” My eyes squeezed shut, imagining his fingers replacing my own as I rubbed my clit. I inserted my middle finger into myself, curling it slightly to touch my g-spot just like he did. I know he told me to be patient because he was working late but I couldn’t resist. I needed some kind of release. And there I was, lying naked on his side of the bed, turning my head to inhale his masculine scent while I broke his one rule. The only way I’m allowed to cum is with him inside me.

The guilt started to distract me. I’d come close to an orgasm, but then I’d remember his rule and lose momentum. I picked up my speed, vigorously touching myself, but then it was like I would feel his presence. I opened my eyes, turning to my side of the bed and looking in my nightstand.

“Where’s that vibrator?” I asked myself.

“Don’t. You. Dare…” Minseok’s voice made me jump.

I looked behind me to see him standing in the doorway. His kitten eyes narrowed into a haunting glare. He stepped toward me, dropped his bag and stopped when he reached the end of the bed. He released his finger, gesturing for me to come closer. I got up on my knees, coming back to his side of the bed and sitting back in front of him.

“Jagiyah, What is my one rule?” He asked.

“No touching myself,” I stated, lowering my head.

“And what were you doing before I got home?” He pressed further.

“I… I was touching myself.”

“Turn over on your stomach.” He demanded.

Not wanting to anger him anymore, I did what I was told. I laid vertically on the bed behind me, waiting for my punishment. Minseok, took my ankles in his hands, spreading my legs. He got on the bed, lifted my hips and grazed his finger up my slit. I exhaled with a moan, giving in to his touch.

“Such a bad girl.” He whispered with a smack to my ass.

I was already so close trying to mimic his hands, but having his hand touching me was enough to bring me to the edge in seconds. I clenched around his fingers, my climax building up inside me. My moans turned to cries of pleasure, My head started tiling back as my hands tingled, then all at once, Minseok gave my ass another rough spank, pulled his fingers out of me, and got off the bed.

“Damnit! Why are you torturing me?”

Minseok chuckled to himself. “Don’t be overdramatic. You broke the rule, so you got punished.” He pulled a condom out of his drawer, ripping off the wrapper with his teeth and rolling it onto his hard cock.

I laid on my side, watching him walk toward me. He returned to our bed, climbed above me and turning me onto my back. He took my hands and placed them on his lower abdomen. He lowered himself, just barely letting his tip touch my entrance. He looked at me with a smirk until I took a hold of his member and lined him up.

Without warning, he thrusted deep inside me, causing a little yelp to escape my lips. He smashed our hips together, creating the perfect rhythm. I held onto his back, bucking my hips in sync with his powerful thrusts. With one arm holding him up, he cupped my jaw, pulling me in for a heated kiss. I pressed myself to him, eliminating any space between us and kissed him back.

He groaned against my lips, already close to his sweet release. I clenched around him for just a few seconds, teasing him a bit. He held himself up on both arms, breaking our kiss and moaning while his head tipped back. My nails dug into his skin, I couldn’t hold it in any longer, but neither could he.

“I-I’m…” I tried to speak but my words failed me.

“Cum with me, baby. Now!”

We both screamed each other’s names while we rode out our highs. My toes curled and he filled the condom with his warm cum. When he came back down, he slumped on top of me like a heavy blanket. I smiled at how adorable he was and kissed the side of his head, giving him a little cuddle before he pulled out of me and got rid of the used condom.

He laid beside me, locking our fingers together and kissing my hand. I turned over to look at him in his afterglow and smiled faintly. He looked back at me, making the butterflies flutter around in my stomach. He kissed my nose and squeezed my hand.

“So, what have we learned?” He asked

“I won’t… ever… touch myself again,” I replied with a little giggle.

“Good girl.” He gave me another kiss and said, “That’s my job.”


Xiumin oneshot – Early riser


Requested by anon


“Y/n?… Babygirl?… Mmm, sweetheart?” I could hear the chime of Minseok’s sweet voice as I fluttered my eyes open. He smiled at me from between my legs. “There you are.” He kissed my inner thighs, inching closer to my slit. My breath hitched in my throat as his lips pressed to my clit.

“M-Minseok…” I reached down, grabbing a handful of his hair, bringing him closer to my wetness. He leaned in for an open mouth kiss on my entrance, but I suddenly jolted awake.

I turned to look and see Minseok was still sound asleep next to me, but I was too hot and bothered to just go back to sleep. He had his back toward me, but I was still able to cuddle up close. I snuck my arms around his waist, trailing my hand from his firm chest down his abdomen and teasing the waistband on his underwear. He moved a little, out of habit, but still nothing. I leaned in closer, kissing his ear and whispering sweet nothings to him.

“Baby… Please open your eyes? for me?” My kissed moved to his jawline, causing him to groan.

“What is it?” He mumbled.

“I want you” Planting a sensuous kiss on his sweet spot, I slid my hand into his underwear, stroking his long shaft.

“Not now baby, I have practice in the morning.” He tried to swat my hand away, but I wasn’t giving up that easily.

“Come on, Minnie~ I can make it worthwhile…” I lifted myself up, straddling his hips and grinding myself down onto his growing bulge. “Something tells me your interested.”

He finally opened his eyes and looked up at me, wearing nothing but his t-shirt. I could see him contemplating before he turned onto his back and pulled his boxers down far enough to free his rock hard member. He took a hold of my hips, keeping the pace of my grind.

“You’re one naughty little girl, you know that?” He grabbed my ass, giving it a light smack.

I leaned down to kiss his puffy lips and whispered, “I’m your dirty little girl.”

With that, His grip on my hips tightened and he slammed me down onto him. I bounced up and down on his cock, calling out profanities “Oh, fuck.” I forced him in deeper until his tip touched my g-spot.

He moved my hips in circular motions, changing the angle. I clenched around him, already coming close to my release. Minseok’s hands traveled up my sides, holding my breasts before leaning up to suck on them. My legs started to tremble as I tried to hold in my climax. He looked me in the eyes, well aware that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from cumming around his thick cock.

“Cum for me. Let it all go, baby.” He held me close as I came completely undone, moaning and shouting his name.

“Minseok! Oh, god YES!”

I rode out my climax until I fell limp. Minseok pulled me down on top of him, holding me to his toned torso. I nuzzled into his neck, giving him a few light kisses. His fingertips slowly grazed up and down my back, relaxing me into a deep sleep while his cock was still buried inside me.

“Sweet dreams, babygirl.” He muttered. If he only knew the half of it 😉


Xiumin scenario – No regrets

Requested by anon

Genre: Smut, fluff, romantic

Warnings: Virginity

To say I was nervous was the understatement of the century. Losing my virginity wasn’t something that could have been planned. Minseok and I have been together quite a while. When we first met, I was terrified of falling too fast, but he caught me anyway. There was no one in the world that I loved the way I love him.

He was the perfect man for me. His gentle personality made my girlish heart swooning, while his masculine built made me feel protected when I was around him. He has treated me like a princess and nothing less, now more than ever.

It was our first weekend away together, Minseok thought he booked a room with two beds, but it turned out to be one kingsized bed instead. I tried to tell him it was okay, but he was too concerned that I might think he was up to something else. We’ve never slept in the same bed before, to make it worse, we’ve never gone past making out either.

Things between us have been getting serious and I know he and I will make it. He had all my trust and I had all of his. I wasn’t even nervous until night fell upon us and we came back from a romantic dinner. He ducked into the bathroom to change into his pajamas while I did the same. I didn’t want to just go to bed though. I want him.

When he came out of the bathroom, I scanned his body, gazing at his loose tanktop hanging on his thick, muscular shoulders, flaunting his toned arms, his firm chest peeking out the side. He radiated sex-appeal, but I found myself a bit doubtful to come right out and tell him.

“You look comfy.” He said, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

He laid down next to me, I cuddled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder like we did when we laid on the couch. We stared into each other’s eyes for a while, as if we were having a telepathic conversation. Minseok’s sweet looks slowly melted into sexual tension.

He leaned in to kiss me a few times, nothing serious. I placed my hand on his jawline, combing my fingers through the little hairs on the back of his head, pulling him in closer. His hand traveled around my hip to my ass with a tight grip. I moaned into his mouth and tilted my head for a deeper kiss.

“Wait, Y/n.” He broke away, pushing my hips back.“I don’t want to rush you into something you might regret.”

“I don’t have any regrets when I’m with you.” returning my lips to his, I came closer to him, grasping his hip with my leg, submitting his electrifying kiss.

“You’re sure?” He asked.

“Yes. I’m sure. I thought about it for a while and it seems right. Being here with you seems right.” I tried to kiss him again, but he stopped me.

“Jagi.” The serious look in his eyes showed how much he cared.

“Minnie. I’m sure about this. It’s not an impulse. I swear.”

“Then why are you trembling?”

I lifted my hand, watching it shake slightly in mid-air. He was right. There was a part of me that needed some convincing, just like he did.

“I’m just nervous,” I admitted.

Minseok sighed, thinking for a moment. “Tell you what, let’s try something new, but you have to stop me if you get uncomfortable, okay?”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I nodded regardless. Minseok’s hand roamed down my thigh, moved my legs apart, and started palming my dampening sex. I took a deep breath in, opening my mouth a little. A tiny smirk appeared on his lips, amused by my reaction to such a simple touch.

He kissed my neck, showing plenty of affection to my sweet spot. The sensation was like nothing I’ve experienced before, I wasn’t sure how it could get any better. My legs spread a little wider, allowing Minseok to turn over, on top of me to replace his hand. He watched my face shift with desire and grinded his hips on mine. A long moan streamed from my lips as his hard bulge pressed down on my center.

“Minseok. More~” I said with a breathy whimper.

“Patience.” He kissed down my neck, leaving a little at the base of my throat before lowering my top to nuzzle into the valley of my breasts. He always had a thing for them, whenever he’d kiss my neck, my boobs would be the next for his attention. I bucked my hips unintentionally and felt his smile widen. He reached down between us, into my panties and touched my bare slit. I froze when he looked at me with a coy smirk.

“Now you’re ready.” He pulled down my shorts and panties with one hand, taking the other hand up to his lips to taste the sample of my juices. “Mmmm~” He hummed.

He positioned himself at my core, massaging his tip with my womanhood. I tried to move my hips, but he pinned them down with his mighty hands. Slowly, he pushed his thick member inside me, watching my expression to make sure I wasn’t in pain. I closed my eyes, surrendering my virginity to him until his lips touched mine.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah. Keep going.”

He came down on his elbows, kissing me passionately while we made love for the first time. When I got used to the feeling of him inside me,  I held onto his back, trying to move in sync with his thrusts. He pulled my legs over his hip, changing to a better angle.

“How’s that?” He smiled down at me when I moaned in return.

“I-I think I’m close.” I stuttered.

Minseok took that as a reason to deepen his thrusts, pulling out almost entirely before pushing himself back in again. The skin of our hips slapped together as we got closer to my first orgasm. I screamed out his name a few times before coming undone.

He was determined to keep my climax going for as long as possible while still maintaining his own high. I lost control of my body, gripping the sheets below us and arching my back without a thought.

“I love you! Oooh~ I love you so much, baby!”

“I love you too, Minseok! Oh god!”

He pulled out when we both came back down. He turned over on his back, sighing with exhaustion and bliss. We gave each other one more kiss before I cuddled into his side, laying my hand on his heaving chest while he played with my hair. He looked up at the ceiling and back down at me with my eyes gently closed.

After a few minutes, he assumed I’d fallen asleep and whispered, “Now you’re all mine.” He kissed my head and continued, “Y/n Kim… Yeah, that sounds right.”


Xiumin scenario – De-stress


Requested by anon

Genre: Smut

Warning: Bath sex, daddy!Minseok, spanking Dirty talk

There is nothing worse than a day at work that just never ends. Constantly checking the clock, waiting for a break from the deadlines and stress. My head was throbbing from a powerful migraine. No matter how much I rubbed my pressure points, it just wouldn’t go away. The knows in my shoulders had me going stiff, the coffee stain I tried to cover up wasn’t fooling anyone, and I just wanted to go home, mainly to curl up into a ball and disappear.

Never the less, the end of the day came and I packed up my things. I raced home with the sole purpose to just relax. I walked through the front door, took off my shoes and just leaned my back against the wall. With a sigh of fatigue, Minseok came out of the living room and into the entryway where I was getting ready to fall into a standing sleep.

“Aww, baby. You must be tired.” He held my hips, taking me off the wall and into his strong arms.

Giving him a lazy kiss, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and smiled weakly. Even in my worst moments, he made me smile just a little.

“Come on, let’s get you in the bath.” He lifted me up, bridal style and carried me off to our bathroom.

He put me down, turning me toward the mirror to undress me. He started with my top, unbuttoning it and kissing my bare shoulders. The feel of his moans vibrating on my skin made my heartbeat quicken. His hands planted on my hips, sliding my skirt down my legs. His little kisses continued up my back until he reached my neck. His hand came up to turn my head as his velvety lips pressed against my jaw and cheek.

“Let daddy take care of you, darling.” He turned the water on for me and came back over to give me another kiss before taking his clothes off. He climbed into the tub first, holding his hand out for me and we both relaxed in the warm water. My back rested on his toned chest while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

“Mmm, Jagiyah~ You work too hard.” His hands moved to my shoulders as I leaned forward for a nice massage. “My baby shouldn’t be under this much stress. You’re so tense.” He took a dollop of bath oil into his hand and rubbed my upper back.

“Your hands are helping though. They ease the tension.” I said.

“Just relax. There’s no work to be done now, love.” He turned me around and held me close, pressing our chests together.  He puckered his pink lips, begging for a kiss and I happily complied.  His hand moved down to my ass, giving it a squeeze, forcing a gasp out of me. I kept my mouth open a crevice for his tongue to slip in with ease.

With wet hands, Minseok held my cheeks and broke away. He gave me a mischievous smirk, but I already knew where this was leading. I backed up enough for him to step out of the tub. He helped me out with a towel in hand to dry off. He bundled it around me and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

He picked me up again and walked us to our bedroom. When he placed me on the bed, I reached out to cup his soft cheeks, pulling him down for a kiss. His urges quickly took over, he ripped the towel off of me and flipped me over onto my stomach.

“Dirty little girl,” His hand came down with a light smack, making me giggle. He squeezed my ass and spanked me again before turning me back over. “Come here.” He pulled me in by my legs and lined up at my entrance.

His thrusts started slow and sensual until we both really got into it, causing Minseok to grind our hips together quickly. His hand snuck between us, his fingers finding their way to my sensitive clit. He kissed my temple while my moans filled the room. I bucked my hips to the rhythm of his thrusts, coming closer and closer to my high.

“More daddy! Please.” My wish was his command. He completely pulled out and plunged back in again with a hard thrust. His thumb worked my clit at a rapid speed. My legs tensed and I shouted his name while I reached my climax. Minseok’s warm cum filled me up as he rocked us back and forth with his sharp movements.

We both came down, sharing a few kisses in between faint moans. He rested on top of me, still able to feel my walls relax around his member. I kept my legs locked around his hips as he turned on to his back. He lifted my hips, pulling out and let me rest my head on his strong chest.

“I love you, Y/n.” He said, kissing my head.

“I love you too Minseok.” I stared into the distance, not looking at anything in particular, just letting my thoughts go free. “For the first time this week, I feel completely at peace.”

“Why don’t we capitalize on that.” He said.

I lifted my head and met his gaze. “What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well, tomorrow’s Friday, so why not just take advantage of the weekend and go away together. Like a spontaneous vacation. Where ever you want to go. You name it.”

“Really? You want to go away for the weekend?”

“Sure. Somewhere that we can sleep in and not have anything to rush off to when we wake up.”

“That sounds perfect.” I kissed his lips and he smiled at me. “But maybe we should make it a long weekend,” I suggested with a kiss.

“You drive a hard bargain, Baby. I’m gonna need some more convincing.” He pulled the covers over our heads and we were off for round two.


Xiumin scenario – In love with an angel


requested by anonymous

Genre: fluff, sad

trigger warning!

Summary: after battling with yourself, you decide to tell your boyfriend of one year, Minseok, about your harsh past with abuse

Two coats of cover-up and shea butter. I’d use a mixture of foundation and moisturizer to mask and fade the scars of my past life. The life I don’t ever want to go back to. I’ve finally got away from the abuse and horror of the people who were supposed to love me, only to snap and make me feel worthless and beaten. I’d look at my scars and remember all the torment that was heaped upon me. And still, I live on.

When my scars are covered, I start to forget. My life has gotten better since I took back my freedom. I don’t see the pity in peoples eyes when I use makeup, so I just keep using it. I’ve made new friends and found someone to love.

Minseok is the first person I’ve been with since my ex. He doesn’t know about my past, only because I don’t want him to see me in a bad light or leave me. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I can’t ruin that. So far, I’ve been able to dodge questions about my family and I simply told him my ex-had issues and it was a ‘messy’ break-up. He didn’t think anything of it and now we’re coming up to our first year as a couple. I’ve decided to be honest and tell him about my struggle with abuse because I trust him wholeheartedly.

He was coming over tonight for dinner and a movie, but I’m also going to tell him about my scars and hope it all goes well. The marks will never go away, but as long as I’m being truthful with him, I won’t have this weight on my chest.

I gasped when I heard him knocking at the door and took a few deep breaths, “Here goes everything.” I whispered

I opened the door and he smiled, holding up the dessert he brought for us. He had such kind eyes, I could never lie to him if I tried, and now is my chance to be up front. He came in and we ate dinner, enjoying each others company and watched one of our favorite films to lighten the mood.

When we were finished, I just kept waiting for the right time to say it. I looked at him as he continued watching the movie until he picked up the remote and paused it.

“Y/n, I want to ask you something, and I just can’t wait any longer.” He said. I nodded for him to go on and he sighed. “You know I love you very much and this past year has been incredible, but…” He took my hands and looked me in the eyes. “I feel like there’s still something you’re not telling me.” This was it. The whole night I wanted to have the right moment and now it’s here.

“You’re right. I’ve actually wanted to talk to you about something really serious and I just needed to know you were really here for me, and that you were invested in this relationship. I got up and took out some makeup wipes from my purse before coming back and sitting down next to him. I took the cloth in my hand and wiped the cover-up off my arm, exposing the scars. I did the same to each spot that never healed.

Minseok’s eyes focused on each mark and listened fully when I said, "I was abused as a child… and my ex did the same.” I watched a tear escape his eye and he took my wrists into his hand ever-so-gently. He lowered his head and kissed my scars. The lump in my throat started to form and I couldn’t stop myself from crying. “Minseok, what are you doing?”

He briefly ignored my question and planted one more kiss on my scar. “Because this is what I have to do.” He looked back up and me with tear-stained eyes. “When someone is hurt, you have to replace that pain with love. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He asked.

“I didn’t want you to see me as an abuse victim.” As I said it, I realized how ridiculous it sounded. But it was true. I was terrified that he would see me as a damsel in distress.

“Y/n, I don’t see you as a victim, because that’s all in the past. You’re a survivor because that’ll never happen again.” I broke down and he pulled me into his chest, letting me unload my emotion. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tighter. Being in his arms is the safest place I could possibly be. The way he completely accepted my past and never once hesitated about it proves that he’s not going anywhere. He’s like my guardian angel. An angel, I’ve fallen head over heels for.


EXO reaction – catching their GF touching herself

He would stand there in shock for about two seconds, but then he’d want you to keep going. He loves watching the look on your face when you feel intense pleasure.

“I told you to wait until I got home.”
He wouldn’t be happy about you touching yourself. Only daddy!Suho can touch his babygirl. He would definitely consider all the different ways he can punish you for being a bad girl.

He really would lose control. the moment he sees you with your hand between your legs, he’d want to trade your fingers with his rock hard member.

The sight of you would be something for him to savor. He’d walk quietly so he wouldn’t disturb you and make you realize he’s there. That is until you feel a second hand replacing your own. He wants to be the one to finish you off.

The look of shock on his face would turn into pure lust and desire. He has to admit that seeing you this way is a major turn on.

He would be on top of you in 0.2 seconds. He’d flip you over on your stomach with a quick strike to your ass for punishment. But after that, it’s all pleasure.

He’d drop his bag on the floor, making it obvious that he’s home and caught you. He would walk to you slowly and stop at the side of the bed. “Arms up.” He would tie your wrists together and make sure you don’t break his ‘no touching’ rule again.

How could he blame you? He teased you with what was about to be moring sex and abruptly got dressed and left when his alarm went off. He would make it up to you by kissing, touching, and marking what was his.

His smirk would let you know he wants you to keep going. He stripped off his clothing and bury his face between your legs.His hands would grab a hold of your wrists to keep you from touching him while he brings you to orgasm.

Xiumin scenario-Treat you right


💓February request💓

genre: fluff, smut

Summary: Minseok takes it upon himself to pamper you with all the Valentine’s Day traditions he’s always wanted to do for his girlfriend. And since it’s your first Valentine’s Day as a couple, he makes sure it makes up for all the others you both spent alone.

It’s official. My boyfriend has gone absolutely crazy about the day of love. Unfortunately, I was stuck at work today, but that didn’t stop Minseok from bringing loving gives to me all day long. On my lunch break, he picked me up for a romantic date at my favorite cafes, and almost every hour after that, I was sent everything from a small bouquet of flowers to chocolate covered strawberries, all with handwritten notes from Minseok himself.

I almost regretted telling him my little secret a few days ago…

*earlier that week*

“You’re telling me you’ve spent every Valentine’s Day single?” He asked with shock written all over his face. I shrugged at him and said, “Yeah.”

“Well, not this year. You’re gonna get the works.”


“Because I’ve never been able to spoil my girlfriend before. I’ve always wanted to though. And now’s my chance!” He was so excited, and I could never say no to him so I went along with it.


I stumbled through the door, holding the human-sized teddy bear that ‘magically’ ended up in my car. I sat it down by the shoe rack and took off my jacket and shoes, smiling at the thought of my adorable boyfriend putting in all this work just to make today special for me.

My senses started to tingle when I smelled my favorite meal being made. Minseok peaked out from behind the wall and smiled with glee. “Baby! You’re just in time.” He took my hand and we walked to the dining room.

I gasped in awe at the amazing layout of the dinner table. Minseok held my waist, guiding me to my seat and pulled my chair out for me.  "Wow…“ I said to myself.

He took the time to decorate the table with the nice china and silverware we use for special occasions and fresh cut flowers in a vase at the center of the table. Our food was served next to small tea light candles that were scattered all over.

Minseok came around and fixed my plate for me. "This looks perfect, baby. You are so amazing.” I said. He leaned down and kissed me. “only the best for my girl.”

He sat down on the other side of the table and we enjoyed our food. I was halfway finished when I remembered. “This was the first meal you ever cooked for me.”

He smiled as he and replied, “I was surprised when you claimed it as your favorite.”

“Of course, it is. You made it for me. No one has ever done that before”

We finished our dinner and I got up to put my plate in the sink. Minseok came up behind me, holding me to his front and kissing the back of my neck. I turned around to face him and cupped his baozi cheeks in my hands. He gently gripped my wrist, turning over my hand and kissed the back of it.

“Come with me.” He held out his hands and I intertwined our fingers. He walked us up the stairs to our bedroom and once again I was amazed at how much he put into everything. The whole room was illuminated with candles and low lighting. Minseok stood behind him again and lifted my top over my head. His soft lips covered my neck and shoulders in kisses and it was as if my legs turned to jelly. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a strong embrace and he continued his usual kisses while he undressed me.

His lips came up to the shell of my ear and I exhaled with a sigh. I pushed my hips back into his crotch and he moaned softly in my ear, making me moan too.

“Minseok,” I whispered.

“Yes, jagi?”

“I want you. Take me.” I said in a hushed tone.

He removed his lips from my neck and turned me around. He moved me back o the bed and laid me down. “Not tonight.”

I looked at him with confusion and he explained. “I want you to have me any way you want. Normally I take over in bed, but now it’s whatever you want.”

I smiled at him and he crawled on top of me. I held his shoulders and turned him over. I slowly undressed him and straddled his lap. I wanted this to be slower and more romantic than the other times. He held my hips and looked me in the eyes.

“Whenever you’re ready, jagi.”

I lowered myself onto him, my mouth opening agape as I felt his thick cock stretch out my tight heat. Minseok groaned in pleasure and helped me move my hips in perfect unison with his. I keep my hands on either side of his head for balance and looked down at his lustful expression.

“Come here.” He pulled her in for a heated kiss while our hips moved and grinded together. His hands traveled all over my body, giving plenty of attention to my sensitive spots. The intense sensation started to become too much to contain. Our moans got louder and louder. Our bodies were so engulfed in pleasure that we didn’t even try to hold back. We both reach completion at the same time. Shouting each other’s names in ecstasy.

Minseok cuddled me in once we both finished and calmed into a state of relaxation. He kissed my lips and I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

“Thank you for today, Minseok,” I said to him.

“Of course. I’ll do anything to make you feel like this.” His words gave me pure bliss. All those years of celebrating Valentine’s as a single girl were behind me. What more can a girl as for than a doting boyfriend… and a giant stuffed bear!